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Game Thread MS Paint Mafia U-Pick Edition [Day 5]

Dec 13, 2019
I like how, given the topic, your next course of action is to question me even though I'm actively on the "eliminate threats to the town" ship.

Truly, you are in a cage, Ex.


Staff member
I like how, given the topic, your next course of action is to question me even though I'm actively on the "eliminate threats to the town" ship.
And how exactly shooting me would help eliminate threats to town? Like, ffs, Killjoy literally tried to hammer me on LyLo and made that handful of absurd remarks before of his flip (:
Are you seriously thinking he just says "YOU GOT THIS MY SCUMBUD WINK WINK" here on thread if I were scum with him? Like, ffs, in what world I'd be fine with that??????

And even if for some reason you think the Thing is a threat then it will just skip to another person, as mentioned in OG's role.
Dec 13, 2019
We already addressed this, Ex.

The entire point is that you're not clear cut town. You do know what WIFOM is, ja? Just like what Numbers covered and I touched on as well, nothing concrete can be taken one way or another concerning what KJ said.

Why would KJ push his scum bud in thread you ask? I ask why not to create the illusion that you're not paired.

JD succinctly described/summed it up as reverse psychology, but somehow you missed that even when it was reiterated with more words by me.

TO BE CLEAR: You are not confirmed town. Your alignment is still in question regardless of KJ trying to snipe you with bonus votes that, per his own role, he would be aware of not counting towards majority (ergo it'd create the illusion of trying to snipe you -- or soft bus as JD put it).

Shooting you covers the bases for us since you could be mafia and are trying to hide behind the Thing.

Your only other argument is that having that passive makes the game easier on you and that you shouldn't be killed. Not only that, but you even floated the idea that you should be protected to avoid being killed even though losing the passive to a member of the mafia helps close out the game faster with a town victory.

Ahhhh, but you're scared town will fumble and want to keep the passive to ensure your own victory.

JD is right. You don't care about the town over your own hide. That speaks to an anti-town mentality and the likelihood of you not being town aligned. It gives credence to the idea that you truly are mafia aligned -- or rather, something more sinister.

I'm going to dispense with going back and quoting OG's passive, but suffice it to say I do not believe in the revealed information we have does it say that the Thing is purely a non-hostile survivor. Before I dive down this hole, let me be clear that I'm looking at a scenario where Ex is not town aligned and is, instead, something else -- not even mafia.

For if Ex was mafia, and the only one, the game should end if he's being honest about the passive from The Thing. Game hasn't ended though. What if there is more than one mafia and Ex is mafia? Well, obviously Ex would just out his buddy -- or so we think. Obviously having that passive and the knowledge that he can win with town means he doesn't need to keep his buddy alive so why not out him? Well, where is the fun in that, eh? Perhaps Ex doesn't want to be like (not) me and publicly out his buddy. Maybe he wants to play it out to see if his team can win with the backup that he has a sure-fire plan to win even if the mafia loses. Nothing stops his buddy from killing him though, unless they get into a struggle about directing the NK and Rag has to resolve that (lololol MSP Mafia 3).

Barring that, Ex having the Thing could certainly make him more hostile than we're being told. After all, the logic is sound that as town, Ex would certainly win by dying to the mafia and the mafia (having one member) would inherit the survivor con of The Thing thereby ending the game. Ex wouldn't lose.

But he doesn't want to die. He wants to keep The Thing for himself. Why? And I don't mean why based on what Ex has been arguing from his public perspective.

As I just said, as town Ex wins by dying as the Thing to the last member of the mafia. And if Ex was the last member, as detailed above, game would've ended or there are two and it is a bit more.

Or, as I would like to think, there is more to The Thing than Ex has expanded upon. Perhaps The Thing is hostile and carries with it something more that makes surviving with it imperative. It's the only way to explain Ex's unwillingness to die (whether by JD's hand or the hand of the mafia).

Or I could be overthinking the hostility of the Thing. After all KJ, prior to dying, didn't express any despair or anything. His move would be in-line with having a partner still alive to win for him so that's more believable than some far'fetched thing I am dreaming.

Still, Ex is cagey. A.F.


Staff member
I don't even understand what you're saying.
If someone kills me I'll lose the Thing since it will hop off to someone semi-random. I won't keep the alt survivor wincon.

Of course I want to stay as it considering it's a guaranteed win for me even if town fumbles due to something like inactivity?


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
You wake up to hear a commotion. It seems that somebody tried to kill rubik in the night and in response he started a long winded rant about his hardships and complaining about the lack of respect he receives, causing the killer to give up and leave in frustration.

Rubik has revealed himself to be King of Dominaria, the town aligned All-Around Disagreeable Fellow

Welcome to MS Paint Mafia U-Pick! You are, unfortunately, King of Dominaria, the town aligned All-Around Disagreeable Fellow


You routinely do things that seem to upset others and take pride in this fact. Your hobbies include abusing your employees and drinking yourself into a ditch.


Hated [Passive] - All votes against you are worth 50% extra. All investigations into you will turn up incriminating results. Protective actions will fail to affect you.

Hard to get Rid of [Passive] - When you die you'll continue being able to participate in the game, but your vote won't count towards reaching or calculating majority.

Wall of Text [Active] - You may target a player each night to send them a private message as long as that message contains at least 2000 words.

Knowing that Rubik is KoD, the community has collectively lost all respect for him, his vote will no longer count towards hammering or for counting majority.

It is now Day 4. Deadline is in ~96 hours at 1:30 AM on June 4th. Countdown Here: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/chinese?iso=20240604T0130&p0=1191&font=cursive

It takes 3 to hammer.


Lissi, Town Aligned Musician [Lynched Day 1]
Jamie, Town Aligned Elementalist [Killed Night 1]
Killjoy, Mafia Aligned Master of Yiga [Lynched Day 3]
Asfyniti, Town Aligned dying light of a sunset on the horizon of a fading memory, the kind of memory you can only grasp at and never fully recall [Died Day 3]
OG, Town Aligned Alien Hunter [Lynched Day 2]

Rubik, Town Aligned All Around Disagreeable Fellow [Lost Everyone's Respect Night 3]
Last edited:
Dec 13, 2019
Holy. FK.

Rubik you cube, I will get you one day. I swear upon all that is in my matter of being I will get you one day.

This, I swear upon my mafia career.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Holy. FK.

Rubik you cube, I will get you one day. I swear upon all that is in my matter of being I will get you one day.

This, I swear upon my mafia career.
For what it's worth, I just asked to be given a role of any player in the game, not you specifically.

That said, I was kind of hoping to get you.

My attempt to send you "I am you. You are me" x500 last night failed to send btw.

Obviously I was kind of killed.

I was given a +0.1 bonus vote modifier last night as well, but it shouldn't matter because I'm dead.
Dec 13, 2019
Ok so now that I've got that out of my system, no thanks to the powers that be and Rubik over there, I targeted Cin Min last night.

She's a Halloween jack-o-lantern looking entity. Apparently she gives treats out which modify a person's votes by 0.1 whenever they target her. Only lasts until the end of the next day or some such stuff.

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