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PS4 Vs Next Xbox; Does Wii U Have A Fighting Chance WITHOUT a Pricecut?


Jan 28, 2013
....But the Wii had 2x the game the other two had. What are you talking about?

True, but besides the first party titles, it was games no one cared about. There was no Assassin's Creeds, no RE 5 and/or 6, no GTAIV, no Final Fantasy, and more. The games it did share from 3rd parties like Madden and some of the COD's were watered down forms that, minus the online capabilities, could have been done on PS2, GCN, and XB. It doesn't matter if a system has 20X more games than the others, if they are ones that no one cares about (like Carnival games and Wii Music and whatnot) then what good does it do anyway?


Jan 28, 2013
Well of course. They're 3rd party games.

True, but there are many 3rd party games that aren't trash. I named the main ones in that post you replied to. Sure, Wii had Carnival games and other shovel ware, but the true 3rd party games people cared for it didn't have the power to pull off. I think Wii U's problem now is they are thinking the same thing with Wii U; it will be outdated by the other consoles and will be left behind=(


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
True, but there are many 3rd party games that aren't trash. I named the main ones in that post you replied to. Sure, Wii had Carnival games and other shovel ware, but the true 3rd party games people cared for it didn't have the power to pull off. I think Wii U's problem now is they are thinking the same thing with Wii U; it will be outdated by the other consoles and will be left behind=(

You're in fickle territory at this point. I mean look at Okami, great game, but nobody cares about it. And then there's Wii Music. Not that great, but it still had 3x the sales Okami did.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
Give the console some time to grow, people.

You do realize that nintendo does not have the luxury to spend "time" and waiting for a console to grow. Thats the big issue, its not wise to release a product that still needs to grow. They should have released it when the product was big enough. Like, if you want to eat an apple, you don't plant a seed and wait until its good enough to eat right? No you just buy a freaking apple and eat it right away.


didn't build that
You do realize that nintendo does not have the luxury to spend "time" and waiting for a console to grow. Thats the big issue, its not wise to release a product that still needs to grow. They should have released it when the product was big enough. Like, if you want to eat an apple, you don't plant a seed and wait until its good enough to eat right? No you just buy a freaking apple and eat it right away.

Most consoles aren't impressive at launch, though, and there's something to be said about being the first to market.

I do agree that it lacks a "killer app," which would be a problem.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
Most consoles aren't impressive at launch, though, and there's something to be said about being the first to market.

I do agree that it lacks a "killer app," which would be a problem.

Oh i agree that most consoles aren't impressive at launch. But with Wii u's case "aren't impressive" is an understatement. IMO i find this launch way worse then the launch of Wii. Wii was fresh during the time motion controls were a big deal, but at least it was backed up with good launch games that made use of their gimmick.

Putting aside gamers, i think most people don't realize that Wii U is a new console entirely. They think its just a new version of the Wii involving a tablet. Same problem was with 3DS. There were so many DS models, that people thought that 3DS was just DS with 3D.

I do have respect for nintendo for having the guts to be the first to launch a console in the market with a new console gen, and not checking out what their competitors are up to. But right now nintendo is making the same mistake what SEGA once did.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Putting aside gamers, i think most people don't realize that Wii U is a new console entirely. They think its just a new version of the Wii involving a tablet. Same problem was with 3DS. There were so many DS models, that people thought that 3DS was just DS with 3D.

I don't think that's a problem anymore. There have been multiple commercials that clearly show it's a new console, and it's on store shelves everywhere.

Speaking of the 3DS, that had a rough launch, but it's doing just fine now. I'm sure the Wii U will have similar results, even if not quite as fantastic.

Lord Carlisle

He Who Shall Not be Named
Sep 9, 2012
Uh... no. Why are so many people pondering this question? A price drop is the last thing the Wii U needs. Once the REAL games come out, sales will increase by a wide margin. We all know that SSB and Zelda are more than capable of selling a plethora of units. Not to mention Mario Kart, the 3D Mario, the retro studio game, and to a lesser extent Pikmin 3. You'd have to be delusional if you don't think a new Metroid or even the return of Star Fox wouldn't do the system wonders.

The Wii U could use some more third party exclusives. My cousin wasn't going to buy a Wii U... and then he learned Lego City: Undercover was an exclusive. Monolith Soft's game should help as well. Hopefully Nintendo will seek out more exclusives. THAT'S what this system depends on, not a price drop!


