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PS4 Vs Next Xbox; Does Wii U Have A Fighting Chance WITHOUT a Pricecut?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
The Wii U isn't at all expensive. It's PS3 quality hardware at PS3 price. People are still purchasing PS3s. The reason why nobody is buying the Wii U is because the thing has no games which, back to your first point about enjoying games, is the reason why people aren't buying the thing now but will when those games will come out. Why would I buy a console with next to no games for the same price as a console with some games? It's common sense: the former leads to my being bored, and the latter is quite the opposite (in theory - the games that come out for the console could suck).

The PS3 costs $200 dollars and has more BC. At $200, it's nearly half the price of the Wii U, which is at $350. 3DS got its sales as soon as the price cut happened and this would really help the Wii U as well. Games have nothing to do when people will buy the system...they decide IF people will buy the system. But we already know what games the Wii U is going to have. We already know if we're going to buy it or not regardless when the games come out.

Nobody with any common sense would wait to buy the Wii U later solely because that's when the game they want will come out. Regardless, it's $350 now or $350 later...but at least if you do it now, you get to play the Wii U offers now. If you buy it later, you lost out on several months/years of gaming. On the other hand, if you're in it for the price cut, there's the option of buying it now for $350 or later at $250. If you buy it later, you prevent losing $100 and thus this offers a real incentive.

And regarding waiting, you're either waiting for games or waiting for a console--but at least if you wait for games, you still have the current console games to tide you over.
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Jan 28, 2013
You're in fickle territory at this point. I mean look at Okami, great game, but nobody cares about it. And then there's Wii Music. Not that great, but it still had 3x the sales Okami did.

You're missing my point. I said 3rd party titles. Wii Music is a 1st party. I'm not denying Wii had any 3rd party support; sure it had a bunch, but mainly shovelware and stuff no one cared about. In my opinion, the ONLY 3rd party title it had that was a big hit for it was Just Dance. Wii lacked major third party games like Assassin's Creed, GTA IV, and so much more like I've already mentioned simply because it didn't have the power to play them. 3rd party titles it did share with it's more power counterparts felt like they could have been done graphically on a PS2 and GCN. What good is it to have a bunch of games if no one cares about them?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
What good is it to have a bunch of games if no one cares about them?

What good is it to have a bunch of 3rd party titles when they're low quality? I mean, really, Nintendo's far ahead of their competitors in the gaming industry, so it's not like they're in some dire situation that needs some serious change. Not to mention, I'm not sure if Nintendo wants some of these titles...they are known as the family gaming company after all.
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Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Truthfully I don't think it's easy to tell. The Wii U has actually fell in price in the UK. I remember how everyone thought the vita was going to beat out the 3DS, as it had a decentish launch line up. Yet even now it's doing rather badly, it did have a price cut in Japan and that actually sold quite a bit after that. Regardless It's VERY hard to know, so many complex factors what with people jumping onto PCs again. After-all PC graphics are still way ahead of what will come from PS4 and "nextbox". and the gap between the two will be even bigger this time as the consoles age. So... who knows


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The PS3 costs $200 dollars and has more BC. At $200, it's nearly half the price of the Wii U, which is at $350. 3DS got its sales as soon as the price cut happened and this would really help the Wii U as well. Games have nothing to do when people will buy the system...they decide IF people will buy the system. But we already know what games the Wii U is going to have. We already know if we're going to buy it or not regardless when the games come out.

Nobody with any common sense would wait to buy the Wii U later solely because that's when the game they want will come out. Regardless, it's $350 now or $350 later...but at least if you do it now, you get to play the Wii U offers now. If you buy it later, you lost out on several months/years of gaming. On the other hand, if you're in it for the price cut, there's the option of buying it now for $350 or later at $250. If you buy it later, you prevent losing $100 and thus this offers a real incentive.

