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Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
We all know I'm the pinnacle of woke around here, just look at some of the posts I made when I was 16.
Guinea vs Bowsette is a debate I would pay to see ngl, as long as golf isnt the longest discussed topic


Staff member
for saying open borders are a bad thing
Ur pinging Bowsette but you can't even beat the hyper woke radical leftoid moderator

Why do you think open borders are a bad thing?

It's more advantageous economically ( (...) open borders would result in an increase of 67-147% in GWP) and contrary to what many people go around saying the criminality rate among illegal immigrants is lower (half as likely to be arrested for violent crimes when compared to US-born citizens).

The main reason underlying narrative I see is the fear of an ethnic-cultural assimilation, which is laughable since most illegal immigrants are just family providers risking it all to get just a bit of money to help their families and then go back home.

Weirdly enough, the US' whole history revolves around immigrants seeking a new opportunity to start over and, over time, its melting pot traits. So this behavior towards these people is extremely hypocritical.


Much More Than A Soup™
Dec 21, 2022
We were debating open borders? Huh. That's news to me.

In America, in order to gain entry and become a citizen correctly you have to go through a legal process. Why do I think open borders are a bad thing? Because I think law is a good thing to have.


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
Ur pinging Bowsette but you can't even beat the hyper woke radical leftoid moderator

Why do you think open borders are a bad thing?

It's more advantageous economically ( (...) open borders would result in an increase of 67-147% in GWP) and contrary to what many people go around saying the criminality rate among illegal immigrants is lower (half as likely to be arrested for violent crimes when compared to US-born citizens).

The main reason underlying narrative I see is the fear of an ethnic-cultural assimilation, which is laughable since most illegal immigrants are just family providers risking it all to get just a bit of money to help their families and then go back home.

Weirdly enough, the US' whole history revolves around immigrants seeking a new opportunity to start over and, over time, its melting pot traits. So this behavior towards these people is extremely hypocritical.
i agree w most of this but idk about totally open borders, the US cant handle the amount of people that want into the greatest country atm

perchance a better approach would be to overhaul and recreate the immigration system so you dont have to wait 10 years to come legally


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
i think the main issue w/ the border isnt that most people are dangerous but rather cus its like the #1 source of fent being brought into this country


Staff member
Another funny argument I see is that these illegal immigrants steal Americans jobs.

To disprove this one I'll use a slightly older document, from a study done by the US Government. In it they noticed the opposite: illegal immigrants often made the sectors they worked on boom, which led to more jobs for American workers.

"Our synthesis of 10 case studies on 8 industrial sectors demonstrates no association between illegal aliens and industries or sectors in declining business enviroments. In 5 sectors where illegal aliens were found to have an important presence, the demand for labor was stable or expanding. Three sectors that also had substantial numbers of illegal alien workers were shrinking. However, subdivisions within these sectors that had high concentration of international migrants, both legal and illegal, were found to be healthy and at times expanding. These resistant subsectors may have been bolstered by the presence of illegal alien workers."

perchance a better approach would be to overhaul and recreate the immigration system so you dont have to wait 10 years to come legally
I think one of the main issues besides time is how expensive it is to migrate legally. Most families are trying to get to the US to get some financial stability in the first place, so coming legally isn't really an option.
I do agree a large surge might stress some services like housing or medical ones if the country isn't well equipped to deal with it, but there's definitely more humanitarian ways to approach the issue.

In America, in order to gain entry and become a citizen correctly you have to go through a legal process. Why do I think open borders are a bad thing? Because I think law is a good thing to have.
You're avoiding the question, but sure.

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