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Post Apocalyptic LoZ:OoT RP full



Mailan frowns. "And now I remember why I disliked faries in the first place." She looks down and fiddles with a stone she found on the floor.


"We've got our own problems... maybe we could make a trade, though... you help us get rid of Twinrova, we'll help your brother."
Oct 2, 2016
"Ill help ya for free." Morty offered. He was normally all about strength and fighting for the highest buyer but that didn't mean he didn't have a few soft spots.


The game is on!
Iris thinks for a while before talking. "What if the two things are connected though? They both have to do with the mutation disease, so chances are we'll solve one problem when we solve another. If we're able to solve anything that is..."


Mailan looks to Morty. "No, we need it- erm, her to help us, and then we'll help her."


The game is on!
"The fairy's brother is likely just another mutant. Probably nothing we haven't seen before," says Iris. "I agree with Mailan. We should continue our quest to end the mutation at its source. Perhaps that way we'll save or stop the fairy's brother too."
Oct 2, 2016
Darr.... I cant leave a fairy by herself when shes in trouble. "Ill go help Isa, you guys continue, we'll meet up later."


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Dente had definitely been caught off-guard by the earlier hug. He wasn't quite sure how to react at the time, but nevertheless, he had other issues on his mind. The others, having decided to carouse the temple grounds, left Dente somewhat isolated from the rest of the group.

"It's almost funny," he notes to himself. "I spoke way too much, and it seems Iris was the only one who picked up on that!" He begins to chuckle through a forced, closed smiled that attempts to block out the sound of his voice. "It wasn't my intent to convey that much, but perhaps I like these guys too much, I don't know." Folding his hands behind his head, he makes his way toward the doorway,.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Tennor looks up at the siege engine in silence, thinking about what it must be like for Rasul. Then he snaps back to reality, "We need to get moving man. They're probably waiting for us. Do you know if the Lost Woods have an entrance to the desert, or will we have to brave the field?"


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
"I've been trapped here. the bridges gave out. there's one thing I'm willing to try, and Maybe we could get to Hyrule Field that way"
Rasul goes into the Siege machine, and returns out with a pile of Scrap Metal, and starts working on Something... whatever it is, it is using 2 pretty Big Gears and a bunch of Leather and steel. about an Hour Later it's Finished
"We're going to Jump the Gap on 2 of these"
Rasul sits upon one of the machines rasul made and Puts an Ember Seed in the Container, and the Machine Revs to Life
"We Call This a Stallion.. left hand is the Brake, right hand is the Accelerator. Unless you want to... ride with me"

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