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Nintendo Would Ruin Skyward Sword if (be Creative Guys)

Nov 23, 2010
The a-town.
Every time you kill a darknut, his partner cries for ten minutes straight. No, you can't attack him while he's crying, and You WILL have to listen to the whole thing.

Every time Link looks at the sun, he gets dazed and has to get his bearings straight.

Link has a really low tolerance for pain. When he stubs his toe, he needs to lie down for a couple of seconds before walking again.

Link finally gets voicing, but due to Nintendo's low budget, he gets the voice actor for Scroodge McDuck

There's an entire cutscene that last for 35 minutes where you watch Tingle eating noisy oatmeal

Nintendo decides product placements where its at, and after every dungeon a commercial break pops up.

All the background music is replaced with Rebbecca Blacks Friday song

The roll has been removed. Instead, hitting the A button makes Link sit down.

Link will now require food every 20 minutes, or else he will die.

Every time you kill a monster, the narrator will tell you his life stoy. "He was gonna go home to his wife and kids"

Add stuff of your own!


Wielder of TheBakerSword
Aug 14, 2011
Where No Baker Has Gone Before!
Hate to break it to ya but darknuts/iron knuckles/redeads are not in this game
Darn it!

Squirells throw nuts at you when you attack monsters.

You get clothes that dont fit right, and everytime you run you have to stop and pull them up.

You pull the bow the wrong way and you injur yourself, removing 2 heart peices.
Jun 22, 2011
And honestly, we need a game that capitalizes on your one idea of a narrator making you feel sorry for dead enemies and/or laughing at them. A short description of what they would have done with their life if you hadn't killed them. It would make you want to kill everything instead of avoiding them and rushing to the goal.
Nov 23, 2010
The a-town.
some additional ones.

The giant bird thing that link rides is really high maintenance, and will throw you off every time you don't give it a snack.

In the end, you learn that the bad guy is actually your father.

The currency of the world is no longer in rupees, but has a bunch of different currencies for every region. Prices commonly fluctuate because of inflation, and you WILL have to calculate it all.


no you're not
Jul 21, 2011
Girahim will put you to trial every time you slash him and you would get put in jail for 7 year and say you shouldn't have done that ( couldn't resist )


Wielder of TheBakerSword
Aug 14, 2011
Where No Baker Has Gone Before!
There are no extra hearts or fairies in this game, the doctors dont know anything, and theres no medical supplies... so once you die... youre dead...permanently

When you go into someones house, a security system comes on and you get sent to jail.


Jun 22, 2011
Link and Zelda go on a date, and she wants to go shopping.

The bullies at Link's school tie him to a post, and you have to wait to for an NPC to randomly come by to untie him (and it's not a cutscene).

Halfway throught the game Link has a midlife crisis and abandons adventuring and takes up carpentry- actually that would be interesting with Wii Motion Plus.

There is a minigame whenever Link is bored in school where you have to play the game where you stab between your fingers. If you accidently stab yourself, Link passes out from the pain for 15 minutes.

Link gets in trouble at school and has to clean the toilet.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
There was a minigame where you'd have to carry a huge bomb to a certain place, but every time you used up some of Link's stamina it would kill you instantly. Oh yes, and it involves you stay hidden from enemies. :bleh:


They transformed it into a medieval call of duty game.


One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
In the end, you learn that the bad guy is actually your father.

Haha, a "Luke, I am your father" moment ;)

Here's some of mine:
... if Link is destined to die
... if it was actually Peach who got kidnapped and Mario makes a cameo appearance right after Link saves Peach and a whole confusion scene appears
... if the bird can't actually handle Link's weight
... if every time you game over your file gets deleted
... if they give us the demo and advertise it as the full Skyward Sword
... if Link has to tie his shoes or else he trips

Yeah, as you can see, I'm not that comical or creative -_-


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
...Zelda sacrifices herself for yet another meaningless thing in Hyrule
...Link loses his appendages at the beginning of the game, forcing a restart
...Ganondorf suddenly appears and does a rad dance move, with "YOU GOT SERVED!" displayed onscreen as Link faints, forcing a complete SD Card format
...The Magic Meter makes an appearance as a CAMEO rather than USABLE FORMAT
...Nintendo wasn't involved in the development of Skyward Sword

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