And regarding waiting, you're either waiting for games or waiting for a console--but at least if you wait for games, you still have the current console games to tide you over.
PS3 costs $200 used. A new PS3 is $300+. Of course a used system will cost less; it's part of being used. ;)

As for the Wii U, there simply are no decent games for it at the moment. When no games worth playing are on the system, people will not buy the system. It's like buying a Christmas gift 11 months in advance; why have a hunk of junk sitting in a corner for oh so long when I can get it closer to the big bonanza? Sure, some people do like to buy things merely to have 'em, but most would say to wait - assuming supply is well in stock, of course.

As for buying the console now or when games come out, it isn't that easy. As you well no, the gaming industry is starting to go butt-backwards with some franchises. People don't even trust 2D Mario anymore. Heck, I wager many are still playing demos to see if the games are worth purchasing, and we can't tell that if a) there are no demos out and b) the games themselves aren't out. So...where does this lead us? Wii U = few if any sales until games come out, and even then that's shaky ground. If Sony's smart (and I think we know they aren't), they'll take the situation Nintendo is in and do a complete 180, giving us DECENT games on launch (read: not shovelware aka the crap on Wii U market atm), and a steady stream of games. Oh, and do n't delay games for the sake of delaying them. We wanted Pikmin 3 by this month. Where is it at?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
PS3 costs $200 used. A new PS3 is $300+. Of course a used system will cost less; it's part of being used. ;)

Why would you buy a new PS3 when the used ones offer more BC?

As for the Wii U, there simply are no decent games for it at the moment.

Sure there are. NSMBWU, Nintendo Land, and all of those 3rd party titles I'm not interested in. Not a lot of games, but still why not enjoy what you have now while you wait for the rest?

why have a hunk of junk sitting in a corner for oh so long when I can get it closer to the big bonanza?

So you have something to play while you wait and so you can enjoy the games more than you would if they were all out at once.

People don't even trust 2D Mario anymore.

Since when? Only one game did "poorly" and that's NSMB2.

If Sony's smart (and I think we know they aren't), they'll take the situation Nintendo is in and do a complete 180, giving us DECENT games on launch (read: not shovelware aka the crap on Wii U market atm), and a steady stream of games.

3DS had a pretty solid library but was selling terribly. It didn't get any sales until they made a price cut.

Oh, and do n't delay games for the sake of delaying them. We wanted Pikmin 3 by this month. Where is it at?

...So you would rather have a rushed poorly done game like Sonic 06?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Why would you buy a new PS3 when the used ones offer more BC?
Because the BC-enabled ones are not everywhere - in other words, they're not readily accessible.

Sure there are. NSMBWU, Nintendo Land, and all of those 3rd party titles I'm not interested in. Not a lot of games, but still why not enjoy what you have now while you wait for the rest?
As I said, you'll get bored much more easily with fewer games, and the moment you get bored is the moment *gasp* that you have to wait the months or so to get the new games - the real meat on the sandwich. As a Wii U owner myself, I am saying right now that the wait is nigh unbearable. There's nothing on the Wii U to tide me over, because everything on it at the moment is weak.

3DS had a pretty solid library but was selling terribly. It didn't get any sales until they made a price cut.
The 3DS had dirt for a library bar OoT3D for a long while; incidentally, around August 18 when the price cut happened, some decent games started coming out for it. The reason no one bought the 3DS at launch was because it was lacking games, not because it was $250.

...So you would rather have a rushed poorly done game like Sonic 06?
Who is to say that it would've been remotely close to Sonic 2006 in crappiness (not a word)? I'm not asking for a god-awful release like that, but I AM asking for what a great deal of people were expecting. :I lol


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Because the BC-enabled ones are not everywhere - in other words, they're not readily accessible.

I can find one on Ebay or Amazon in a heartbeat...

As I said, you'll get bored much more easily with fewer games,

Whereas you won't get bored at all with no games whatsoever?

and the moment you get bored is the moment *gasp* that you have to wait the months or so to get the new games -

If you can't make a single game entertain you for at least 4 months, I think you're wasting your money. Hell, you should easily get 2 years of entertainment from a Nintendo 1st party.

the real meat on the sandwich. As a Wii U owner myself, I am saying right now that the wait is nigh unbearable. There's nothing on the Wii U to tide me over, because everything on it at the moment is weak.

