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The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Wow I'm gonna go to bed at 11:30 instead of 12:00 I'm really getting better sleep hours here
i both kinda like and dislike the way the splatcasts end in splatoon 3. i dont like how it's jarringly abrupt most of the time and it doesn't feel particularly natural cuz the conversation hasn't ended on a concise note, but on the other hand, i kind of like the idea that shiver is just totally cutting off the conversation with her "and thats it for now" because she knows frye and big man are about to go on a ridiculous tangent and she wants to get off the air before they do so...

but i wanna hear the tangent :goron:
my main issue with it is it kind of gives an impression that shiver got an attitude problem which i wouldnt mind per se, but it kind of puts her in the same trope as marie and marina as like the 'bully' of the group and i was hoping them being a trio woulda broke that boring dynamic that the past groups had

i mean they dont get much characterization to begin with so the dialogue is most you get, but i'd rather not have like the same personalities with different faces if theyre gonna give us new idols

they could have frye end the cast sometimes depending on who the last person to talk was and that might fix it. shiver is cool and she deserves better
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