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Game Thread Mafia Emblem Gaiden: Scum of Valentia

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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I’ll be honest, Day 1 votes are hard for me to grasp, especially when I came late like I did. My only excuse is being uncertain.

As for Day 2, I think Minish’s kill is more of an excuse to place heat on SMS and maybe clear funnier of suspicion, like you mentioned. Then again, maybe scum killed Minish hoping for us to think that way.

I forget the term for this, but I often have a problem getting over that logic haha

This is his most notable contribution of Day 2 so far. But it's nothing too deep and also WIFOMy. I want Frozen Chosen to actually cast a vote so we can see where he stands. @Frozen Chosen
Feb 17, 2015
How am I not contributing? Do you want me to just pull the answer out of a hat? Sorry I can’t read minds here haha

Like I said day 1, I had a small hunch on Moe because of his just enough to be active approach. But then he started talking after I mentioned his name, so I thought nothing of it. However, his recent post haven’t been too helpful, aside from pointing a finger at me.

As for funnier, he was my main suspect at start of Day 2, but now I’m not so sure. The way he defended himself against ALIT makes him sound town. But I definitely have my eye on him.

Of the two, my gut says vote Moe.

Vote: Moe the Moblin


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
You all thought you saw the last of me, huh? I'm going to make you all RUE the day you lynched me.

Anyways, I think my thoughts still remain similar to yesterdays. Which is a suspicion against ALiT, because I feel like a lot of his posts very much zero in on people and feel like they're pushing to get a negative reaction (though I can agree with a few of his points, i.e. Fro Cho at the moment).

This isn't a strong suspicion, especially because a few others have mentioned ALiT is hard to read and this could just be how he plays. Like a funnier on steroids.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
You all thought you saw the last of me, huh? I'm going to make you all RUE the day you lynched me.

Anyways, I think my thoughts still remain similar to yesterdays. Which is a suspicion against ALiT, because I feel like a lot of his posts very much zero in on people and feel like they're pushing to get a negative reaction (though I can agree with a few of his points, i.e. Fro Cho at the moment).

This isn't a strong suspicion, especially because a few others have mentioned ALiT is hard to read and this could just be how he plays. Like a funnier on steroids.
is this the only opinion you have on anyone?


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
Well, that was an active day. Sorry I've been quiet, I've been out literally all day.

I mean, she hasn't said all that much, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. When she has spoken, she's been happy to respond to any questions asked about her, and prompt others to keep talking about their own suspicions. For now, I'm definitely reading town on her.

Ugh. All that drama yesterday about defending minish and then she dies does look highly suspect... As LG mentioned, though, he could've been more attacking SMS's logical flaws.

funnier's original post butting into the sms/minish incident wasn't even defending minish. he was pointing out the flaws in sms's post because SMS was saying his omgus vote wasn't omgus.

The thing about this that doesn't sit right with me though is that yesterday he said that he's inclined to defend minish, that it was just part of how he plays. He made it pretty clear that he was doing this to back minish up. Sure, he could've been simply replying to SMS about his flaws, but it sounded to me like it's a premeditated alibi. Also this:

Should've nothing, I'd do it again. I don't care who it is or what it is or why it is or when it is I will point out logic I believe to be wrong and sms posted a lottt that I fundamentally disagreed with. If you specifically had asked Minish to respond and was upset that I answered for her that'd be kay and I'd say sorry, but I don't see why you care since it was Minish's trap in the first place. I don't see how you could think that no matter the alignment Minish would've already planned ahead what her response was going to be.

He made it sound like he was indeed doing this to combat SMS here, even though that contradicts his day one behavior. It seems like once his "alibi" started to backfire, he abandoned it and claimed it was more because of SMS than a minish defense.

...but that could just be what the mafia want us to think...

First of all, welcome back! Sorry I voted you yesterday, I didn't see your claim until the day phase was over, or I would've lifted it...
As for reads, I don't really know. He's been really quiet, though he was quiet before he was reincarnated, and we know his first life was town, so it may not mean anything.

