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The one and only.
Forum Volunteer
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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And fwiw, I'm no Elon simp, idk what my opinion on him is, slightly favorable I guess? I just think it's funny that people are acting like a site that's only been around for 17 years is some sort of cultural cornerstone. If he were running the government so recklessly, yeah that might be bad (not to say it's not already being run that way :shrugs:,) but it's something that hasn't even been around for 2 decades. Humanity will do just fine without Tweeter.


Apr 16, 2021
Personally I think this is great, there are too many people sitting at home doing absolutely nothing with themselves besides scrolling endlessly, maybe this'll help combat that. In fact I think more sites could benefit from restrictions like that, it can only do good for the people using them. Also people crying about him "ruining" the site is funny, like it's just a site on the internet, it shouldn't affect your life that much if there are some restrictions.
He just wanna ruin the site for the funnies, lacking compassion and care for others, while people are simping for a billionaire
Like I said, it's just a site on the internet, "lacking compassion and care" is so over dramatic. He bought the site, let him do what he wants with it. I don't use Twitter but from my brief visits from time to time he's made it a better place


The one and only.
Forum Volunteer
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Personally I think this is great, there are too many people sitting at home doing absolutely nothing with themselves besides scrolling endlessly, maybe this'll help combat that. In fact I think more sites could benefit from restrictions like that, it can only do good for the people using them. Also people crying about him "ruining" the site is funny, like it's just a site on the internet, it shouldn't affect your life that much if there are some restrictions.

Like I said, it's just a site on the internet, "lacking compassion and care" is so over dramatic. He bought the site, let him do what he wants with it. I don't use Twitter but from my brief visits from time to time he's made it a better place
Yeah I didn't even touch on this, but literally my first reaction to this was "Oh man I'll have to be careful to only check in on stuff and not just doomscroll on it."

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
Like I said, it's just a site on the internet, "lacking compassion and care" is so over dramatic. He bought the site, let him do what he wants with it. I don't use Twitter but from my brief visits from time to time he's made it a better place
I just worry that Elon is only the start of billionaires and corporations controlling everything, and doing scummy things in the name of “I can do what I want” instead of ACTUALLY helping people or doing something better, rather than doing shady business, making crap decisions, and being looked upon like they’re some gods that can’t be criticized

But so many people like Elon Musk care none about other people, and care solely about money and having their ego massaged


Apr 16, 2021
But so many people like Elon Musk care none about other people, and care solely about money and having their ego massaged
I don't think he cares about the money, because like you said the decisions he makes are not financially sound. He's just making the site he bought into the site he wants it to be, which he has the right to do because he bought it.
I worry that Elon is only the start of billionaires and corporations controlling everything, and doing scummy things in the name of “I can do what I want” instead of ACTUALLY helping people or doing something better
Spoiler alert, they already do. The difference here is that Elon is not conforming to what the other sites are doing. He's actually being less controlling of the sites users now imo, before he came along you could easily get banned for sharing an opinion that a mod didn't like. And what do you mean by actually helping people? I feel he's rich af and certainly should be using that to help people, but whether he owns Twitter or not doesn't affect anything else he may or may not do.

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
Maybe this is me, but I don’t feel like their should be billionaires, like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon, Jeff Bezos, etc

No one needs THAT much money. There should be limits on how much a person should get


The one and only.
Forum Volunteer
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
That take has always been goofy to me because first off, being a billionaire doesn't mean you have billions of dollars sitting in your bank account. That also takes into account your assets, what companies and whatnot that you own. Also, what are we supposed to do when someone becomes a billionaire? Take the money and give it to the government? I'm sure they'd handle it much better than any individual.

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
I mean, I just think we need better healthcare, wages, and stuff.

Where I live the wage is low, I know I won’t live off of it, but some deserve better for working there for hours, you know?


Apr 16, 2021
That take has always been goofy to me because first off, being a billionaire doesn't mean you have billions of dollars sitting in your bank account. That also takes into account your assets, what companies and whatnot that you own. Also, what are we supposed to do when someone becomes a billionaire? Take the money and give it to the government? I'm sure they'd handle it much better than any individual.
That's actually a really good point, I've always thought of it as a billion in cash. I think your earnings should be taken more into consideration than they are now when it comes to taxes, maybe instead of taxing wealthier people based on their assets like some people are asking for, tax them based on their income, which is already what happens, but at a much higher percentage than normies. Also, the government who's receiving that money needs to manage it a lot better before that has much positive effect.


Apr 16, 2021
I mean, I just think we need better healthcare, wages, and stuff.

Where I live the wage is low, I know I won’t live off of it, but some deserve better for working there for hours, you know?
Yeah we do. But ftr it's hella easy to get on assisted living, the government can help you pay your rent, I know tons of people who are on it right now. A lot of people don't seem to know that's an option

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
Personally I think this is great, there are too many people sitting at home doing absolutely nothing with themselves besides scrolling endlessly, maybe this'll help combat that. In fact I think more sites could benefit from restrictions like that, it can only do good for the people using them. Also people crying about him "ruining" the site is funny, like it's just a site on the internet, it shouldn't affect your life that much if there are some restrictions.
He’s being a major asshole about it though


Screw him

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
He’s basically saying “Haha I screwed up the platform I bought, isn’t that ironic?”

All the things he claims to fight for like “freedom of speech” and then makes decisions like this, which makes no one want to stay on Twitter. Freedom of speech but limiting how much speech you can see, like people’s parent when a single person should decide their Twitter limits, not Elon hiding behind his fragile ego of a child

No other platform does this

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