Vote Count
4 - Go_Dark_Link - Djinn, David, arkvoodle, Meego
2 - Wyatt - Nicole, Dr3w21
1 - illmatic - Ninten*
1 - arkvoodle - Wyatt
1 - Dr3w21 - jdenicholls
Not voting: Go_Dark_Link, Meego, illmatic
Lurker Votes:
1 - Dr3w21 - Wyatt
Twilight in Labyrnna while I write up a night scene. Also, at popular request, I will be posting a schedule of days/nights on the next day. I never thought it was necessary to know when your day would end as a player, but I can't argue with like 6 people asking for it.
The people of Labyrnna were distraught. It had been a long, hot day. Although the intensity had died down, their homes and businesses were destroyed, destroyed by exploding fire from the sky. The ruins provided no shelter, and only served to remind the villagers what they had all lost. During the day, they had all watched, horrified, as the sun moved through the sky. The turning shadows came soon upon a barren field where a family of rabbits had taken home. Shortly after the shadow was cast, one rabbit struggled towards the group. It let out a high, weak squeal as it collapsed, charred beyond any hope as the black flames danced about. There would be no shelter, no escape, for the people of Labyrnna.
As the sun had moved through the sky, the people began picking fights with one another. It was all foolish, some thought, that they would blame one another for the tragedies that beset them all equally. Nevertheless, they began to pick targets. Accusations jumped everywhere, as even when the sun began to descend towards the horizon the temperature continued to rise, and the fires, those that still burned on the charred remains of the town, flared anew. There was still some dissent among the group, but eventually a larger portion of the group settled on one. Go_Dark_Link, as he was called, had been acting suspiciously. Perhaps it was that he seemed to understand what was happening, or that he wasn't affected by the heat as the others, or any other number or reasons that may or may not have been seen by the others. Not all agreed on his guilt, but none strongly protested for his innocence. A few members of the crowd converged upon him. He backed away, pleading innocence and good will.
He slipped on something. Fell back; a portion of his body caught in a shadow immediately erupted in black flames. He quickly rolled away, but they would have no escape. Through his pain he begged for a saving grace, his words hardly recognizable over his charred lips, until nothing escaped him but a hoarse scream as the fire slowly consumed him. He dropped to his knees, and it looked as if he fell into pieces. As his body shimmered, three distinct shapes seperated, blackened and ashen, and fell silently to the ground; the body of the man that was had disappeared. One local pointed out that they had to be, at least what remained, the Hide 'n' Seek Fairies.
Quite a few people participated in the action of forcing Go_Dark_Link into the shadows, but it seemed all had watched. Not everyone was there, however. One person stole away from the crowd while they were all distracted. He was searching, for a place, a person or a thing was uncertain. Whatever it was, he never got the chance to find it. He heard the screams of someone back with the others, but didn't feel sorry for him. Just as he had rounded a corner of what remained of a shop, he came upon the last sight he ever would see. Floating on a broom, waiting for him, was an evil witch with fiery red hair. With an evil smile she casually opened her hand, unleashing a torrent of fire upon him. The crowd heard a sharp, crisp scream, and came to find the body of Pumpkin Head, one of the tormentors of the land.
Holodrum: Night 1
Labyrnna: Night 1
If you are in Labyrnna, please send in your night actions soon. As before, PM or Skype please.
Austin | Arkvoodle |
Big Octo | David |
Celeboy | Djinn |
Elfen | Dr3w21 |
Gonzo | Go_Dark_Link |
Green Goron | illmatic |
Jedizora | jdenicholls |
Josh | Meego |
Pendio | Nicole |
PK Flash | Ninten* |
Son of Raiden | Thareous |
Xinnamin | Wyatt |
Zenox | |
For it is in that Sacred Realm that one will find the divine relic, the Triforce, which contains the essence of the gods..."
-Great Deku Tree, in dying
Heroes of Hyrule, Volume I