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Game Thread Mafia Emblem Gaiden: Scum of Valentia

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Jun 7, 2017
the present
if there's a bus driver they're not town so they're not going to speak up.
Town bus drivers are pretty common. If there was a mafia bus driver though why would they swap someone they planned to kill? The only thing I can think is that they might’ve wanted to prevent a doctor but I don’t see why they’d be so sure Minish would be protected.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Krow (1): A Link in Time
LittleGumball (1): funnier6
funnier6 (1): Krow
Moe the Moblin (1): Frozen Chosen
Not Voting: LittleGumball, Spiritual Mask Salesman, Moe the Moblin, HeroOfTime, Doc

Day two ends at 1pm PST on Saturday, January 26, 2019.
With 9 alive, 5 is majority


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I just got home and need to eat but funnier on steroids? Huh?
It was mostly a joke. Because I feel like in every game, especially day one, you end up begging people to vote. Clearly it wasn't funny :sweat:. Next time I'll make it funniER

is this the only opinion you have on anyone?
It was my strongest suspicion. I frankly haven't found much of the SMS/Minish/funnier ordeal to be alignment indicative for anyone, so I haven't read into that much. I may be missing some part of the argument for SMS and/or Funnier being scum that someone said, and should probably go back and look into why people are suspecting them.

I said ALiT was my strongest, but Krow has popped up on my radar. I feel like there was no real reason for him to claim as early as he did.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
It was mostly a joke. Because I feel like in every game, especially day one, you end up begging people to vote. Clearly it wasn't funny :sweat:. Next time I'll make it funniER
Oh I see. I wasn’t sure how exactly ALIT was being like me since he wasn’t demanding reads lists lol.
I said ALiT was my strongest, but Krow has popped up on my radar. I feel like there was no real reason for him to claim as early as he did.
He had reason to believe I killed Minish. If he was actually right about that that’s a plenty good reason to claim. The thing that bugs me about it is he only wins if he lives and claiming makes him a target so I don’t see how he thinks he makes it to the end. Something odd there.
Aug 15, 2017
He had reason to believe I killed Minish. If he was actually right about that that’s a plenty good reason to claim. The thing that bugs me about it is he only wins if he lives and claiming makes him a target so I don’t see how he thinks he makes it to the end. Something odd there.

I told you before, I called you out and voted you based on what I saw last night. Of course you defended yourself and I have others breathing down my neck so I claimed in defense.
Aug 15, 2017
Forgot to add this.

Personally I think either you (funnier) or ALIT is scum. Though it's just personal assumption at this point compared to anything concrete. Doc hasn't really posted much in the way of helpful yet, Frozen seems confused by their own role or something, and Moe...well he's Moe. Anyone else I forgot to add, I've forgotten about due to fatigue. I'll get back to them later.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I'm not buying Krow's claim at all. Matter of fact, in light of this, I'm no longer leary of Funnier at all now. I highly doubt Krow is third party, I think he is most likely a Mafioso trying out a gambit.

I think voting Krow today is our best move today. If he flips red, which I'm nearly certain he will, I think that will give us a pretty good idea of how to move forward.

Vote: Krow


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
He had reason to believe I killed Minish. If he was actually right about that that’s a plenty good reason to claim. The thing that bugs me about it is he only wins if he lives and claiming makes him a target so I don’t see how he thinks he makes it to the end. Something odd there.

Krow probably didn't think it would make him as much a target as you thought. If he's telling the truth, he has a oneshot heal ability that he was probably planning on using on himself tonight. This is supported by the fact that he initially hid his secondary power. If he came out and said he had this ability at the beginning, he would be roleblocked and NK'ed by the mafia. He didn't reveal his secondary until he was pressed to, to add credence to his claim. After all, if funnier flipped scum, he's basically guaranteed to be covered by the town medic. Makes sense to me.

I'm currently inclined to believe him.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I told you before, I called you out and voted you based on what I saw last night. Of course you defended yourself and I have others breathing down my neck so I claimed in defense.
Yes, but if you were going to vote me for "reasons" you kind of should've expected that people would wonder why and make the role stuff come out. If you were trying to survive you've been going about it the wrong way.
Krow probably didn't think it would make him as much a target as you thought. If he's telling the truth, he has a oneshot heal ability that he was probably planning on using on himself tonight. This is supported by the fact that he initially hid his secondary power. If he came out and said he had this ability at the beginning, he would be roleblocked and NK'ed by the mafia. He didn't reveal his secondary until he was pressed to, to add credence to his claim. After all, if funnier flipped scum, he's basically guaranteed to be covered by the town medic. Makes sense to me.

I'm currently inclined to believe him.
Self healing doctors are very very very rare and I don't think I've ever been in a game with one so I don't buy that. Especially since FE clerics normally cant heal themselves.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
I just can't buy Krow's claim at all. Let's say by some chance he isn't a Mafioso, and he is third party, I'd be ok with lynching him anyway over potentially mislynching.

Well that's just absurd. If he's a third party who wins with either side, he still has a vote and has no reason to help the mafia more than the town. I've had a third party role like that before, and the way I saw it, I had better odds helping the town. I can see wanting to lynch him if you think he's mafia, but if you potentially buy his claim that he's third party, there's no more cause to lynch him than funnier, from a purely numbers standpoint. You'd be better off investigating some of the other players.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
Self healing doctors are very very very rare and I don't think I've ever been in a game with one so I don't buy that. Especially since FE clerics normally cant heal themselves.

This is a fair point. I've only played one game where the doctor wasn't able to heal themselves, but from a FE role standpoint, it's unlikely he could use it on himself. I hadn't thought of it in regards to how FE healers work.
Feb 17, 2015
I believe Krow’s claim. While I think his role claim is pre-mature, claiming a role like that is way too risky for a scum, in my mind. It’s not like he had pressure on him. It was only one vote.

It’s not hard to believe there’s a two-ability role like this in a Fire Emblem themed game.

As for funnier, maybe a townie moved his night target. Maybe they didn’t. But this seems like the best lead we have at the moment.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
@DekuNut I assume no one's allowed to say if they have a bus power, since Krow's used the nameclaim?

"Role claims and name claims are fine, but only one per day"

Is this only one of each per day, or only one of either?
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