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Ocarina of Time Navi's Annoyance - Overrated?


Airbending Slice!
Dec 6, 2008
New Albany, Indiana
Yes, her annoyance is totally overrated. I made this thread because I am tired of people constantly acting like Navi is the most annoying thing on Earth, because she isn't.

Honestly, the most annoying part is in the Deku Tree when she explains basic commands to you, but this is annoying to anyone except for people who are playing for the first time. Though the controls are easy to pick up as it is, so it can sometimes annoy them too. But this is good for the player, same goes for her giving you a hint on where to go next since a lot of people won't know on their first play through.

But the big thing is...Hey! Listen! I'm trying to talk to you here about this topic. Navi only says the infamous "Hey!" every now and then, but people consistently act like it's literally every five seconds. Also, she only says "Listen!" when people answer her. If you don't answer her, the little icon appears and disappears for about 15-30 seconds, but that's about it. Honestly, Kaepora Gaebora was more annoying since he actually stops you and you can't avoid him, and people often press A for him to repeat himself by accident in their attempt to rush through it. Yet, almost nobody complains about him. It's Navi this, Navi that...

Anyway...what do you guys think? Either I'm crazy, or maybe she really is that annoying.
Feb 23, 2011
Oddly, I've always liked Navi, and I never thought she was the least bit annoying. Though, at some point, I joined the bandwagon of "Navi hate" after seeing other fans' negative opinions about her on the internet; I guess I got sucked in :sweat:. She still has a place in my heart, and is one of my favorite characters. She's actually in my top ten. :yes:


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
I love Navi (the way she says "Listen!" is cute as cute can be). You're right in that the only time she's an inconvenience is in the Deku Tree because her tips aren't avoidable (though I don't mind at all even after probably 30+ playthroughs). Other than that though, you don't like her? Simple solution .. don't hit ^C.

Also, those who bash her conveniently forget she Z-targets enemies to make them more manageable in combat. Yeah it's a game mechanic but still, Navi's a part of that mechanic.

Sage of Darkness

The Different Sage...
Mar 10, 2011
Somewhere in Hyrule
I didn't find Navi annoying at all the first two times I played it. Now on the 3DS she's more annoying since I knew some of the controls. But still, she is nothing like Kaepora Gaebora. You cannot skip him. And he gives you more useless information than Navi. (Adamwestslapdog on YouTube made a really good example of this. "Hoot hoot! Link, my boy(MAI BOI!! lol) look up here. My name is Owly McOwl. And it's my job to give you pointless information that you either already know, or don't care about. For example: You know you're ment to be going to the castle to meet with the princess, but some pointless information would be that she wears a pink dress.") And so on. Now I was a bit mean to Kaepora Gaebora, but I just wanna show that it exist more annoying creatures in the World of Zelda. Stop picking on Navi! I often use the quote "Hey! Listen" for fun if somebody won't listen when I talk.


Useful Help.
Jul 19, 2011
Agreed actually when i first played Ocarina of time i remeber i used Navi all the time i always need some help.



The Quiet Man
Honestly, the most annoying part is in the Deku Tree when she explains basic commands to you, but this is annoying to anyone except for people who are playing for the first time. Though the controls are easy to pick up as it is, so it can sometimes annoy them too. But this is good for the player, same goes for her giving you a hint on where to go next since a lot of people won't know on their first play through.

This is true, I mean, I always find it more annoying when people complain about it, not everybody has a second sense for controllers. People who play games a lot will probably have already guessed how to do it, but a lot of people need a hand. I think it's just thoughtless to say that it isn't necessary.

Honestly, Kaepora Gaebora was more annoying since he actually stops you and you can't avoid him, and people often press A for him to repeat himself by accident in their attempt to rush through it. Yet, almost nobody complains about him.

I've actually seen a fair share of people complaining about Kaepora Gaebora, a lot, actually. Navi seems to be more popular in mainstream media for some reason. But believe me, people do complain a lot about him.

Exactly, and for the record I like her. I'm standing up for her, and to (hopefully) end all of the hate she gets every day.

Nah, there's a reason they say "Haters Gonna Hate". You can't stop that from happening, but don't worry. The group of people who like her will aways be there too.
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I dont't find Navi that annoying! It's only annoying when she gives you advice to go and do something when you are right in the middle of doing it!
Even though my username is "heylisten88" I'm still not a great fan of Navi, but I don't hate her either!


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Oh yeah, Kaepora Gaebora is WAY more annoying than Navi. It was fine having his instructions on the first playthrough, but the no option of fast-skipping them and actually ending up accidentally having him repeat himself... way annoying!

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
The only two things that annoy my about Navi are: the "advice" she gives you in the Great Deku Tree (Luckily they all can be skiped but they're hard to do all in one go) and how she occupies your C up button which is also the first person view button. However, in recent years I've discovered that you can use Navi to activate the infinite sword glitch.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I agree, Navi's annoyance is overrated. She isn't THAT annoying. Not even in the Deku Tree. She only stops you for all of 2-3 seconds. What, you can't take 2 seconds to listen to her now and then? Really? You're in that much of a rush? Doubtful, my friend. :nod:


Airbending Slice!
Dec 6, 2008
New Albany, Indiana
I agree, Navi's annoyance is overrated. She isn't THAT annoying. Not even in the Deku Tree. She only stops you for all of 2-3 seconds. What, you can't take 2 seconds to listen to her now and then? Really? You're in that much of a rush? Doubtful, my friend. :nod:

Exactly. People get stopped with no choice sometimes, and every now and then here her say "Hey!" But people and a lot of fan-made videos on YouTube act as if you can't take five steps without her doing something.


Jul 2, 2010
Um... in front of my compooter
navi is fine actually. I don't think she's annoying at all.
but kaepora gaebora is just like my 7 year old bro!! constantly talking and repeating long sentances. kaepora gaebora is the exact definition of annoyance


Link's Hawk/Celtic Form
Jul 4, 2011
nobody knows
people say she was annoying but really she's just trying to help you so not annoying

yet i disagree with pizzavato kaepora gaebora is not annoying he is very wise and i like him very much for that and how in majora's mask he is the reason for the owl statues which make traveling much easier

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