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Least Favourite Game of Your Favourite Series?


May 9, 2010
Metroid is my favorite series(it's actually a tie between Assassin's Creed and Metroid...but I can't think of any AC game that I hated), the least one I liked was Metroid Prime Hunters, eh the game is good but...the controls are somewhat confusing. I love the Prime games(Corruption was my favorite)...but I didn't like Hunters I kept dying at some bosses because of the controls...

Legend of Zelda: I cannot say SS because I played bits of the game...I have some thoughts on it...but they are only temporary until I play SS all the way through...but I have to go with Phantom Hourglass...the game was short....

Kingdom Hearts: Re:Coded...I wasn't happy with it at all...KH is one of my favorite series(KH2 will take the favorite game of the KH series well for me)...but I really didn't get into Re:Coded...


Zoldyck family assassin
Aug 22, 2011
Your Imagination... Is life real?! Am I real?!
Tales Series: The Tales Series is my most fav game series. Out of them all my best ones would be Tales of the Abyss, Vesperia and Graces F. Least is Symphonia. I have no idea why, I just guess it did not suck me in as much as all the others.

Zelda: I have five favourites of the Zelda series, those including TP and PH. I do not like LA. Do I need to say any more?
Jun 16, 2011
A parallel timeline
My favourite series is The Legend of Zelda, with my least favourite being either Spirit Tracks (I just don't like the idea of a train in a Zelda game) or Four Swords (having limited access to it because of the multiplayer-only factor).

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
My all-time favorite series is Zelda. I love quite a few of its games, and still like most of them. But I hate hate HATE Zelda 2 with the fiery passion of a thousand suns!!!

I also really like the Pokemon series but, since I haven't played Black 1 or White 1 I'll say they're my least favorite of the series.

The first two Donkey Kong Country games were pure bliss, and Returns looks amazing, but DKC3 sucked.

I've really liked most Metroid games I've played but Other M looks extremely sexist to me so I'm staying away.

My view of the Final Fantasy series has been improving as of late, since I already love FF6 and am seriously considering playing FF4, 5, 7, 8 (yeah I know), and 10 now. But I really, REALLY can't get behind FF9, at all. At least with 12 and 13 I can say their music and visual styles are gorgeous, but I just can't say the same for 9. The art designs are the most off-putting thing to me (I really have a thing against furries) and the soundtrack is officially the first one from a FF game to actually bore me to sleep. I'm staying the hell away from this one, even if I'm giving the other games a better chance now.
May 11, 2011
Zelda: Played all of them. Least favourite is the adventure of link.

Final Fantasy: Only played 7, 8, and 9, but I adore all 3. Least favourite is 9, but it's still bloody fantastic.

Mario: Played most. Least favourite is super mario bros 2.

Sonic: Played 1, 2, 3, knuckles, and generations. Least favourite is generations.

Starfox: Only played 64 and adventures. I love adventures because it's like zelda, therefore my least favourite is 64, but it's still really good.

Donkey Kong Country: Played dk country 1, 2, and returns. Love them all, but I suppose my least favourite is the first dk country.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Streets of rage 3 - I think it's a lot better than the first game, but for some odd reason it feels like it has a bit of a different vibe to it,compared to it's predecessors.
The music wasn't as great in my opinion, and a lot of levels were plain annoying, like that pesky minecart. I didn't find Dr Zan that likable either, I wasn't to fond of playing a cybernetic old man.
But hey it had a playable boxing kangaroo. :D

Sonic the hedgehog 3 & Knuckles - I'm talking about my least favorite of the classic sonic games on megadrive, it would be far too easy to use sonic labyrinth or sonic 06 if not. :P
Once again I know it's better than it's predecessors, with more levels, bigger levels, and generally more fun and interesting bosses, I think the only reason it's my least favorite is simply because I am most familiar with the original two games and know them from the inside out. I also don't like the new sonic sprite that much compared to the older games, but hey no one complained about such a minor difference back then. *cough green eyes*

Donkey kong country 3 Donkey kong country was great, and then donkey kong country 2 seems like it really improved and I would say this was the peak of the trio. It seemed like DKC2 got everything right, the difficulty was handled excellently, things got harder on a smooth scale. The environments looked great, and the music was superb. So I suppose that may be why I found DKC3 the worse of the trio. It seems like it had a lot to live up to, and just couldn't do it. I wasn't fond of the new map screen, and some of the environments were quite boring for me, the mill levels had quite a repetitive look. I would of preferred to of had Donkey or diddy kong in the game, but instead we get a giant baby. I didn't find the character too appealing at all. I think if people were given the choice they would pick diddy or donkey anyday. Not many games comes to mind with a baby protagonist. :P


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Final Fantasy: Probably Final Fantasy XII. The gambit system made it feel like all I had to do was walk around to the next cutscene.

Wh-what? The gambit system was amazing! :kawaii:

Honestly though, if you don't want the game to be automated, you can turn the gambits off! That's why they made gambits, so that you could play the game the way you wanted! :P


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
Probably my least favorite game in the Zelda series has got to be The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords for the DS. It's very confusing and a bit complicated, but it's a great game. It didn't kinda got my attention.


What's Life Without Adult Humor?
Jan 13, 2012
Well, My favorite series IS Zelda, (that's kinda what drew me here to ZD), but I have to say, out of the ones I've PLAYED, I am not too pleased with Skyward Sword. I like the story and everything, but the controls kinda get to me. :sweat: Plus, I like the other ones just so much more :3

My second favorite Series... probably Kirby. And I don't think I can really think of one for being the least. :/
I think It would be Dream Course (I think?) though, since I have yet to figure it out. xD
(Only ever had it on emulator) :x


The Brony
Oct 23, 2012
The Untied Countries of Earth
Kingdom Hearts is my favorite video game series and I'll say that KH Coded is without a doubt my most hated in it. The entire story for that game consists of learning ONE THING and it's in such a cryptic manner that you don't even know what it means and then you learn all about it and MORE in a different game. RAGE


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Mass Effect 3
... for reasons that are widely known.

No amount of time will ever ease the butthurt over this. So bad it retroactively ruins the greatest video game experience ever (yes, even better than Zelda and my other favorite series... or it was, anyway).
... and that's only in the last ten minutes of the game, regardless of how much else the game manages to miss.

Mass Effect isn't "bad" and neither is Mass Effect 3, but Mass Effect 3 tarnished the series and it will never be the same again.

Mass Effect 3 is video games most devastating catastrophic disaster.

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