I don't like how strongly he went after funnier, then just backed off. A large portion of pages 7 and 8 were the two of them going at it. But he suddenly backed off after he realized he was "tunneling too much on one aspect of his play"
This to me looks almost like scum fake-fighting to put up a hostile appearance. Or he could be telling the truth. I don't know. Quite a bit of controversy has come up about his minish defense, and ALIT was the one who pointed that out.

I have absolutely no idea. He hasn't said much. Day one I read him as town because I misanalyzed his posts, as ALIT pointed out. I'd prefer to look into ALIT and funnier a bit more at the moment because of how neutral I feel about Krow.

I currently read him as town. I've played a game with him before, and this seems to be how he behaved. It seems to me like he was reacting out of vote fear Day one, and that's the only thing I've noticed that people seem to be concerned about regarding him.

I like how much content he put out earlier, don't like how he put it into 4ish posts. I'd like to see what else he has to say over the course of the game.

IDK. Gut's telling me town, and I haven't really seen anything to suggest otherwise in his posts. He was against killing Doc the JoaT yesterday.

At the moment, my top suspects are funnier and ALIT. Sorry if this sounds a little incoherent, I'm kinda sick right now and everything seems a little foggy. I can rephrase if anyone's confused, especially about the funnier part.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
feel free to @ me i'll answer anything
Literally read this as “feel free to @ me I’ll answer nothing” the first few times .
Ugh. All that drama yesterday about defending minish and then she dies does look highly suspect... As LG mentioned, though, he could've been more attacking SMS's logical flaws.
Not could’ve I was.
The thing about this that doesn't sit right with me though is that yesterday he said that he's inclined to defend minish, that it was just part of how he plays. He made it pretty clear that he was doing this to back minish up
Well yes, I am inclined to defend Minish, but in that post I was voicing my agreement and thanking her for getting sms to post all that. I figured ALIT saw this as defending just because she didn’t answer first for convoluted reasons but I thought it was a misunderstanding at the time.
but that could just be what the mafia want us to think.
No paranoia please, you’re confirmed town, you’re supposed to keep us grounded.
This to me looks almost like scum fake-fighting to put up a hostile appearance. Or he could be telling the truth. I don't know.
Also don’t say things like this. If you have to list both options and say you don’t know then you haven’t thought nearly enough about them because you need to be able to analyze and explain why you believe one them over the other and always have the other scenario in the back of your mind as you continue to weigh the possibilities.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
How am I not contributing? Do you want me to just pull the answer out of a hat? Sorry I can’t read minds here haha

Like I said day 1, I had a small hunch on Moe because of his just enough to be active approach. But then he started talking after I mentioned his name, so I thought nothing of it. However, his recent post haven’t been too helpful, aside from pointing a finger at me.

As for funnier, he was my main suspect at start of Day 2, but now I’m not so sure. The way he defended himself against ALIT makes him sound town. But I definitely have my eye on him.

Of the two, my gut says vote Moe.

