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A Link Between Worlds Miyamoto Just Said Something That Really Sounds Bad.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Pretty sure this just means that the insides will differ. Look at this screenshot.


Looks like one of the dungeons from ALttP. But Aonuma already said the dungeons wouldn't be the same. So... yeah. What I said at the beginning of this post.


The Garo Master
Jun 16, 2010
I'm not sure why people are so upset about this. This kind of thing has been essentially confirmed since it was first announced.
The first ever gameplay we got of the game was of what was pretty much a mixed-up, redone version of a dungeon in ALttP.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Pretty sure this just means that the insides will differ. Look at this screenshot.


Looks like one of the dungeons from ALttP. But Aonuma already said the dungeons wouldn't be the same. So... yeah. What I said at the beginning of this post.

WOW seeing that screenshot in 3ds graphics.... take me back, i really dont care what they do, im gonna buy it and play it, so i dont even know why i talk about this game anymore, re-envisioned dungeons what ever, A Link Between Worlds... dumbest name ive heard in the siries yet, but what ever im gonna buy it.

we havent seen the Dark World yet, and thats an area they can do what ever they want with so if there are completely new areas i expect them to be in the dark world!


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
WOW seeing that screenshot in 3ds graphics.... take me back, i really dont care what they do, im gonna buy it and play it, so i dont even know why i talk about this game anymore, re-envisioned dungeons what ever, A Link Between Worlds... dumbest name ive heard in the siries yet, but what ever im gonna buy it.

we havent seen the Dark World yet, and thats an area they can do what ever they want with so if there are completely new areas i expect them to be in the dark world!

Actually it's ABLT so JSin. Also I think this game will be a fine Zelda - the best we've had since TMC even. The 2D/3D mechanic will produce some clever puzzles that even veterans will be stumped on I believe. And also the magic meter is returning (halfway) <3

And just because it's in the same world doesn't mean it can't be a new, revitalised experience. In this respect the interior of dungeons will be fully realized in 3D...well not quite but many parts of dungeons can be realized in 3D thanks to the glrorious point of view granted by the drawing mechanic. I'm excited for this title so much :D
Mar 14, 2013
A Link Between Worlds... dumbest name ive heard in the siries yet

They probably said the same thing about A Link To The Past back then. I think they did a great job having the same pun as AlttP.

Don't get me wrong I'm not so fond of the fact that it (seems) ALBW is almost identical to AlttP, but I still think it's gonna be a good Zelda title. The drawing seemed kinda stupid at first but seeing it involve with some puzzles it's pretty damn cool.

I can't wait to play it.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
The drawing seemed kinda stupid at first but seeing it involve with some puzzles it's pretty damn cool.

I can't wait to play it.

I know what you mean, everything about this game grew on me. I mean I loved it as soon as I heard about it cuz ALttP is my favorite game of all time an all that jazz, the painting thing was weird and cool at the same time for me. I'm sure the name will grow on me as I actually play the game. I just thought.... I dont know, just didn't sound cool enough to me! That's right, I said "cool enough"! It's a "Lack of better terms" case.
Mar 14, 2013
I know what you mean, everything about this game grew on me. I mean I loved it as soon as I heard about it cuz ALttP is my favorite game of all time an all that jazz, the painting thing was weird and cool at the same time for me. I'm sure the name will grow on me as I actually play the game. I just thought.... I dont know, just didn't sound cool enough to me! That's right, I said "cool enough"! It's a "Lack of better terms" case.

Yep, I think that's what there goal was. To give us al those sweet nostalgic feelings from when we used to play AlttP and still provide a new fresh story and gameplay. I geuss that's why they should'nt change much from the overworld. It was a safe choice for them to take one of the best Zelda ever made as an base layer.

I just hope the next Zelda 3DS, if there will be one, will be a 3D game. The 3DS deserves it.
Nov 28, 2011
Um... um... UM... if the dungeons really are ALL just rearranged versions of ALTTP dungeons and there aren't original areas and original bosses I will not pay money for this game. I'll still PLAY it, eventually. But I sure as hell will not pay for it. New gameplay mechanic or not... I mean. New items, please. New bosses, PLEASE. New dungeon motifs, PLEEEEEEEEASE. NEW GAME PLDSLKDSANJGN. :c
Jun 12, 2013
If the Dungeons are rearranged, then there is only one conclusion...the Ganon's minions must've done some renovation to the Dungeons, like Home Improvement-Zelda Edition

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Zelda Bacon

Just that right there would make this an instant bestseller!
Zelda Bacon is the best Bacon! And that says something, since I like a LOT of bacon!

Back to the topic at hand...

I actually do not mind this. We were already informed that this game would share ALTTP's overworld, so why not the dungeons, too? If the dungeons are rearranged, then that would mean completely different puzzles, which would make it feel as if it were an entirely new dungeon altogether. We have seen footage of the Tower of Hera in ALBW, and it looks entirely different from the original ToH, while still feeling like the same dungeon. This, in my opinion, is what sequels should be like. If it is in the same region, then it only makes sense to have the same structures in place. They can undergo a remodeling over that time.

So ya, the same dungeons being rearranged is not a problem. It is actually really good that they did this, because they are trying to make the game feel as much like ALttP as possible, and I salute them for that!


