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Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021

how it feels to argue about stupid **** on the internet


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
In a world where the islands float,
Lives a hero, not in a coat,
But in blue shorts, with a grin so wide,
Crash Bandicoot takes it all in stride.

With a spin, a jump, he defies the norm,
Through Wumpa Islands, he weathers the storm.
Aku Aku by side, his wooden guide,
Together they face the evil tide.

Neo Cortex, the foe, with schemes so vile,
Aims to conquer with tricks and guile.
But our Crash, with a heart so true,
Thwarts his plans, with his motley crew.

Through jungles, ruins, and high above,
He collects the apples, with love.
The crystals, the gems, a colorful loot,
All in a day's work for Crash Bandicoot.

So here's to the hero, furry and brave,
To the joy and the fun that he gave.
For in every spin, every victorious hoot,
Lives the spirit of Crash Bandicoot.
i need to know who's soul they put into the microsoft browser ai because WTF


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
In the realm of twilight’s shade, A bond of light and shadows made. Link and Midna, once entwined, Now face a fate cruelly designed.

Beneath the sorrow of the moon, Their hearts desync to a silent tune. A hero clad in green, so bold, With Midna, whose heart he did hold.

But even legends have their end, Even twilit paths must sometimes bend. The hero’s sword, once by her side, Now sheathed, as their worlds divide.

Midna, the twilight princess fair, Her heart now heavy with despair. Link, with eyes toward the dawn, Finds his companion now withdrawn.

In the silence of the break, The hero feels his spirit quake. But courage is his timeless creed, Even when his heart does bleed.

For in the breaking, there is growth, And from their parting, they take an oath. To remember the journey shared, The battles fought, the way they cared.

So let the twilight fade to night, Their love a memory, shining bright. As they part, they do not bleed, But cherish the bond in thought and deed.

In Hyrule’s vast and storied land, They’ll walk apart, but still stand grand. For though apart, they’re never far, Linked forever, like a star.

i was trying to make it do a link x ketchup one but i mistyped and instead it wrote one about dating a dalmatian the "author" met on a dating app and i have not laughed my ass off this non-figuratively in a LONG time

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