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A Link Between Worlds Miyamoto Just Said Something That Really Sounds Bad.

Jan 1, 2012
He said the dungeons for LTTP2 will be "rearranged"...so we're going to have the same dungeons, just arranged differently? That is really disappointing.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
"The dungeons and levels are rearranged so you can think of this as a brand new game."

I understand your point, but it's too early to tell. Majora's Mask is technically a "rearranging" of Ocarina of Time characters, yet is a completely different experience.

Honorable Hero said:
This sounds more like what it would be like if A Link to the Past had a Master Quest.

If they reuse Agahnim, then I'll be worried. As long as it has a new story and dungeons, I'm alright. Miyamoto's ambiguous comment perplexes me greatly.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
ALTTP Master Quest? Seems legit. I don't care too much to be honest. :)

If push comes to shove I'll get Zelda BLT for free or used. :)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Disclaimer: I'm sorry but I accidentally called it Zelda BLT while the title is actually Zelda ALBW.
Apr 12, 2013
"Rearranged" could mean any number of things, depending on how accurate the translation is. Even if the game only has dungeons we've seen before, they could have been completely altered since the first game, featuring new enemies, puzzles and requiring the use of different items.

Considering the fact that each Zelda game already includes variants of the same type of dungeon we've seen countless times before (Forest Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple, ect) I don't think this announcement is anything to get too upset over.

In fact, it would be weird for a game featuring the same over world as A Link to the Past to suddenly have a bunch of completely new dungeons spread across its world. How would the story explain their sudden appearance?


Well then
Nov 15, 2011
Eastmost Peninsula
The dungeons would in fact have to be the same to keep the continuity of it being set in the same world. The best thing they could do is rearrange the dungeons and maybe add new bosses and puzzles.
Feb 23, 2011
Hypothetically speaking, one would have to be new to gaming in order to fall for such a dubious statement. Game developers/creators/whatever have been doing this kind of thing FOREVER. It's just roundabout rhetoric whose purpose is to let the audience in on something without quite letting them in on something. They do not allow themselves to spoil anything.

Just think of it as a crime suspect going to trial; their lawyer tries to make sure to monitor their every word and action, as everything they say WILL be analyzed and/or used against them. Get it?

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