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Most Disappointing Game of 2012? + Most Surprising Game of 2012?

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
I haven't played that many games released this year, so I don't have a lot to go on. But my most disappointing game released this year is Adventure Time: Hey Ice King? Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?! I am a really big fan of the show, and I was hoping they would pack everything from it into the game. But they didn't, in fact there isn't really much there. Not surprising given that this was Pendleton Ward's first shot at a game, so a little bit forgivable. But I was hoping for so much more. Still okay, but not that great.

My most surprising game of the year is Katawa Shoujo. I had heard about it on the internet only shortly before getting it, how it had been birthed from the scum bucket of the internet known as 4chan, how it centered on relationships between disabled teenagers. It seemed to be the absolute worst thing imaginable just from reading the basic description, but for some reason (maybe just morbid curiosity) I downloaded it onto my computer. I never in a hundred years would have thought that a work of fiction could affect me to the core of my being like this one has. I've never seen such a realistic portrayal of humans and their relationships before. While they're isn't really much gameplay to speak of at all in this game, the choices you have to make are some of the most trying I've ever come across and serve as my golden standard for how choice systems in games should work. It is filled with incredibly sweet moments that filled my heart with joy, and horrifyingly depressing moments where I would just bawl my eyes out because I couldn't take what what was happening. It's a profound game by my account, and one that everyone who can handle the mature themes in it should immediately pick up.
Apr 16, 2010
My most disappointing game of 2012 is definitely Assassin's Creed III. Don't get me wrong, the game was great, but it was still very disappointing. It was supposed to be the best AC game yet - hell, I expected it to be one of the best games ever - but it wasn't. It fixed the problems the previous games had with combat, and everything regarding controls was well-polished, but it lacked what made the previous games so great. The story was mediocre, and I felt little to no emotional attachment to the characters. Additionally, at some points in the game it didn't even feel like Assassin's Creed; the actual assassinations were few and far between, and the Assassin-Templar conflict was relatively moot. The naval missions and combat were fun, but the game was pretty lacking overall in key areas. I'd still rate it an 8.5/10, but I was expecting a 10.

I can't say I was really surprised by any games this year, but that's not to say there weren't any good ones.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Crappy controls among other things make ZombiU a terrible game totally unworthy of buying. IMO.

What's crappy about the controls? I've seen it in action, and the use of the GamePad clearly shows its raw potential. I heard the game has glitches and somewhat monotonous combat with the melee strikes, but the controls? Never heard anyone complain about those.


Apr 22, 2011
The most disappointing game has to be Star Wars: The Old Republic. I'm a huge KOTOR fan, so I was naturally excited to get to play an MMO game that (I thought) would tie into that. Yeah, that didn't quite happen. The gameplay was mediocre, to boot. There's a reason it went F2P.

Was thinking of picking it as my most disappointing game of the year but it was released in 2011, although the game itself died in 2012 up until then it was a blast to play so I guess I could technically still call it the most disappointing game of the year? :sweat:


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule
Most disappointing games: Guild Wars 2 & WoW: Mists of Pandaria. I REALLY wanted GW2 to take WoW down as well, but alas it didn't. It's a fun game with stunning visuals but it didn't have the excitement I was looking for.

I played World of Warcraft from The Burning Crusade release to Mists. Mists actually made me quit World of Warcraft FOREVER. The new areas were cool and all, but too many dailies to do and I HATE leveling. I HATE IT. Another 5 levels was just torture. The new talent system is completely ridiculous and way too simple. I think WoW died with this expansion for me. Plus 8 years of the game and they still won't lower the $15 monthly price? Stupid.

Those were the only two 2012 games I got to play this year, and both disappointed me. Definitely hoping 2013 redeems the gaming world for me.

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