Since you shouted at me, and swore and trolled and broke loads of rules, and called all the Admins names.... Ill comment on your banner.
Right then:
If this is your first attempt, then Id say it is really good. What I did and what I think you should do is look for some tutorials of differant styles.
First things first. Go onto and download some brushes. To add them to Photoshop, when you open the brushes menu, there should be a small triangle in the top right. Click it > load brushes and then simply select the brushes.
Try and get a gaming render from and make the origional image size smaller. Brush around the image, on differant layers, and try out with distort filters and blending.
Practice makes perfect!
No one seems to be posting much, so I might as well add in my newest banner which Im using for SotW over at LoZ
Comments would be appreciated :-)