Vote: Moe the Moblin

Okay. This is better. Even though I disagree with your conclusion, I do appreciate the thought process.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
@HeroOfTime I backed off funnier because I believe that what he said may be true even though I dislike the use of self-meta. That said, I'm still far from sure about him. But Krow and Frozen Chosen stand out to me more right now. Also, Frozen said he wasn't okay with the JOAT dying after the day already ended, so his comment was meaningless.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
-sms puts me off but i haven't seen anything that sets off a red alert yet. could be scum. i've quoted his most scummy post below:
Sms always puts me off but I don't see exactly what about that particular post is so scummy. Would love more thoughts please thx.
something weird i've noticed is that alit has had his eyes on frozen literally the entire game. frozen was his rvs and now they're fighting on day 2. not sure if fabricating tension between scumbuds, would love some input on whether or not i'm wrong.
I feel I was subconsciously aware of that but didn't realize it until you brought it up. :suspicious: It is weird and strange and definitely worth looking into if one of them flips scum.
funnier's original post butting into the sms/minish incident wasn't even defending minish. he was pointing out the flaws in sms's post because SMS was saying his omgus vote wasn't omgus.
look at that, the only time he mentions her is a kudos for getting the game rolling. other than that final paragraph, the only thing he addresses here is SMS's logic, not the vote for minish. even in the last paragraph he's not really defending her, it's more attacks on sms's logic. also interesting that alit accused funnier of defending minish literally the post right after funnier said that alit deserved to be voted for (it's post 37 if yall want to look at context).
Thank youu. <3 Ugh I was starting to feel like I must be crazy but I know I'm not crazy so it was driving me crazy. >.<
Though I didn't exactly say ALIT deserved to be voted for (I don't really like saying anyone "deserves" it) he's just who I felt like would be a good start.
ALIT has a lot of posts and i do not have a lot of energy, i'll probably go through them later but right now he's potential scum for me, mostly because i disagree with his aggressive suspicion on funnier and that weird thing with frozen. i always find alit hard to read tbh
Same on finding him hard to read. I generally have go-to scum tells for ALIT to compare but I feel like the players and activity of this game is making it harder to get a good read. I needa look at some old games again.
@HeroOfTime I backed off funnier because I believe that what he said may be true even though I dislike the use of self-meta.
I do too, I generally see self meta as a C level scum attempt to wave away controversial actions "because this is normal". I only told it to you because I didn't expect anyone else would and I couldn't believe you didn't know it already. Eighty percent of mafia is behavioral analysis for me and I take that very seriously.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
Sms always puts me off but I don't see exactly what about that particular post is so scummy. Would love more thoughts please thx.
absofruitly my dude here it is again for context:
I think regardless of interaction with Minish, if Funnier is scum, he'd want to get her out eventually. Meanwhile trying to win her trust early on in case the Mafia couldn't kill her.

And yeah, I could see the Mafia killing Minish to try framing me.
none of his posts are particularly scummy to me, this one is kind of remotely scum-ish therefore it is the most scummy, if that makes sense. basically it reads to me like he's trying to plant suspicion seeds on you, then he comes around with "they're trying to frame me"

it is getting late and my **** doesn't make sense anymore oh no

basically i think it's a little manipulative. please correct me if i'm wrong but if he's not really that suspicious of you then why would he say something like that. (side note i just looked at his most recent posts and he has said nothing about you so i do not know how he feels about you besides this one manipulative post. i will ask tomorrow, or sms if u read this and want to tell me before i ask that's cool 2)
Though I didn't exactly say ALIT deserved to be voted for
you're absolutely right, exact wording was "worth voting for." i just mixed it up with something you had previously brought up a few posts before that, during the minish thing. it can happen when you binge the entire thread lmao

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
none of his posts are particularly scummy to me, this one is kind of remotely scum-ish therefore it is the most scummy, if that makes sense. basically it reads to me like he's trying to plant suspicion seeds on you, then he comes around with "they're trying to frame me"
Earlier I was leary of Funnier but since then that has eased up now that ALiT has got him talking more. Still not completely sure about him, plus HoT brought up an interesting point about his Day 1 speech pattern coming off as pre-meditated.

then he comes around with "they're trying to frame me"

Clarification. The other half wasn't myself throwing out the notion I may have been a potential frame, I was just sort of like, hmm, yeah, I could see that after FroCho brought it up before me.

As for Day 2, I think Minish’s kill is more of an excuse to place heat on SMS and maybe clear funnier of suspicion, like you mentioned.

But that's out the window, if I was really trying to be framed the Mafia is doing a ****ty job of following up on it today.

side note i just looked at his most recent posts and he has said nothing about you so i do not know how he feels about you besides this one manipulative post. i will ask tomorrow, or sms if u read this and want to tell me before i ask that's cool 2)

I'm leary of Funnier is all, but nothing he has done so far seems particularly scummy to me.

My other thoughts so far.

ALiT is never eaay to read, I like his contribution to the game towards getting players to talk more, but that isn't inherently townie. I've only played a few games with ALiT. Going by meta, 50/50 Town or Scum.

I want @Krow to post more. I don't even feel like Krow has done anything noteworthy. He voted for Funnier but that was after ALiT already started attacking Funnier. His lack of content makes him difficult to read and I don't like that. If he doesn't start posting more my gut thought would be he is scum.
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