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Much More Than A Soup™
Dec 21, 2022
Maybe the real open border was the friends we made along the way (plz god don't let me get an infraction for this crap)


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
this reminds me that today a latino mechanic was trying to tell me about his animal that was clearly a husky by his description but he kept insisting that 'no its not that, its a canine' instead like canine was some other animal in the dog and wolf family


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
anyways we slayed tonight but now that i did my finances this machine goes in the closet again, keep sneeding
also i think i finally painted my nails properly it only took all evening


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
ironically when its just 3 people and not bowsette things remained pretty chillax. i think ive gotten a lot better at discussing things without roid raging at my opponents so that helped too
Eh, I think most of the worst MDers have left the forum by now tbh. I remember someone who accused Jimmu of wanting him dead for his political beliefs, which was one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen.

I think it's helpful when you can contextualize that most other people are (largely) people trying to do good whose experiences have lead to their beliefs and that at the end of the day the only things that'll change any of our minds about anything is more time and experiences. Trying to shame other people for their beliefs constantly only forces them to double down on them and learning from others is more productive than trying to get them to learn from you.

I'm like 90% asleep so I hope that came out coherent.


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
All I wanna say is that, the image I posted is heavily dramatized and could be lying in certain circumstances (but it is trying to stress a certain point.), sooooooo yeah, I didnt wanna bring it back up, without bringing it back up, but I am bringing it up, so there you go, it has been bringeded back up.

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