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Game Thread Mafia Emblem Gaiden: Scum of Valentia

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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
First of all, ignoring the possibility of a bus driver existing
No reason for krow to lie about the *specifics* of his role, that is, I believe he saw funnier visit minish last night or made it appear as though funnier visited minish, the first being more likely. I can sort of see the flavor behind the role as though it's a sort of neutral ally to both sides. Not sure if it's in flavor for fire weeblem but it is a flavor.
I want to point out that being able to guard yourself is highly unusual but becomes much less unusual as a one shot save.
Funnier saying to put it off until overnight is typically wolfy.
Krow panicking about dying overnight is a little bit weird since I believe that happened before he claimed one shot doctor? That part is potentially a lie, but I'm not sure why he would lie about that specifically...
I know I have problems with arrogance and self assuredness but even if funnier flips town I would not go after krow afterwards. If funnier flips town I think it means there was a bus driver, but it would also mean his role is one that receives no result (he would have been able to tell us the result if he was redirected). Funnier is very likely to be mafia. My overconfidence speaking, this is not a play mafia makes as krow.
Vote: funnier

If funnier flips wolf I have too many wolf possibilities at this point in the game :D

This is the most damning thing about Moe to me. He says that if funnier were to flip town, he would not go after krow afterwards.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I'll admit that one of my biggest weaknesses as a player is having a hard time switching my reads after I'm locked into them. At this point, I believe Moe and Doc are scum, and I feel like I'm confirmation biased. I want someone else to either provide an agreeing or differing perspective.

@HeroOfTime Thoughts on our current situation?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Frozen Chosen- I immediately noticed the same sort of hedgey posts from FC but I don’t know him at all so I don’t know what to expect. It could just be that he hasn’t played mafia in ages and is still getting the ol gears rolling, but I do feel like his way of posting is more stilted and unnatural in a trying not to be way. I also felt like his opening day two post was really oof to me, mainly because all the speculating on Minish’s missing vig kill and jumping to the conclusion that she forgot. It just gives me the idea that for some reason he wants to spread the idea she forgot. The strangest part of it is he saved his reasoning for saying she forget until after I typed a paragraph about it which makes me feel like he had to come up with it afterward. Maybe a teensy bit paranoid but this is my impression. I also really really dislike that he initially said I was probably cleared at the start of day 2 (with a hefty dose of maybe that’s what the mafia want is to think) then later said I was his main suspect the whole time, then said maybe I was town, then said maybe I was scum, and now I think he’s considering me being town again. I just ???? He’s way too go with the flow and only picks at issues that others have brought up without any original thinking from what I’ve seen. Now you say, “But funnier, don’t you want to lynch him?” Wellllllll I just don’t know. If I had time I’d go back and look at his old games but I’ve already put a ton of things I desperately need to do to type all this. @LittleGumball youve played with FC before right? If you have please give me wayyyy more detail than necessary on what exactly you remember and what you think about him now.
Ugh, see, this is the only think that makes me second guess Funnier. If you checked Fro Cho Day 1 why the doubt?

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I'm here, but I'm not scum. Funnier has 2 green checks so if he's telling the truth we have a 3 man poe
I have been unable to use my power until now so we should kill doc today since he's compatible with both of us then resolve me vs sms tomorrow because I want to have a chance to use my power. You might think that's lame but not being able to use a power when everyone else has one is lamer
I could talk about how surprised I am that krow would make a claim like that but I am unsurprised that funnier is once again town

If I had a nickel for every time this happened I would have a few nickels.
Anyway y'all in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter if I die, thanks to funnier living this long it's a lock for town but if we do hit scum today the game can potentially end tonight if there's a vigshot out there

That's basically all my thoughts at this point I'm going to vote: doc

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
SMS isn't mechanically clear. But he and funnier were the only people to doubt krow's claim from the start. And then he mentioned targeting krow when I unvoted krow because he was afraid of krow getting off the hook. That's why I see him as the most likely town out of the three non-mechanically clear people.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I do want to hear from Hero and Doc, but PoE, the remaining Mafiosos are Doc and Moe.

Idk why Moe wants to make it to tomorrow as if things are going to be any different. He wants to wait so him and I can have like a titan battle or something tomorrow? I'm definitely scum if you are Town, @Moe the Moblin , right? In your argument than can be no other option! So why wait until tomorrow to have the debate that we have plenty of time for today?

Also didn't you say yesterday I was going to be your vote today? What happened with that? Is it really up in the air as to what my allignment is? In your case, how can that be?

I'll be voting for you today. :shrugs:


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Because I want to do something tonight
I have basically been vanilla this entire game because I've been forced to make blind decisions and they all ended up going poorly and if I die today it will just be a waste
Not game relevant just trying to ~enjoi~

I feel like something isn't quite right though
Don't come crying to me if we don't win tomorrow

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
We know funnier has received innocent checks on both Frozen Chosen and A Link in Time
Assuming the information is true, the mafia mechanically have to be between me, doc, and SMS. If any of funnier's cop checks got redirected, it's probably frozen chosen's, because Krow ended up being mafia (and therefore knew the mafia's roles) but mathematically it's probably safe to lynch the three of us before frozen chosen.

there are 6 alive today, if we hit a townie then the game ends tonight simple as that. I have no clue what we can do to avoid this, but operating on the information I have, we can't afford to lynch me today. From my point of view SMS and doc always have to be the scum (barring redirection shenanigans) and from SMS' point of view it's me and doc. I think everyone can agree that doc doesn't get a say since he's been gone, and that SMS and I are pretty much incompatible. The difference between this instance and funnier's instance is that there isn't a dichotomy that needs to be resolved (funnier vs krow is highly likely to be scum) - in this instance it's simply a PoE and we can lynch anyone inside the PoE (as long as they're a wolf because the numbers lol). So there's the difference, and the reason why putting it off wouldn't actually BE a bad idea @A Link In Time as we are still lynching inside the PoE and not really putting anything off. I'm suggesting a different, more pro-town order. Hope that makes sense.

Since funnier roleclaimed I can't really do that, and claiming my true role wouldn't really keep me alive either (considering doc's claim didn't keep him alive, I'm guessing yall too bloodthirsty to change your mind regardless), but I think I can say even if we do lynch a townie (i.e. funnier's information is wrong), keeping me alive has a chance to not immediately end the game overnight. Which brings me to my next point, we should consider a no lynch today. It's the safest option we have, since it gives us one more night of town actions and has a high chance of reward putting us in a better spot for tomorrow with low risk. I hadn't actually done the math, but I don't think we can afford to lynch me today, especially since we've seen the vigi die, it's unlikely that there is another one, and given that all nightkills have gone through, there probably isn't a true doctor in this game either.

We really can't afford to take the risk. Either no lynch or doc, even voting for SMS from your guys' POV is more risky than these two options.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Because I want to do something tonight
I have basically been vanilla this entire game because I've been forced to make blind decisions and they all ended up going poorly and if I die today it will just be a waste
Not game relevant just trying to ~enjoi~

I feel like something isn't quite right though
Don't come crying to me if we don't win tomorrow
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