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Rate the Last Movie That You Watched


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
The Black Phone

We need more movies like this. Self contained little balls of kinetic storytelling energy.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
The Adam Project: Casting was great, and the movie had a lot of potential. Only two problems, one was the CG of course. Probably just a budget issue. The other was a prevalent pacing issue that made the movie really hard to get into. It probably needed to be like, 20 minutes shorter than it was tbh

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Candyman (2021) - It was pretty decent. I need to rewatch the original movie, because it's been yeaaaars since I've seen it and I didn't realize this was so connected to it. I thought it was more of a reboot/remake than a continuation. However, it was nice to see that it was a continuation to the original and not another reboot! The acting was good and I enjoyed the overall story. However there were some plot points that seemed to go nowhere so it was a bit messy at times. I had a whole theory based on one scene that ended up having no relevance to any other part of the movie. Lol. The paper craft in the opening and credits was gorgeous though!

I liked the overall theme of the movie with the whole hive mind of Candymen, I thought that was an interesting take and a neat way to keep the story going with a new generation. And how the cycle continued from the original film with Anthony. His transformation throughout the movie into the Candyman was neat, though he should've gotten that arm checked out a lot sooner! My biggest gripe is the scene where his girlfriend, Brianna, has a dream about witnessing her dad's suicide when she was a child and seeing Candyman before she knew who he was. That's never brought up again as having any relevance, even though the scene seems like it should be pretty important. Another minor gripe is Burke witnessing Candyman killing his sister after he got that version of him killed, but then seeming to want to complete the ritual of Anthony becoming the Candyman instead of trying to stop it. There was no explanation for his motives. I could have understood them more without the scene with his sister, so not sure why that was included when it had not other relevance.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Princess Mononoke: 7.5/10

I love the aesthetics of the film, the cinematagraphy and action was great too. The message of the film is a good one, but in some way I feel like the story isn't quite fully developed. Or like, some narrative choices are made that don't feel natural to me. The prime example being the ending where Ashitaka chooses to stay and rebuild the village instead of living in the forest with Mononoke. Sure he says he will come visit her still, but it feels like a sour note to end on. On top of that Mononoke says she still resents humans, and I don't like that because the overall message I got from the story was that actions fueled by peace, forgiveness, and not trying to point a blame ultimately is what saved the forest. I'm not saying she should just forgive all humans on the spot, but I think her outlook should be altered to a more positive one. Something like "I still don't trust all humans, which is why I will go back to the forest, but I realize now that not all humans are bad". That at least seems more positive to me and I'm not left thinking she is holding onto a resentment that could fester and recreate divides again.

Anyway, I wanted to like it more than I did, but the ending really ruins it for me.
Oct 6, 2016
Manly man
Princess Mononoke: 7.5/10

I love the aesthetics of the film, the cinematagraphy and action was great too. The message of the film is a good one, but in some way I feel like the story isn't quite fully developed. Or like, some narrative choices are made that don't feel natural to me. The prime example being the ending where Ashitaka chooses to stay and rebuild the village instead of living in the forest with Mononoke. Sure he says he will come visit her still, but it feels like a sour note to end on. On top of that Mononoke says she still resents humans,

Alot of oppressed people still resent the oppressive majority, though, even when people from the majority try to make amends in some way. You can argue whether that's right, but it is realistic. I also like how the ending treats forgiveness; in too many shows, forgiveness is put on this pedestal as something victims have to do to, otherwise they are just as bad as the person who wronged them. I like how some media such as Princess Mononoke and ''The Southern Raiders''(episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender) push back against this prevalant narrative. It's just an excuse to shame victims of wrongdoing.

Something like "I still don't trust all humans, which is why I will go back to the forest, but I realize now that not all humans are bad

I mean, that's pretty much San's mindset, no? The fact that she welcomes Ashitaka back to the forest to visit her is evidence of that methinks.

Seems kind of wild that someone can give a 7.5/10 to this film as it's one of my all time favourite films, but it is what it is.

You didn't even mention the amazing soundtrack, though.

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
Seems kind of wild that someone can give a 7.5/10 to this film as it's one of my all time favourite films, but it is what it is.
To me it was just pretty boring, I couldn’t get into it or attach to any of the characters, and I found it overall just pretty eh overall

Animation is very pretty though, I like the locations a lot

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Alot of oppressed people still resent the oppressive majority, though, even when people from the majority try to make amends in some way. You can argue whether that's right, but it is realistic. I also like how the ending treats forgiveness; in too many shows, forgiveness is put on this pedestal as something victims have to do to, otherwise they are just as bad as the person who wronged them. I like how some media such as Princess Mononoke and ''The Southern Raiders''(episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender) push back against this prevalant narrative. It's just an excuse to shame victims of wrongdoing.

I mean, that's pretty much San's mindset, no? The fact that she welcomes Ashitaka back to the forest to visit her is evidence of that methinks.

Seems kind of wild that someone can give a 7.5/10 to this film as it's one of my all time favourite films, but it is what it is.

You didn't even mention the amazing soundtrack, though.
Well yeah the soundtrack is good I forgot to mention that. And like I said, I'm not saying she should just forgive humans on the spot. It's just a weird conclusion to me given the overall message of the film. Maybe in a few months I'll rewatch it and it'll hit different, idk.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Jurassic Park - World Dominion 6/10
They really should end this franchise once and for all. The first movie was great but it all went down from there. Yep they tied up some loose ends but this is more turning into a gigantic drama/soap opera. I had a very tough time not to fall asleep because of everything so boring.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Catch Me if You Can - 7/10

Really enjoyed the film, Leonardo Decaprio, Tom Hanks, and Christopher Walken do a fantastic job. Glad the film ends on high note as well, because even though Decaprio's character ends up in a life of conning, he doesn't really have bad intentions, he just wants his parents to get back together.

From up on Poppy Hill - 7/10

Another really good Studio Ghibli film! Full of twists that had me feeling very conflicted. It executes this so well when towards the middle of the movie it looks like
Umi and Shun have the same father, so they think they might be siblings. It's a slap in the face because up until then they had a romance budding. Finding out they don't have the same father is a huge relief to them, and a nice way to end the movie for the viewers. But also the preservation of history also plays a big part in the story, and I enjoyed the devotion the students had to not let the school club house be torn down. I also really liked the late 60's aesthetic and the movie's soundtrack.
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The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
This was certainly a movie. I enjoyed it, even tho the overall tone was a bit more grandiose than the first one. There were some moments that were just a little too conveniently timed out, but hey. The sequel never lives up to the original


And then afterwards in the post credit scene, there was the alluding to a 3rd movie with the Shadow thing, but she said something about 50 years ago??


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
This was certainly a movie. I enjoyed it, even tho the overall tone was a bit more grandiose than the first one. There were some moments that were just a little too conveniently timed out, but hey. The sequel never lives up to the original


And then afterwards in the post credit scene, there was the alluding to a 3rd movie with the Shadow thing, but she said something about 50 years ago??
Sonic Adventure 2 in response to your spoilers
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