What makes you think the newer games will be stronger? 3D Mario is at an all time low, Metroid wasn't doing great last I checked, Pokemon's not worth looking at (and it's typically handheld), and you seem to have a disdain for current Zelda.

The 3DS had dirt for a library bar OoT3D for a long while; incidentally, around August 18 when the price cut happened, some decent games started coming out for it. The reason no one bought the 3DS at launch was because it was lacking games, not because it was $250.

The games didn't come out until months after the price cut and by then the 3DS was already selling much better.

Who is to say that it would've been remotely close to Sonic 2006 in crappiness (not a word)? I'm not asking for a god-awful release like that, but I AM asking for what a great deal of people were expecting. :I lol

Why would you rush a game like that then? You have 2 decent first party releases and an inordinate amount of 3rd parties considering this is Nintendo.


Jan 28, 2013
What good is it to have a bunch of 3rd party titles when they're low quality? I mean, really, Nintendo's far ahead of their competitors in the gaming industry, so it's not like they're in some dire situation that needs some serious change. Not to mention, I'm not sure if Nintendo wants some of these titles...they are known as the family gaming company after all.

Not true. Nintendo is a family company, but doesn't Microsoft claim the same? Nintendo WANTS these 3rd party titles (otherwise you seriously think they'd waste their time visiting developers in talks with getting them to publish on Wii U???) A lot of people criticize Nintendo for being "kiddy"... Sure Nintendo is family oriented, but not wanting games like AC and GTA would be stupid on a business scale and a loss in money.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Not true. Nintendo is a family company, but doesn't Microsoft claim the same?

....Whaaa? o_O Since WHEN? I haven't heard that claim, but as far as reputation goes, MS is the exact opposite. They're the gaming company Moms and Dads pull their kids away from because they don't want them exposed to that.

Nintendo WANTS these 3rd party titles (otherwise you seriously think they'd waste their time visiting developers in talks with getting them to publish on Wii U???)

Do they now? As far as I've seen, since the N64, Nintendo's turned 3rd parties away and have shown no form of care. I mean hell, didn't Nintendo just recently tell EA to screw off?

A lot of people criticize Nintendo for being "kiddy"... Sure Nintendo is family oriented, but not wanting games like AC and GTA would be stupid on a business scale and a loss in money.

I'm assuming they either don't care or don't want their reputation tarnished with those games. Again, I've seen parents avoid systems like the Xbox entirely because it's known for so many gory games.
Oct 26, 2008
Nobody with any common sense would wait to buy the Wii U later solely because that's when the game they want will come out.

Unless I'm taking this out of context, why would I want to buy a console when the games I want haven't been released yet? I don't want to buy a console with games I don't really want to play because I want the console, it'll collect dust and could be damaged while it's not being used. On top of that, if I have to wait 3 months after buying it for a game to come out then that's three months of the guarantee wasted too. I'd rather wait until the games I wanted to play were released than buy the console. I don't see why I don't have common sense for choosing to do that.

Sure there are. NSMBWU, Nintendo Land, and all of those 3rd party titles I'm not interested in. Not a lot of games, but still why not enjoy what you have now while you wait for the rest?

Unless you know you will enjoy the games, why buy the Wii U to be met with disappointment? If you're waiting for games to be released then you're probably not going to enjoy the games that are currently available to you a great deal.

DarkestLink said:
So you have something to play while you wait and so you can enjoy the games more than you would if they were all out at once.

Can I ask why buying a console and waiting is going to make a game more enjoyable than if I was to buy it with a load of other games at once? I don't understand why it makes a difference because either way, you are going to play the game if you've decided to buy it, be it upon release or not.

Whereas you won't get bored at all with no games whatsoever?

I could play games on my older consoles that are either going to give me more enjoyment even if I've played them before or I could find other activities that are going to give me at least as much enjoyment as playing mediocre games on the Wii U.

