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Link Should Have a Voice!


Hero of Time
Jan 30, 2011
Im definitely against Link having lines. Last time someone gave him the liberty of a voice actor we got lines such as: *ahem* "I CANT WAIT TO BOMB SOME DODONGOS!" and "I'm so hungry, I could eat an OCTOROK!" :P joking aside, voice acting simply does not really fit a Zelda game. Nintendo broke the silence in Metroid Other M with voice acting, but to say the least, it wasn't the greatest....especially the protagonist, Samus. Samus gave us a whole new look on the hardened bounty hunter that weakened her character. I just don't see Link having a great voice actor if they we're to implement one.

Zelda isn't like other games either where voice acting is mandatory to understand things. For example, Metal Gear Solid NEEDS voice acting to fully explain and understand the story and where the characters are coming from, whereas Zelda was intended for the player to BE the protagonist and fully experience what Link does, hence the "link" between the chracter and, well, Link! I think that's the ultimate connection


May 21, 2011
They say that in future Zelda games, like, after Skyward Sword, Link will have a voice. But considering Nintendo has pretty crappy voice acting, idk if fans will accept it.

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
Besides, the zelda cartoon was bad enough in terms of dialogue ... I don't want to hear link say "excuuuuuse me, princess" anytime soon.

Oh, in my mind, bad things are starting to happen:

Zelda: Brave hero, will you help me to face evil?
Link (with a silly facial expression): Well excuuuuuuse me, princess.

They say that in future Zelda games, like, after Skyward Sword, Link will have a voice. But considering Nintendo has pretty crappy voice acting, idk if fans will accept it.

I'm interested in this statement too. Sounds like the one; "The Legend of Zelda: Valley of the Flood will not feature Link". And please name me a Nintendo game which includes bad voice acting.


May 21, 2011
Who is 'they'?
I never heard anything of the sort.

Some people who are bigger video game nerds than i am and pretty much stalk Nintendo's every move. basically, if Nintendo takes a crap, they know.

I'm interested in this statement too. Sounds like the one; "The Legend of Zelda: Valley of the Flood will not feature Link". And please name me a Nintendo game which includes bad voice acting.[/QUOTE]

Super Mario Sunshine. Even Link's grunts and screams when he falls sound better, and that was an older game.

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
Super Mario Sunshine. Even Link's grunts and screams when he falls sound better, and that was an older game.
Oh never played the game properly. The sounds in the Zelda games (including Links sounds, Navis Hey! Listen! and Midnas gibberish and moaning) came from japanese voice actors. Unlike the sounds in Mario. These feature american voice actors. Japanese voice acting is always better. That's my opinion. Anime Nerd.

Anyway. The only Nintendo games with full voice acting I know (at the moment) are Starfox Adventures and Metroid Prime: Corruption. And both games were developed by non japanese developers. Interesting thoughts. What voice acting would feature a Zelda game? I think japanese. Because it is an franchise developed personally by Nintendo (and come to think of it, Mario too is officially developed by Nintendo).


Hero of Time
Jan 30, 2011
Not to mention as much of a great game Metroid: Other M was, the voice acting was pretty BAD. Especially Samus'. They wanted to give her a personality, yet her voice actor was monotonous and robot like. So Nintendo hasn't had the greatest voice actors and that's why most of us don't want voice acting in the series.


May 21, 2011
Oh never played the game properly. The sounds in the Zelda games (including Links sounds, Navis Hey! Listen! and Midnas gibberish and moaning) came from japanese voice actors. Unlike the sounds in Mario. These feature american voice actors. Japanese voice acting is always better. That's my opinion. Anime Nerd.

Midna's Moans and Groans and Navi's voice were probably the best. but i may like Anime, but i didn't get teh nick from anime. i got it from Okami.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
As someone mentioned, Oblivion has a mute main character, and there's still voice acting. So I think it can be done.