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I don't think that's a problem anymore. There have been multiple commercials that clearly show it's a new console, and it's on store shelves everywhere.
I'm not a Walmart employee and yet people were asking me if the 3DS and Wii U were "just upgrades" of the previous console. One might chalk it up as general Walmart ignorance, but it's truly Nintendo's lack of advertisement. Both systems are hardly advertised - the games don't even make special arrangments to say that "The Wii U is required".

Otherwise, I agree that the Wii U (should) see the same rebound that the 3DS did...just minus the whole price drop-to-WiiUAmbassadors thing.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Uh... no. Why are so many people pondering this question? A price drop is the last thing the Wii U needs. Once the REAL games come out, sales will increase by a wide margin. We all know that SSB and Zelda are more than capable of selling a plethora of units. Not to mention Mario Kart, the 3D Mario, the retro studio game, and to a lesser extent Pikmin 3. You'd have to be delusional if you don't think a new Metroid or even the return of Star Fox wouldn't do the system wonders.

Alright, assume we were guaranteed no price drop...why would we as consumers by the Wii U when the games come out instead of now? At least if I bought it now, I could enjoy the few games it has. These games are going to come out whether I buy it now or buy it later. I have no doubt that they are coming and neither does anyone else. But we do have hope that the price will be lowered eventually. That, and the fact that people will just refuse to buy a next gen system if all of them are too expensive, is why nobody is buying the Wii U.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Alright, assume we were guaranteed no price drop...why would we as consumers by the Wii U when the games come out instead of now? At least if I bought it now, I could enjoy the few games it has. These games are going to come out whether I buy it now or buy it later. I have no doubt that they are coming and neither does anyone else. But we do have hope that the price will be lowered eventually. That, and the fact that people will just refuse to buy a next gen system if all of them are too expensive, is why nobody is buying the Wii U.

The Wii U isn't at all expensive. It's PS3 quality hardware at PS3 price. People are still purchasing PS3s. The reason why nobody is buying the Wii U is because the thing has no games which, back to your first point about enjoying games, is the reason why people aren't buying the thing now but will when those games will come out. Why would I buy a console with next to no games for the same price as a console with some games? It's common sense: the former leads to my being bored, and the latter is quite the opposite (in theory - the games that come out for the console could suck).

Lord Carlisle

He Who Shall Not be Named
Sep 9, 2012
The Wii U isn't at all expensive. It's PS3 quality hardware at PS3 price. People are still purchasing PS3s. The reason why nobody is buying the Wii U is because the thing has no games which, back to your first point about enjoying games, is the reason why people aren't buying the thing now but will when those games will come out. Why would I buy a console with next to no games for the same price as a console with some games? It's common sense: the former leads to my being bored, and the latter is quite the opposite (in theory - the games that come out for the console could suck).

Hmph. Steal my argument, why don'tcha?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Hmph. Steal my argument, why don'tcha?

Hmm...I was thinking, Darkest does have a point in that if I get the console now or later, I still get the games in the end...but that's the thing: waiting for the games to come out while owning the console leads to problems with patience. Do not speak about "infinite patience"; we're all human and we all hate waiting. I can say, as a Wii U owner, that waiting for games is far worse of an ordeal than having to shell out $350 (which is about PS3 price). If the other two giants will have good gameson launch and close to the launch window, you can bet your bottom dollar they'll perform better than Wii U is currently, and maybe even two-three years down the line.

Lord Carlisle

He Who Shall Not be Named
Sep 9, 2012
Hmm...I was thinking, Darkest does have a point in that if I get the console now or later, I still get the games in the end...but that's the thing: waiting for the games to come out while owning the console leads to problems with patience. Do not speak about "infinite patience"; we're all human and we all hate waiting. I can say, as a Wii U owner, that waiting for games is far worse of an ordeal than having to shell out $350 (which is about PS3 price). If the other two giants will have good gameson launch and close to the launch window, you can bet your bottom dollar they'll perform better than Wii U is currently, and maybe even two-three years down the line.

You're right about that. I bought the 3DS on launch day even though I KNEW there were no good games and that I wouldn't get any for a while. Yet I don't regret it. There's no way I could have waited until now, when it's getting good, to buy it.

On a somewhat unrelated note, does anyone think it's possible that MKU or the 3D Mario could be out by this fall, around when the other consoles launch? It would help the Wii U a lot... though unlikely.

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