May 18, 2013
^Yeah, but this is the first time they do this, original loz to alttp, the overworld looks very different, Oot, tp are also different. this is the only time where they're using the same over world.
If the Dungeons are rearranged, then there is only one conclusion...the Ganon's minions must've done some renovation to the Dungeons, like Home Improvement-Zelda Edition
With Tim Allen making a cameo...
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Jun 22, 2011
United States
Having the same overworld wouldn't bother me as long as the dungeons are totally new. I'm going in expecting only a cool new gameplay mechanic and a second quest a la Legend of Zelda to ALTTP. I've heard this game referred to as a master quest, but from what we've seen it's much closer to LoZ's second quest. Master quest didn't bother with changing dungeon layout, and it's seems like ALBW will at least have that.

I really loved ALTTP's overworld so this isn't bad news to me. I've played ALTTP probably close to ten times now, and there are multiple parts of the overworld that I don't have 100% confidence in navigating such as the Lost Woods and Death Mountain. That's something I can't say about any other console Zelda except Zelda 2 (thanks to Death Mountain) regardless of the number of times I've played them. For instance I mean that every in 3d Zelda except Wind Waker it's virtually impossible to get lost after one playthrough whereas in ALTTP I still get lost. So if there's any overworld worth remaking, I'd pick ALTTP.
Jul 22, 2011
Expected, and a tad disappointed because I've never cared for LttP in the first place. However, let's be honest, besides being a tower and having Moldorm, did that demo look anything like the Tower of Hera? No, it was really unique.

A screw whatever they do with Ganon's Tower, that is going to be one huge labyrinth.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
and it could have just been the trailer, but i didnt hear any boss music when seeing moldorm. So chances are it was just a mid boss! then again some people played the demo so i dont know!


E3 Demo Part 1 (Overworld): Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Overworld Tour Gameplay Footage (E3 2013) - YouTube
E3 Demo Part 2 (Dungeon): Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Dungeon Gameplay Footage (E3 2013) - YouTube

Don't take these for what the final game's content will be. With how close the heart pieces are to each other in the overworld and how the entrance to the Eastern Palace dungeon actually brings you to the "Tower of Hera"-based dungeon, this is probably not what the final game will be.

This game is not ALttP's "Master Quest" as they've said clearly that it is a sequel and the new story comes after ALttP. The way they've described the game being set in the same world as ALttP reminded me of Golden Sun and Golden Sun 2. I imagine we'll be seeing many familiar areas (like those shown) as well as many new ones that they just aren't willing to show right now. Hence why the demo's overworld is a very familiar area that leads to a dungeon that should come at a later point in the game, but was used earlier because it showcases the new wall-drawing and sense-of-height mechanics. The world map on the bottom screen is also blocked out with clouds so we won't be able to see any other areas.

Random speculation time: Maybe Link finds his way back to the ALttP Hyrule in the beginning of the game (after his adventures in Link's Awakening) only to find the peaceful land he left has turned to chaos without him there. Perhaps some evil character managed to grab hold of the Triforce from the King and ended up trying to merge the two worlds or something, drastically altering the landscapes of both.

OR (my favorite idea) maybe it's set in the same world, but a few generations down the line with a descendant of the ALttP Link and tells the story of the end of the Golden Era where the current King decides to hide the Triforce of Courage before passing away. Your enemy can be his successor, the Prince of Hyrule and his adviser the Magician in their search for the Triforce of Courage. The Magician is the one who puts Zelda in her eternal sleep after she wouldn't give up the Triforce of Wisdom, but all the story says is that "he dies immediately after" doing so. The Prince orders that every girl in the Royal Family shall hence forth be named Zelda so this tragedy is never forgotten. The Triforce of Power is the only piece whose location is known at this point. Courage was hidden by the late King (and maybe this new Link?) and Wisdom's location was known only to sleeping!Zelda at this point.

Many years later Ganon is revived and attacks Hyrule, stealing the Triforce of Power. There is a new Zelda in the Royal Family who has a nursemaid named Impa and has also found the Triforce of Wisdom. She splits it into 8 pieces so Ganon couldn't get his hands on it. Another boy named Link saves Impa and then the events of The Legend of Zelda happen, with Link restoring the Triforce of Wisdom and defeating Ganon. The kingdom now has both the Triforce of Power and the Triforce of Courage.

Six years later the events of The Adventure of Link happen. Ganon's leftover forces were still terrorizing Hyrule and trying to revive their master. Link embarks on a quest with six crystals, given to him by Impa, that need to be placed in statues in dungeons around Hyrule in order for the spell over the location of the Triforce of Courage to be lifted. (Perhaps A Link Between Worlds has Link helping the past King of Hyrule set up this spell using some of the crystals passed down through the Royal Family from ALttP. Link helps him hide the Triforce of Courage and then deals with the fallout this causes after the Prince ascends to the throne with his Magician adviser that eventually leads to Zelda II.) So there are two Zeldas in this timeline now. One is a descendant of the Royal Family and is the one Link saves in Zelda I and the other is sleeping!Zelda from the past with the Prince, who Link saves in Zelda II after finally restoring the Triforce.

TL;DR: I think this new game has a cool possibility of bridging the gap between the ALttP+OoA/OoS+LA storylines and Zelda I+Zelda II. A new Link helps a future King hide the Triforce of Courage by traveling to the different dungeons using the crystals to set up a spell and then defeats the angry Prince and his evil Magician, but not before Princess Zelda is put under the sleeping spell that only gets broken many years later after the decline of Hyrule.
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