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ZD Legend


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Speaking of cats, one of my coworkers told me there was a kitten in one of the corners of the shop today, said "just so you know so you don't get startled" and I was busy at that moment but about 15 or so minutes later, I went over there to do something else and he wasn't there. At first I thought it was a little baby but I talked with him later about it and he said that it was running and jumping around. I looked around now and then but I never saw it. I really wish I had tho because even tho we have no room to adopt another cat I really would have liked to get him somewhere safe and help him find a good home.
I saw him across the shop earlier today, he's living there. I wanna get him out of there but I'll have to come across him while I'm not busy.

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