If a community poll is used, I would prefer every staff member agreed to such an idea beforehand so there is no surprise about the consequences of such a method afterwards. This includes contacting Mases and receiving his consent to cement the legitimacy of the decision.
I think a post made by misskitten in the HK section thread "What's Keeping You a Hylian Knight?" over a year ago encapsulates what the Hylian Knight usergroup would be in an ideal situation,
To be honest, it's simply that I see no reason to renounce the title, it's definitely an honor to carry it. But like I made no intended effort towards attaining it, I similarly don't do anything specific to carry it. I am just being me, the person and the poster I want to be. It's unlike the time at another site when I was suddenly asked to be a moderator, when that happened I started rethinking my own behaviour on the forum because I was accepting a job in a way. I was taking on the task of peacekeeping a specific forum, it was my job to go into a heated conversation and cool things down.
As an HK, things are different. I mean, sure I do try my best to be the poster who can calm a situation down rather than adding fuel to the fire (key word being try, as I don't always succeed), but that is because of my own personal desires to be a positive influence rather than a negative one. It is not directly tied to having been given a title. I would do the same thing even if I didn't carry the purple banner.
The Hylian Knight was intended as an honorary position, and I am sure the creators of the usergroup shared misskitten's sentiments in creating it. And in fact, some of the early Hylian Knight threads were general discussions where the knights talked about whatever ranging from personal interests to forum chitchat. Those who created the usergroup could not have predicted what would happen years down the road. No one knew that the votes would be rigged to get a several times banned member into the group; no one knew that someone would leak threads in public constantly; no one knew that promotions would dwindle to a bare minimum two years straight.
That said, the Hylian Knight usergroup should be evaluated for what it is now and not what it was intended to be. If the community ultimately wishes to get rid of the rank, so be it as the Hylian Knights are meant to be role models for the community, and there is no point leaving something that is devoid of purpose in most peoples' eyes. I truly do believe misskitten's words that if someone behaves as themselves and strives to constantly improve, they will continue to do so.
Regarding the award idea, I believe the Golden Fro Award should be formally introduced as a way to recognize people who are active on a consistent basis whether it be for creating a pleasant chatting experience in the Shoutbox or for consistently creative or well thought posts. Thareous and I have already been doing this. For those that were around for the award's inception, they'll also know that it was first given for "Mega Posts", which were honored for having a deep level of analysis and formatting with graphics that made for an easier in-depth read.