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The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings

Been a while since one of these but everyone else was busy tonight so I just hung out here lol

i wanna do it too lets see

1. frax apparently
2. 5'4 (5'3 when glass half empty)
3. brown
4. also brown but sometimes red with gold highlights
5. yeet, older sister
6. occasionally
7. pfft
8. single (read: unavailable)
9. ace
10. bugs. also game theory when it overlaps with philosophy
11. honestly no idea, target or best buy or something i guess
12. time
13. plants
14. nope
15. not really
16. playin bideo games probably
17. i have a handful on my knees and the top of my feet from falling off the patio steps a few years ago, while barefoot. also i have a lump of graphite in my hand (:
18. i guess active zd friends for this? chev, darknut, meesh, goro, plink, twi
19. whatever day my dad called me a loser and took away my car last week i already forgot. cried on and off for the rest of the day
20. i do but i shouldnt
21. house centipede
22. whoevers playing? i dont really have a favorite
23. red
24. any flower my houseplants grow themselves. so proud of them. also irises are pretty cool
25. a best friend i suppose?
26. i dont really get jealous but i get discouraged easily when i see people doing so much better at life than me cuz im a mess
27. to get away from my dad ig
28. house fire or tornado and im unable to save my plants
29. icon for hire and bullet for my valentine have been pretty important bands to me since high school
30. melting - danny olson
31. none. unless you count that lump of graphite in my hand...
32. myself
33. whoever made this one must like shopping. i like browsing redbubble for memes tho
34. um... that im an old soul
35. that im an old soul
36. a zder by the name curmudgeon
37. greenhouse (which ive wanted to live in since i was a kid)
38. 23 is my favorite number, and it follows my best friend around everywhere so
39. in the us: yellowstone, grand canyon, redwood forests; also wanna see ireland, canada and australia
40. i actually love the day more but im always SLEEPY in the daytime. im more productive at night.


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
1. Ketchup bc uwo snash snothers
2. 5 3
3. Blue
4. Red
5. 5 of them, 2 older step, 1 full blood then a younger sister who is 1/2 ( they're all the same to me familywise)
6. Well I'm alive aren't i??
7. Irl that you all don't need the deets on
8. 6 bfs and 17 gfs (all are mothers)
9. Straighter then the pole ur mom dances on (tho I make exceptions for her)
10. Midlink (bad obsession don't do it)
11. Uhhh idk gayxchange or maybe whole foods
12. Heeheh scary image of Jeff the griller ooo ahhh eeee
13 cats
14. Your m
15 lonk (or liek Swayze when I was 15)
16 snash bros O.O >>>>_<<<< u.O and cuddlez :oops::oops::oops::oops: v.v :3333 (not really)(the only 2 dates I've ever actually been on were thru smash bros tho)
17 yeah
18 irl: kit caden + Kim
Online: you all + my old bro nat who I barely ever talk to but we were like best buds a couple years ago
19. Idk I cried like every night a couple weeks ago for no reason then one day I just stopped so idk what that was about
20. Lol I give too many
21. Cat
22 does Alex Bowman count idk I don't watch sports
23 red + yellow forever
24 roses (they taste so ****ing good frfr) /srs
25 your mommy <_>
26 no I don't give a ****
27 to have all my family and friends go 2 heaven
28 scary griller man picurw
29 abba
30 mmm angeleyes + boom boom boom boom I want you in my room let's spend the night together from now until foreeever
31 none umo
32 bradley
Or chev if messages here count
34 mm I'm a crazy dog bark
35 mm I'm a crazy dog bark
Prolly that I'm not great at things I love, to the point that I have trouble connecting w people in those groups, or that I'm rarely motivated to do the things I like to the point of almost having to force myself. Like I just don't have the energy , I'm happy when I do the things, but making myself do stuff that's not required is hard
36 my old friend, was also a tp fan, even read the manga, taught him how to play pokemon and we'd even play tcg over the phone. Sadly lost contact and have no way of reaching him
37 I think about jamaica a lot even tho I ain't know **** about that place and learned everything I know from the bobsled movie
I wanna be like the fat guy who plays pool and breaks the radio
38 212 has been for years, I see it everywhere
39 jamaica
40 day plz
Is your AC turned up high or sumn? I think some ppl are just more prone to being cold sometimes or sumn, I saw someone at the beach in a hoodie today
Yeah it is, I'm not prone to cold at all but a bit ago I was feeling kinda sick and being scrunched on the floor on my phone didn't do me any favors lol