Oblivion is an RPG, though. Generally RPG's are gonna have all the other people talk, while you decide your character's lines. This usually determines what happens next in the game. Basically, RPG's are generally very true to how life works. Not all, like Pokemon and Fire Emblem, but the majority of them are like that. All that said, if Zelda were to become an RPG, it wouldn't be Zelda anymore. (Not to mention how many fans would freak. Oh, man, imagine Nintendo's mailbox...)

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
Midna's Moans and Groans and Navi's voice were probably the best. but i may like Anime, but i didn't get teh nick from anime. i got it from Okami.

Oh, with Anime Nerd, I was talking of me :D
Okami is a great game. I mean both games.

All that said, if Zelda were to become an RPG, it wouldn't be Zelda anymore.

The perfect example is the Resident Evil Series. Capcom wants changes. So new gamer could join the game more easily. The whole franchise is some kind of ruined now. They have to go back to basics. I hope Nintendo is smart enough not to turn Zelda into an RPG styled game again (like The Adventures of Link). Same goes for a voice actor of Link.


Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
I think that Link should have a voice! If it's done right (which I'm sure Nintendo will do), it'll be like a movie in that sense and bring him to life more than ever. I think it's awkward when everyone around him's talking and he's not...

Azure Sage

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I think that Link should have a voice! If it's done right (which I'm sure Nintendo will do), it'll be like a movie in that sense and bring him to life more than ever. I think it's awkward when everyone around him's talking and he's not...

I completely agree with you. Although, I don't think voice acting is right for Zelda. I just want Link to have dialogue (boxes). I'll be perfectly happy with that.


Hero of…. #s, I guess
Mar 22, 2011
If Link speaks, I will never forgive Nintendo.

Seriously, the "Link" between the player and the game? Skyward Sword will be about taking the Link to the next level, with fully immersive motion controls.

If Link speaks, he has an opinion on things, which is not good, because if he has an opinion, you don't. Link is the first character who I've ever felt like was an extension of myself, as opposed to controlling a pre-established character with a different personality from me.

Current Way:
Midna: We need to go to the Gerudo Desert to find the Mirror of Twilight
(Link nods to indicate that he heard her)
Me: Lalalala playing mini games... Finding Poe Souls... Fishing...

With Link having a voice:
Midna: We need to go to the Gerudo Desert to find the Mirror of Twilight
Link: Okay, let's go right away!
Me: No, stupid Link!

CDi way:
Midna: We need to go to the Gerudo Desert to find the Mirror of Twilight
Link: EXCUUUUUUUUSE ME PRINCESS. We're going to Telma's Bar. I'm so hungry I could eat an OCTOROK!
(I shut off the system, eject the disc, fly to Japan, and throw it straight in Miyamoto's face)

Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
If Link speaks, I will never forgive Nintendo.

Seriously, the "Link" between the player and the game? Skyward Sword will be about taking the Link to the next level, with fully immersive motion controls.

If Link speaks, he has an opinion on things, which is not good, because if he has an opinion, you don't. Link is the first character who I've ever felt like was an extension of myself, as opposed to controlling a pre-established character with a different personality from me.

Current Way:
Midna: We need to go to the Gerudo Desert to find the Mirror of Twilight
(Link nods to indicate that he heard her)
Me: Lalalala playing mini games... Finding Poe Souls... Fishing...

With Link having a voice:
Midna: We need to go to the Gerudo Desert to find the Mirror of Twilight
Link: Okay, let's go right away!
Me: No, stupid Link!

CDi way:
Midna: We need to go to the Gerudo Desert to find the Mirror of Twilight
Link: EXCUUUUUUUUSE ME PRINCESS. We're going to Telma's Bar. I'm so hungry I could eat an OCTOROK!
(I shut off the system, eject the disc, fly to Japan, and throw it straight in Miyamoto's face)

I understand where you're coming from. But just because Link says "let's go right away", doesn't mean, in the game, you HAVE to go right away, now does it?

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