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Latest Video Game Purchase

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
Just recently bought Cattails Wildwood Story, so far I'm liking it. It has a very interesting story. Pretty much hooks you in right away.
May 21, 2023
Tokyo Mirage Sessions on a sort of a whim, just remember watching some hours into it and being more impressed than I expected years ago but never saw most of the rest. Not big into Persona and have not played much Fire Emblem but it feels to me like it’s very much its own thing.

Also, bunch of decent Steam sales lately. Got the Voice of Cards games, also FarCry 3 Blood Dragon for like $3 which I never got around to back then. Was kind of on the fence with Harvestella, liked how it looked in trailers but didn’t hear great things about it to start, but it was pretty cheap here so I thought why not give it a shot. Ah, also, Serial Cleaners. Don’t recall what made me put it on my wishlist in the first place but looks fun and stylish.
Jul 20, 2016

I kind of worry not seeing this game really every acknowledged, but hey 13 dollars, and I haven't played it... so.
Jan 29, 2024
rather not say
mark of death the limited edition cause it was on sale at one of the pawn shops in my area so sure

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
Kingdom Eighties, the fourth installment of the Kingdom series.
The first three being Kingdom, Kingdom: New Lands, and probably the most popular of the series, due to its cameo in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Kingdom: Two Crowns.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
Recently just bought Mario vs Donkey Kong. Which marks the 53rd out of 84 game applications that are either retro ports, remakes, or remasters. That's if you count the applications with multiple games in them as one. If you count the games inside them individually, I'm pretty sure 80 to 90% of my games on the switch are retro ports, remakes, or remasters.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Thank you Steam spring sales, very cool. Busy with Hollow Knight and FNAF World atm, but this could have me set for the year with my gaming record. Just need to decide if I wanna take another crack at New Vegas or go to Skyrim.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Despite being knee-deep in Dragon's Dogma 2 I've decided to pick up a copy of the System Shock remake. It's been on my radar for a minute now and I decided to take the plunge after I spotted it for 50% off on GOG.

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