Getting back on topic, I think they will and they have the ability to outsell in the same manner as they did with the Wii until around 2010/2011. I don't think the price cut will be required, I just think that there are many people like myself who are waiting to buy the Wii U when the library expands and starts to include the games that we are waiting for such as Wind Waker HD. It's just a matter of time before the sales pick back up. If Nintendo knew a little better, they'd start to pick up older franchises like Star Fox and allowing more reliable 3rd party companies to produce games for them. If the Wii U does sell well and they do that, then they might be able to dominate the market again and for longer this time.
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Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Unless I'm taking this out of context, why would I want to buy a console when the games I want haven't been released yet?

There's not a single game--not a SINGLE game you think you'd want to play on the Wii U? Even if there wasn't, you may as well just pick it up the next time you're in the area so you don't have to do a shopping trip later.

I don't want to buy a console with games I don't really want to play because I want the console, it'll collect dust and could be damaged while it's not being used.

Jesus dude, do you use your game console as drink coasters? Even the 360 isn't that faulty.

On top of that, if I have to wait 3 months after buying it for a game to come out then that's three months of the guarantee wasted too.

That 360 must have scared you for life....

I'd rather wait until the games I wanted to play were released than buy the console. I don't see why I don't have common sense for choosing to do that.

Not even interested in NSMBWU? Hell, just save yourself a shopping trip if nothing else. This isn't a Microsoft product that bursts into flames when it reaches contact with air.

Unless you know you will enjoy the games, why buy the Wii U to be met with disappointment?

Because the other systems aren't out and are comprised of 3rd party titles that are bound to disappoint as always. Whereas the Wii U already has a couple of titles worth playing with. Do I want more? Yes. Is two better than none? Yes.

If you're waiting for games to be released then you're probably not going to enjoy the games that are currently available to you a great deal.

I disagree--no I find it to be the exact opposite, in fact. Rather than racing through the games as quickly as possible just to get to the next, you actually get to enjoy the titles you have and play them to the fullest rather than rushing through them all to get to the next and having a half-baked experience with each game.

Can I ask why buying a console and waiting is going to make a game more enjoyable than if I was to buy it with a load of other games at once?

Because you rush yourself and don't focus yourself. Urgh...nothing ruins a game experience more than doing playthroughs of multiple games. And even if you don't do that, by the time you're halfway through, you're thinking non-stop about the other games and not focusing your attention and appreciation to what you are playing--in fact, this is how Okami was ruined for me the first time I played it.

I don't understand why it makes a difference because either way, you are going to play the game if you've decided to buy it, be it upon release or not.

Buying it soon means playing it sooner and also more play time. It also gives you more to enjoy while you wait for the next title.

I could play games on my older consoles that are either going to give me more enjoyment even if I've played them before

Oh, I thought they fried because you didn't play them for months and the dust make them explode.

or I could find other activities that are going to give me at least as much enjoyment as playing mediocre games on the Wii U.

Did you actually buy a Wii U? Just curious.

I just think that there are many people like myself who are waiting to buy the Wii U when the library expands and starts to include the games that we are waiting for such as Wind Waker HD.

...You would buy the Wii U for a game you already own and not NSMBWU? Why? Even if you didn't own tWW HD, why not just buy the cheaper version with better graphics and save yourself $55

It's just a matter of time before the sales pick back up. If Nintendo knew a little better, they'd start to pick up older franchises like Star Fox

Didn't they end that because of poor sales?


Jan 28, 2013
....Whaaa? o_O Since WHEN? I haven't heard that claim, but as far as reputation goes, MS is the exact opposite. They're the gaming company Moms and Dads pull their kids away from because they don't want them exposed to that.

Do they now? As far as I've seen, since the N64, Nintendo's turned 3rd parties away and have shown no form of care. I mean hell, didn't Nintendo just recently tell EA to screw off?

I'm assuming they either don't care or don't want their reputation tarnished with those games. Again, I've seen parents avoid systems like the Xbox entirely because it's known for so many gory games.

Hahaha alright man I'll quit arguing you are strong in you're opinion as am I in mine. We cool though right dude?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Hahaha alright man I'll quit arguing you are strong in you're opinion as am I in mine. We cool though right dude?

Well...normally I wouldn't leave this until you kneeled down before my obviously superior opinion and admitted you had been shamed into quitting--but I'll make an exception. <.<

Nah but seriously, we're cool. XD

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