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Reputation System -NO LONGER IN USE-

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Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
Please remember that this is not a place to list individual rep complaints and that rep in itself is not a big deal to fuss over. Report abuses to a supermod or higher user rank and move on.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Well Thank you for the Reputation Lesson Mases. I found it quite interesting, and at the same time very confluxed (made up word, you got my mind tied in a knot) so you are saying if i were to give someone rep, i would have to give rep to 9 other people before i could rep said person again, and we are only allowed 10 rep boosts/pushes a day? I will not lie in saying that I have cheated on a rep system similar as this, but it didn't work. everyone gave me like a lot of rep, and i could only give so much back. Again Thank you for the Lesson, and i shall see you around
Aug 2, 2010
I think I'm missing something here, I've been given reputation multiple times before, but I still only have one heart. Help?


Feb 24, 2010
I think I'm missing something here, I've been given reputation multiple times before, but I still only have one heart. Help?
You need 100 rep points to get a second heart. Odds are the people repping you have low reputations themselves, and thus don't give out many points.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I think I'm missing something here, I've been given reputation multiple times before, but I still only have one heart. Help?

You need 100 rep points to get a second heart. Odds are the people repping you have low reputations themselves, and thus don't give out many points.

I can attest to Austin's point. On a couple of approvals, I received two hearts...but these were blanks and didn't contribute at all to my repuation. I later found out this was due to a couple of members with lower reputations, which is exactly why it's essential that the posters ensure their comments are of the highest quality they are capable of giving.


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
What if a user desperately wants their reputation higher, and is posting good comments, but the user is just not getting anything? Should they give up?
Reputation really isn't that big a deal to stress about, and if you shouldn't post well for the sheer intent of getting better rep. Post well for the sake of posting well and stimulating discussion or making friends, and reputation becomes nothing more than the "icing on the cake" so to speak.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Actually, the comments aren't worth anything, they aren't even required at all except for when giving negative reputation. The factors on how much reputation you can give are your post count, months joined, and your own reputation.

I apologize if by "comments" you meant "posts".

By the quality of the posts/comments (no need to apologize; I do use the two interchangeably) I meant how much truth and thought you put into them so that others would want to rep you. But as Xinn said that should not be the solitary focus.

Thanks, Ere. :yes:


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
I have a question. What is it when a user with negative reputation gives someone negative reputation? Or is that even possible?


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
I have a question. What is it when a user with negative reputation gives someone negative reputation? Or is that even possible?
A user with negative reputation has a reputation power of zero. They can rep people, but they will not change the person's rep score. It will simply show up as a blank heart.
May 25, 2008
In my house
That he has way too much rep and is breaking the system by having too many lines, so all the hearts he had are condensed into a Triforce.


~The Wolf~
May 1, 2010
Hopefully I didn't overlook this in the sections above, but are there any ways you can remind forum users in your post about reputation points? The reputation star at the bottom left of the box is relatively small, and if you've felt like you have done a good job - and others may read your post and thin so too, many don't use the rep. points button. Why can't you ask for rep points - as they can be both negative and positive; the feedback would be nice
So my question is: Can I post about rep. points in a way that won't break the rules?
Many Thanks
:triforce: The Seventh Hierarch :triforce:


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
Hopefully I didn't overlook this in the sections above, but are there any ways you can remind forum users in your post about reputation points? The reputation star at the bottom left of the box is relatively small, and if you've felt like you have done a good job - and others may read your post and thin so too, many don't use the rep. points button. Why can't you ask for rep points - as they can be both negative and positive; the feedback would be nice
So my question is: Can I post about rep. points in a way that won't break the rules?
Many Thanks
:triforce: The Seventh Hierarch :triforce:

I'm going to reply to this with the same advice I gave another person earlier about frustration from lack of rep: Reputation really isn't that big a deal to stress about, and if you shouldn't post well for the sheer intent of getting better rep. Post well for the sake of posting well and stimulating discussion or making friends, and reputation becomes nothing more than the "icing on the cake" so to speak.

You're really not supposed to ask for reputation at all because there is so much potential for abuse. If people want to give feedback, they will, but you're not supposed to ask for rep as that would be unfair.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
I've got a question about something regarding the process of giving reputation. After you fill out the reason field and you submit the rep, it gives you the message that the rep has been given and that you might get some in return. What does this mean exactly? You're not supposed to sign the reps with your name, they're supposed to be anonymous. So how can you get rep "in return" if you're not supposed to know who is giving it and are not supposed to give it to anyone just because they gave you some?
Is this message supposed to mean something else or what? Because I'm confused.
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