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Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
I wouldn't worry too much about hurting Mikey's feelings in debates, he's made it clear he doesn't really take other people's into account during such things so I doubt anything you'd say would bother him on a personal level.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Well what happened was Mikey was saying "Buy SSHD so they make more Zelda games and not more BotW, I'm scared" and Falch just said "that's not really something to be scared over, it's just a game," and Mikey snapped, saying something about respecting other people's passions. Which is a fair point, but you should be able to recognize how silly your passion may look to others. I'm the resident expert on this, my passion is cars going around in circles.


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
I read the convo, it was kinda wack
I think saying "it's just a game" is a lot different than saying something like "it's just a statue" to Michelangelo, Nintendo primarily wants to make money and games are made mainly to be played for fun over anything so the way he was looking at it was kinda weird lol
That being said I really doubt they'll change Zelda to be like botw forever, eventually it'll get boring that way


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
I read the convo, it was kinda wack
I think saying "it's just a game" is a lot different than saying something like "it's just a statue" to Michelangelo, Nintendo primarily wants to make money and games are made mainly to be played for fun over anything so the way he was looking at it was kinda weird lol
That being said I really doubt they'll change Zelda to be like botw forever, eventually it'll get boring that way
me and fig in the background trying to set up a smash battle like :finn:

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