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Game Thread Mafia Emblem Gaiden: Scum of Valentia

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Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Clarification, he's sugguesting he is a SK from what I'm gathering.
I definitely haven't said anything that would reveal my role unless you're 300 IQ
Moe only went on to expand the idea.

In any case, I'm having a hard time believing his soft. Actually, now thst I'm thinking more into it, he could have counterclaimed yesterday but didn't. Plus if his soft were true that'd mean he knew Krow was lying yesterday but saud nothing. So his soft has to be fake, he made an error and we caught him.
like I suspected, you don't know what I'm softing, because I'm not actually softing anything, I'm explaining some mechanical properties of my role, it's NAI.
I didn't know krow was lying, in fact I thought he was telling the truth, even though I thought the one shot doctor was weird (one shot bulletproof vest is more common for third parties)
They are both scum, so no. But I'd rather go with Moe because we know he is lying now. Unless someone wants to argue his soft is true.
like how can you legitimately think you know my role given how opaque roles have been so far
and then accuse me of lying because I didn't counterclaim Krow (an essentially non-counterclaimable role, there can be more than one survivor in a given game)?
you're jumping the gun so hard here, almost like you want to see me go down as fast as possible, even though the PoE should be true regardless from your POV
Is there any obvious downside to lynching Doc today instead of Moe? I don't want to be bamboozled because we left Moe alive.
If I'm somehow a wolf that gets super stronk when both my teammates are dead it might end up badly but outside of that probably not
if I'm a good guesser, wolves leaving me alive tonight is actually catastrophic

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I definitely haven't said anything that would reveal my role unless you're 300 IQ
You certainly did soft, and you can back pedal all you want, but it's obvious what you were implying.

you're jumping the gun so hard here, almost like you want to see me go down as fast as possible,
I haven't even placed a vote on you, meanwhile ALiT and Fro Cho have voted you. You're at L-2, most players believe funnier's claim, he could have just voted for you by now based on his readings and had a scum bud pile on to end the day. Whoever the scum team is could have added onto the votes on you to reach Maj. It hasn't hsppened yet, simple deduction is that the scum team consists of you, and someone else, otherwise by all means the day should be over.

Anyway, I guess we can vote Doc instead today if we wanted, and have funnier investigate Moe or me during the night.

I'll reiterate however, I'd rather just vote Moe today. Like ALiT said, leaving Moe alive brings up potential to be bamboozled. Moe's flip will be valuable info that we could get today rather than waiting until tomorrow. It just makes more sense to vote Moe I think.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Anyway, I guess we can vote Doc instead today if we wanted, and have funnier investigate Moe or me during the night.

I'll reiterate however, I'd rather just vote Moe today. Like ALiT said, leaving Moe alive brings up potential to be bamboozled. Moe's flip will be valuable info that we could get today rather than waiting until tomorrow. It just makes more sense to vote Moe I think.
Why’s it matter to you which ones lynched anyway? Valuable info, really? In your position you should be absolutely 100% sure that Doc and Moe are scum. No information necessary. Totally automatic easy peasy. What’s the deal?
Feb 17, 2015
I want to hear from Doc. His inactiveness makes me worry we’re lynching an inactive townie.

@Doc is there any reason we shouldn’t lynch you? What are your thoughts on Moe?


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Vote Count
Moe the Moblin (1): Frozen Chosen
Doc (3): Moe the Moblin, funnier6, A Link in Time
Not Voting: Spiritual Mask Salesman, HeroOfTime, Doc


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Vote Doc

No need to drag this out, I have no cards up my sleeve. Though I really wish I did :shrugs:
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