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Nintendo Switch News and Discussion Thread

Oct 14, 2013
Indie showcase out today.


War Groove - 1st February
Double Kick Heroes - UK Summer 2019
When SKilifts Go Wrong - Now
Forager - Soon
Goat Simulator + Goat MMO + Goatz + Payday + Waste of Space - Now
Inmost - 2019
Unruly Heroes - Now
Cross Code - 2019
Steam World Quest - 2019

Already released highlights

Hollow Knight
Stardew Valley
Overcooked 2
Wizard of Legend
Dead Cells
Darkest Dungeon
Monstor Boy
Fast RMX
Shovel Knight
Donut Country
The Messenger
Into The Breach
Binding of Isaac
Enter the Dungeon
Human Fall Flat
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Well the indies showcase was a bit meh. There are more coming than they mentioned and they talked about none of the ones I'm looking forward to.

I'd play Wargroove if i were any good at strategy.
Though Steamworld Quest may be decent. I enjoyed the Dig games.
Oct 14, 2013
I feel the already released highlights at the end were rather pointless. They only showcased older indies we already knew about. That would have been a good opportunity to showcase some lesser known older gems. That did not happen. I will say almost every great indie game I have on Switch was not mentioned there.
It seems the eShop is getting a little flooded with great indies so Nintendo only showcase the few high selling ones. The exact indie games that do not need more advertising to keep getting sales. But it's not only more popular, it's indies Nintendo seem to like. Blaster Master Zero for example has over a million sales and no mention but Fast Racing RMX released at the same time did get a mention. Also Stardew Valley did get a mentino whereas Axiom Verge did not, both being developed by a single person. So I really don't know how Nintendo chose their released indie highlights. Just a random number of popular ones I guess.
Jan 1, 2019
[..]It seems the eShop is getting a little flooded with great indies[..]
A little bit?! The eShop is literally crowded with lots of smartphone-like shovelware which makes it very hard to find the good games which are not in the top 15 downloads. The eShop could use some better filtering options in order to give the users more tools to find what they search for.

In other news, the "4k switch" rumours start to increase as well, with a possibility that the New Switch One X Pro™ - or whatever they are going to call it - is coming sooner than we might expect. I really do not know what I have to believe and what not, because I have read some things that seem very odd for me: a 4K display but at the same ~6" size, no dock, very thin bezels, etc.
Oct 14, 2013
A little bit?! The eShop is literally crowded with lots of smartphone-like shovelware which makes it very hard to find the good games which are not in the top 15 downloads. The eShop could use some better filtering options in order to give the users more tools to find what they search for.

In other news, the "4k switch" rumours start to increase as well, with a possibility that the New Switch One X Pro™ - or whatever they are going to call it - is coming sooner than we might expect. I really do not know what I have to believe and what not, because I have read some things that seem very odd for me: a 4K display but at the same ~6" size, no dock, very thin bezels, etc.

There is actually not that much shovelware in the eShop. There us also very little smart-phone like games there either. Also smartphone like is not the same as shovelware. Shovelware is:
"software or online content that has been added to a CD or placed on the internet without having been altered so as to suit the new medium."
Games like Azure Strike Gunvolt and Ark Survival Evolved arw two games on the eShop that actually do fit the shovelware definition as both are almost unchanged from their 3DS and PS4 originals. Both are broken games because they were not optimised for the Switch in any way.

Your claim about too much shovelware on the eShop is factually incorrect.

However I do agree with you that the eShop needs to have more search categories so we can better find the games we want. The WiiU did this in a relatively good way. The eSHop needs to doi something here or the lesser known gems will keep being hidden away and not get the time in the spotlight they deserve.

Also the 4K Switch rumour is just that, a rumour by over zealous fanbois who do not understand current technology. For starters the common resolution used at that level is UHD, not 4K. Subtle but important difference. Secondly at the very most a new Switch Pro, if that was to come would upscale to UHD resolutions. This is a good thing as natively upscaling on the Switch is better than UHD televisions doing this. I think it's always better to have the console do the upscaling, not the television. This would also mean your television be it 1080p or UHD, there would be no issues as the Switch Pro would just do the right amount of upscaling to both.
Oh wow, what is going on with Nintendo?

No January Direct, Metroid Prime 4 being rebooted after delaying both Yoshi and Fire Emblem...

Now Mario Kart Tour has been delayed to summer.

What's happening?

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
Please give us Pokemon and Animal Crossing news I think those games and Krash Team Racing are the only games I really care about this year.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Oh wow, what is going on with Nintendo?

No January Direct, Metroid Prime 4 being rebooted after delaying both Yoshi and Fire Emblem...

Now Mario Kart Tour has been delayed to summer.

What's happening?

I think Nintendo put in a lot more time and resources into Switch's 2017 to make sure it had a good launch after the Wii U. But now some of the difficulties of the Wii U era are creeping back, namely some studios struggling with HD development.
Oct 14, 2013
The rumours were true.

An all-new #NintendoDirect is almost here! Tune in at 10pm (UK time) on Wednesday, 13/02 for roughly 35 minutes of information on upcoming #NintendoSwitch titles, including new details on #FireEmblem: Three Houses.


Tune in 2/13 at 2pm PT for a Nintendo Direct featuring around 35 minutes of information on upcoming #NintendoSwitch titles, including new details on #FireEmblem Three Houses!

Okay, these are my predictions for the 13/2/19 Direct, let's see how wrong I am!

*In no order

-Fire Emblem Three Houses - release date + amiibo

-Daemon Ex Machina - release date

-Yoshi's Crafted World - Labo/amiibo feature

-Assassin's Creed 3 Remaster and Spyro Reignited - official confirmation and dates

-Animal Crossing - New trailer

-Joker in Smash- release date + gameplay trailer

-New 2D Zelda for Switch- trailer

-Super Mario 3D World or Pikmin 3 or Wind Waker HD Switch port

-Metroid Prime Trilogy- reveal and release

-Reveal of an unannounced game

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