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OoT-N64 Questions On Certain Areas That Boggle the Mind

Feb 15, 2011
In Hyrule Field
I don't know why i'm posting this but i thought it would be interesting to hear other members inputs. Anyway, so in OOT, there are some locations that interest me even to this day. The locations and details are listed below.

1.) The Bottomless Pit in the room of the Shadow Temple right near the rotating bird puzzle, to be specific, the area where you need the Hoover Boots to cross.

2.) What do you think is behind the old mill in OOT, i mean way back, to be specific, the area by the Windmill right in the back of Granny's Potions Shop.

3.) Where do you think Iron Knuckles originally came from? MM comments are allowed

4.) The story behind the poe brothers, Sharp and Flat.

5.) Where did the Happy Mask Salesman really come from in OOT and MM? Is he human or not?

6.) Lastly, what is the story behind the hidden houses in MM? To be specific, the beach area houses aka the skulltula houses and how did they get into OOT?


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
1: It's the shadow temple, so something creepy for sure. Maybe a bunch of skeletons and redeads.

2: Town dump? Vacant lot?

3: Suits of armor that Twinrova use along with the gerudos that they hypnotize to wreak havoc.

4: They probably served the royal family in life, and were experts on music and its magic.

5: I think he is human. Likely a craftsman with an interest in masks and magical artifacts.

6: Old abandoned haunted houses. Nothing more.
Feb 15, 2011
In Hyrule Field
I don't know, something about the area in the Shadow Temple by the Pit of Darkness really makes me curious. Not to mention the Golden Skulltula houses in MM. I think Nintendo should make a side quest on these explaining why they were created, by who or what, and make of an insight in general
Nov 2, 2012
I don't know why i'm posting this but i thought it would be interesting to hear other members inputs. Anyway, so in OOT, there are some locations that interest me even to this day. The locations and details are listed below.

1.) The Bottomless Pit in the room of the Shadow Temple right near the rotating bird puzzle, to be specific, the area where you need the Hoover Boots to cross.

2.) What do you think is behind the old mill in OOT, i mean way back, to be specific, the area by the Windmill right in the back of Granny's Potions Shop.

3.) Where do you think Iron Knuckles originally came from? MM comments are allowed

4.) The story behind the poe brothers, Sharp and Flat.

5.) Where did the Happy Mask Salesman really come from in OOT and MM? Is he human or not?

6.) Lastly, what is the story behind the hidden houses in MM? To be specific, the beach area houses aka the skulltula houses and how did they get into OOT?

Nice thread. I want to reply with the word Termina for all of the questions and since I don't have any decent answers I think I will anyway.

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