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New Ganondorf?


It has been awhile...
Oct 26, 2008
Toronto, Canada
You prove a point and bring me to the part where I change my original statement. It's possible that every one-hundred years, the Goddesses create another male Gerudo. I mean, it seems plausible, but I guess we won't ever know for sure.

Well this does kind of prove that a video game is a video game and can break the laws of physics. But that is why we have the Zelda Mysteries section right?
Oct 20, 2008
you guys should actually do research before making accusations, or ask questions rahter than saying what you think is true. if you pay attention to OoT, the gossip stones tell you that the Gerudo go to Hyrule to find Hylian Boyfriends (not exact quote). this means that they mate with those men, not Gerudo men (because there is only one every 100 years. the Gerudo mate with the Hylian race, creating more Gerudo females, then, after 100 years, a male is born. technically speaking, Ganondorf is part Hylian.

also, when i said that ganondorf is immortal, i meant his spirit, not his body.

and one more thing. ganondorf was not in AoL or LoZ, Ganon was. ganon is not even human, let alone a Gerudo.

Indeed. I said something about the "Hyrulian boyfriends" in a previous post.
Also, my point was also exactly what you said about 'Ganon' being in LoZ and AoL. I also believe Ganon's spirit was in those games.


It has been awhile...
Oct 26, 2008
Toronto, Canada
you guys should actually do research before making accusations, or ask questions rahter than saying what you think is true. if you pay attention to OoT, the gossip stones tell you that the Gerudo go to Hyrule to find Hylian Boyfriends (not exact quote). this means that they mate with those men, not Gerudo men (because there is only one every 100 years. the Gerudo mate with the Hylian race, creating more Gerudo females, then, after 100 years, a male is born. technically speaking, Ganondorf is part Hylian.

also, when i said that ganondorf is immortal, i meant his spirit, not his body.

and one more thing. ganondorf was not in AoL or LoZ, Ganon was. ganon is not even human, let alone a Gerudo.

Now, I will only say this once: GANON AND GANONDORF ARE THE SAME PERSON! As you see in Oot, Ganondorf "transforms" into Ganon. He can also change back (We learn this in TP where he changes from a beast to his Gerudo form. So you are VERY wrong.


Dec 3, 2008
Well then if Gerudo's mate with Hylains why are all the Gerudo the same and show no Hylian Resemblence. But that Gossip Stone is valid......hmmmmmmm


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
and one more thing. ganondorf was not in AoL or LoZ, Ganon was. ganon is not even human, let alone a Gerudo.

But in the rest of your quote, that actually makes me change my original statement yet again, and yours seems even more accurate than the others I've seen, bonus for the Gossip Stone.
Oct 20, 2008
Now, I will only say this once: GANON AND GANONDORF ARE THE SAME PERSON! As you see in Oot, Ganondorf "transforms" into Ganon. He can also change back (We learn this in TP where he changes from a beast to his Gerudo form. So you are VERY wrong.

Ganon's spirit may be inside Ganondorf, and they are indeed the same person, but the whole point of bringing up 'Ganon' and his 'spirit', was to support the arument of "Ganon being immortal".
I say this because I believe Ganon as a 'spirit', 'demon' 'demigod', or whatever you want to call him, could have multiple incarnatrions, hence 'Ganondorf.'


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
Now, I will only say this once: GANON AND GANONDORF ARE THE SAME PERSON! As you see in Oot, Ganondorf "transforms" into Ganon. He can also change back (We learn this in TP where he changes from a beast to his Gerudo form. So you are VERY wrong.

ganon and ganondorf are the same mind, not the same body. ganon is a pig like demon. ganondorf is a human. youre trying to tell me that ganon is still a Gerudo even though he is not in a human body. if thats the case, then apparently if i switched your brain with that of a rabbit, that would make you human even though youre in a rabbits body.

and, apparently, at one point, he cannot switch back, seeing as how in the games that we believe come later in the timeline, he is only in his demon form.


It has been awhile...
Oct 26, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Phantom Ganondorf, I'm pretty sure, was just created(with the use of extraordinary magic, of course) by Ganondorf.

I believe there is already a Thread that discusses Phantom Ganon and that is what I said there. But that just means you agree with me on how Phantom Ganon was created.


Dec 3, 2008
Yes very true in the Manga there is a scene with Ganondorf creating Phantom Ganon. And one were Zelda kisses Link on the cheak! *pukes* thoughts of that thread linger still! *pukes*


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Zemen is right, at least as far as I think, on the issue concerning Ganondorf and Ganon.

If you pay attention, Ganondorf isn't in Oracle of Ages or Seasons, either, but instead just Ganon.


It has been awhile...
Oct 26, 2008
Toronto, Canada
ganon and ganondorf are the same mind, not the same body. ganon is a pig like demon. ganondorf is a human. youre trying to tell me that ganon is still a Gerudo even though he is not in a human body. if thats the case, then apparently if i switched your brain with that of a rabbit, that would make you human even though youre in a rabbits body.

and, apparently, at one point, he cannot switch back, seeing as how in the games that we believe come later in the timeline, he is only in his demon form.

I will inform you to start that I am in fact a human, and if Ganon has the same mind as Ganondorf, they are the same person, just with diffrent bodies. Now, I am not clear what game you are talking about at the end.


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
I will inform you to start that I am in fact a human, and if Ganon has the same mind as Ganondorf, they are the same person, just with diffrent bodies. Now, I am not clear what game you are talking about at the end.

off the top of my head every game except for WW, TP, and OoT are the only games that have ganondorf in them. every other one that has the character in them is Ganon.

you are a human. if your MIND was in a rabbits BODY, you would not be human.

its the same thing as with ganondorf and ganon. same mind (which means the same person). different bodies. thank you.

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