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The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
I feel like their absence has been a terrible blow to the community. Now Mikey, Archangel, and Dashing Darknut have left indefinitely...

(Off-topic @MightyMario , but do you live north of Tampa and Orlando? I live about 2 hours south of both cities.)
I live in Florida and that’s all you need to know.


glow sticks are lit
Nov 8, 2023
Hey there, fellow tech-sorcerers! Ready to dive into the digital abyss with the most electrifying, mind-bending operating system known to mankind? Brace yourselves for the wild ride that is ChaOS!

Picture this: You're at the crossroads of sanity and insanity, standing on the precipice of order and pandemonium. Welcome to the digital circus of ChaOS, where bits and bytes tango in a relentless dance of disorder!


Randomized Icons: Icons? Who needs 'em? Watch as your desktop turns into a kaleidoscope of confusion. Try finding that file named "Important.docx" now!

Spontaneous Updates: Updates? Pfft, why bother with schedules? ChaOS updates when it damn well pleases. Embrace the unpredictability, your computer is practically a fortune teller now! ️

Autocorrect with Attitude: Tired of your OS making you look smart? ChaOS takes your carefully crafted sentences and gives them a chaotic twist. Autocorrect has never been this sassy!

Multiverse Browsing: Forget tabs, say hello to parallel dimensions of browsing! Open a webpage and explore alternate realities with every click. Did you want to buy shoes? Well, now you're in a conspiracy theory forum. Enjoy the ride!

Emoji Rain: Express yourself with a deluge of emojis, because words are so last century. Every sentence deserves a downpour of emoticons! ️

FAQ (Frequently Asked ChaOStrous Questions):

Q: Is my data safe with ChaOS?
A: Define "safe." ChaOS believes in liberation – your data is free to wander the digital wilderness!

Q: Can I customize my desktop?
A: Define "customize." ChaOS believes in the ever-changing canvas of chaos. Your desktop is a masterpiece in progress.

Q: How do I uninstall ChaOS?
A: Uninstall? Ha! ChaOS doesn't believe in goodbyes. Once you let it in, it becomes a part of you. Forever.


Install ChaOS today and watch as your digital existence transforms into a symphony of unpredictability. Chaos is not a bug; it's a feature!

Disclaimer: ChaOS is not responsible for lost files, shattered sanity, or any existential crises that may arise. Install at your own risk!


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Welp, I went to Wamlart and Tagret 'erday after we went to a convention in Tampa...

'Nuffin good to pick up...
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