While I like all of the Zelda games, my least favorite would be the adventure of link just cause i couldn't clock it i alway raged at least 5 time for every time i played.
Zelda II : The Adventure Of Link
That game was too freaking hard. You had to go through many waves of enemies without any health to gain except for fairies and a health spell that most of the time:
- Were helpful, but you became to confident and died shortly thereafter.
- Were next-to-useless and you died shortly thereafter anyway.
- WERE useless in terms of dying on the way to get to them.
- Doesn't fully replenish your health, rendering it disliked in dire times of need because with tough enemies you can still easily die
- Wastes most of your magic; you're lucky if you can ever use it earlier in the game.
Idd have to say Zelda 2... just cause it's too hard..... im still stuck on Horsehead =P