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states

1:I don't really have any irl ones, but y'all all know me as Chevy/Chev/Chevs etc...
2: A cool 6 foot 3 inches :cool:
3: Hazel iirc
4: Short. I think it's like brown
5: 5 younger ones
6: A crapton of ice water
7: None
8: Single as a pringle and not willing to mingle
9: Male
10: Always NASAR/other motorsport, more recently King Dedede
11: Walmart lmao
12: The future
13: Doggers sure are poggers
14: Idk, uh nobody?
15: ""
16: Going to a NASCAR race
17: I used to have a cool one on my leg but it healed
18: Irl: my brothers. Internet: Ketchup, Frax, Darknut, Goro, MightyMario
19:No idea lmao
20: Uh, I guess? Idk
21: Y'all already know this one ;)
22: Kaulig Racing, Hendrick Motorsports, Team Penske Racing, Kansas City Chiefs
23: Idk, I like black, and gray, and gold are all neat
25: No idea lmao
26: Like, that I'm jealous of? Probably talented artists and people that get to drive any sort of race car
27: To be in some sort of physical actual car race sometime
28: State of the world
29: None really come to mind
30: Roar of Dedede
31: None
32: My mom iirc
33: Prety sure I already answered this one
34: I've been just pretty happy with myself lately, like I've stepped back and thought "Dang, this Dale/Chevywolf30 guy is pretty baller
35: Everything sometimes
36: It sounds cliche without extra info, but an old friend of mine
37: Anywhere in Texas, but somewhere out East that's more in NASCAR country would be cool
38: 30
39: I've checked the #1 place, Bristol Motor Speedway, off my list, so Daytona is probably my next #1
40: Both are nice
Don't feel like y'all have to do the answers I just like filling this kind of thing out.
Mikeysexual/straight enough
Today, Zendaya
Today, Chris Hemsworth
Board game night maybe?
It's complicated
Cloud 9
Lady slipper
Do something great
Do nothing
Brother in law
Sense of humor

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
1. None because I don’t like them
2. 5.1
3. blue-ish gray
4. Light brown
5. A great older brother
6. Orange juice, a real forbidden alcoholic beverage it is
7. None
8. Single
9. Straight
10. No obsession really. I just love doing things or love some things but I’m not really obsessed with anything
11. Uh, Publix?
12. Fear of something that isn’t there, falling, etc
13. Cats! (mainly because of that one in my house I post a lot)
14. No
15. No
16. Playing games at my or the person’s house, a favorite restaurant
17. No
18. Honestly, my mother. But also Frax, Chevy, and Goro
19. Last week
20. Sometimes
21. Elephants!!
22. None because I don’t watch sports
23. Light and midnight blue
24. Peonies
25. My mother
26. I’m pretty envious , I will say
27. To have a great future ahead
28. To throw away everything and live accomplishing nothing
29. Idk
30. HOME - Resonance
31. None
32. My friends at school
33. Already answered
34. Improving and becoming a better person after last year, having love in myself even if I don’t always show it
35. Me quitting or being selfish, absorbed in myself
36. My friend Madeline
37. New Orleans
38. 13
39. Belice, Greece, maybe Australia
40. Night
Last edited:


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
1. None
2. Tall
3. Brown
4. Black
5. None
6. I drink water, and occasionally orange juice, a real alcoholic
7. No
8. Epic gamer
9. Pan
10. KatMegaDurr.png MikeHead.png
11. hawt topic > :3 (Read: I don't have a favorite store)
12. Peoplethatplaybotwwithmorethanthreeheartsphobia
13. Cats, even though I'm allergic
14. Mcpopulargal
15. Mcpopularguy

17. My first memory of meeting a weeb
18. I got one irl, online Chevy, Frax, Darknut, Mightymario
19. I don't remember exactly
20. Yeah, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't given one so I try to give people a second chance
21. I can't choose! Birbs and buns it's too hard to pick
22. I don't watch sportsball
23. Beige or hot pink
24. Lily
25. Idk
26. No
27. A physical copy of YW3
28. I have a couple
29. Idk
30. Kill or be killed
31. None
32. I barely use my phone, my mom has to tell me to bring it with me lmao, so probably my mom
33. Quiz host! Keep it together! You're repeating yourself!
34. My skills at speed-drawing for ****posts I guess lol
35. My inability to handle strong negative emotions
36. Idk
37. Maple leaf land maybe
38. 4
39. Oh Canada oh Canada
40. Evening

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