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Game Thread Inception Mafia

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BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
So you are in support of one but you’re not actually voting anybody. Wanna fix that? We’re a bit short on time so we gotta get things going.

Same reason I usually vote for someone on day one Doc, you didn’t miss anything.

Could you elaborate on that reason? Genuinely curious and would be willing to join the wagon if I understood why the wagon is forming.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Ayano Keiko:
P1: Did a random vote on Karu and hasn't provided any opinions on anything.

P1: Joke votes Minish, quoting queen, then says he'll have to ponder the rules.
P2: Provides an opinion in support of D1 lynching. Grills Minish a bit on his support of a d1 no lynch. Votes me without explanation, but does note that his vote is serious.
P3: Continues talking with Minish about why D1 lynching is a good thing. Interesting that he casually admits to having a conventional role.
P4: Pings some low activity players and asks them to vote for someone very nice and handsome. :^(
P5: Tries to get a vote out of Doc. Interesting that Funnier forgot to mention Rag.
P6: Asks for why Rag voted for Ryu, which is reasonable.
P7: Understandably wants clarification from Rag. Asks for clarification from YIG. Presses me for my reads.

P1: Promises to post more later, alleging that acedemic performance is more important than forum mafia.
P2: Notes that she was planning to joke vote me, but the game got serious. I'm not sure if I agree that the wagons are especially serious yet because we're talking more about strategy than reads. Votes for a no lynch and asks for clarification on whether or not dying in a dream reveals role info. Her vote for a no lynch seems justifable considering she wasn't aware about the fact that role reveals don't happen in dreams—if they did, a no lynch might be the right move.

P1: Joke votes self and says he's going to read the rules.
P2: Gives his thoughts on the rules. Normally I'd see this sort of thing as a little scummy because it's an easy way to contribute without giving anyone any reads on you, but in the case of a game with mechanics these complicated, it's honestly appriciated. Ends with a no lynch vote, which I suppose is a good way to generate discussion at the very least.
P3: Don't like how you're trying to deflect towards Rag and Karu. At the time of making that post, I found you the most scummy of the three people listed. Changing votes quickly early on might sometimes be scummy (I don't really have much of an impression about this sort of pattern either way) but I was changing from a heavily jokey vote to a moderately jokey vote in my eyes. Going from voting someone as a matter of policy (Rag dying d1 is good) to voting someone for a mildly scummy play (RVS self-vote) is a step up, in my opinion. There's a misunderstanding about what Minish was saying (I had the same misunderstanding). More discussion about the setup.
P4: A thank you for clarification. Gratititude is a scumtell. :^)
P5: Clarification about how nightkills are universal and lynches only apply to the same layer. Votes for me hesitantly. I don't like hesistation usually (it's an easy way to avoid blame) but I can understand hesitating to lynch someone as charming and masterful at the game as me. :^) I don't think I made any sort of contradiction in my RVS meme votes, though.
P6: Agrees with Funnier that we should try to get a successful lynch D1.

P1: Confusion from not having watched Inception. Advocates a no-lynch. Talks negatively about our prospects of finding scum in a 48 hour D1.
P2: Tells a joke.
P3: Seems to be moving in the direction of wanting to go for the 4th layer of the dreamscape win. Important piece of insight is that "Dreaming God" is an existing type of mafia role, which I wasn't aware of.
P4: Clarifies that they were talking about a mafia (game) role, not a mafia (alignment) role, which I was also confused by in my first reading.
P5: Kind of waffles a bit when asked for what the benefit of doing a no lynch is. Provides a reason, but I don't like not being able to come up with the reasons they allegedy had when confronted about them.
P6: Starts waffling a bit more on the idea of going for a no-lynch based on the assumption that activity goes up.
P7: Asks me why I think the game is balanced to punish town for not scumhunting proactively.

P1: RVS votes for Funnier citing the fact that they're the only one scummier than him.
P2: Says we should lynch someone and promises to say who he thinks should be lynched after school (academics are a slippery slope towards a better future!)
P3: Says Rubik is the safest lynch and offers to commit suicide. I don't like the suicide offer.
P4: Calls EVAN for making a pressure vote, which I don't think is necessarily all that bad of a thing. Chalks it up to him being newer. Something about this reads a little off to me. Tries to use the mechanics as an excuse for not providing his promised reads.

P1: Says the game is deep and he doesn't have a grasp of the mechanics. Assumes things will become clearer with time and says that he doubts it'll be as simple as making it to d4 and winning which is fair enough. Speculates on roles moving people back dreamscapes and mafia abilities that can find the dreamer.
P2: Speculates again on abilities manipulating levels of dreamscape. Really pushing that angle. Voices support of a lynch. Asks funnier why he's voting for Rubik, saying it seems like a random target.
P3: Asks for a reason why funnier is wagoning me. Says he'd be willing to join the wagon if he understood why it was forming, which doesn't really give the implication that he cares whether or not the reason is a good one so long as there is a reason behind it.

[literally nothing]

P1: Points out how weird the "one roleclaim per day period" rule is. It's really weird. Really really weird. Describes a basic understanding of the game's mechanics. Votes Ryu.
P2: Says she's voting Ryu to lynch him.
P3: Gets more clarification about roleclaim rule.
P4: Says some bull about "the spirit of death" and the "spirit of enlightenment".
P5: Literally the least useful human being I've met in my life. <3

HylianEVAN [replacement]:
P1: Says he'll catch up.
P2: Asks why funnier is voting for Rubik with no reason. Votes funnier.

Bok Chan Sama:
P1: Gives Ragnarokio a warm welcome. :^)
P2: Clarifies some information about the setup.
P3: Bok asks what happens if everyone commits suicide.
P4: Makes a reasonable assumption that players are going to get seperated. Tells the dreamer not to claim, which I suppose is probably a good thing to warn players about when so many of them are inactive. Voices support of a lynch and treating the game as a normal mafia game until we get to D3. Keeps vote on Rag because Rag hasn't said anything yet.
P5: Suggests nominating a player to commit suicide.
P6: Realizes there's no difference between that and lynching.
P7: Gives clarification about roleclaim rule.
P8: Gives more clarification about roleclaim rule.

I did not re-read any of this so please excuse any incomplete thoughts. I prefer to have my thoughts in as raw a form as possible.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Ayano Keiko:
Only participated in RVS. Don't like this sort of playstyle, lurking scum is the least fun.

Mostly has provided opinions about game strategy and tried to get information out of players. I'd like to see more opinions from funnier aside from "voting for Rubik", which is not so much an opinion as it is a poor life choice.

This is not a great level of activity, but it seems largely consistant with her last game as town, so I can't really say it's a scumtell.

@Ryuken :
This isn't a read so much as a question. Why are you hesitant to vote for me?

I don't like that he wasn't able to come up with many reasons for no lynching, but I've got a mostly town vibe from Minish. I get the sense that he's trying to be proactive and also doesn't have the sort of stronger grasp of the gamestate scum might have.

You weren't kidding about being scummy. I don't like a single thing he's said. :^)

Seems pretty focused on the kinds of roles in the game which might be a way of breadcrumbing something or might just be a playstyle thing. I don't like that he's looking for a reason to jump on a wagon instead of questioning whether or not the wagon is based on anything sound in the first place.

@Stormageden747 :

Seems pretty typical for a Ragnarokio game, although I suppose normally Ragnarokio would be asking people irrelivant questions about unrelated topics.

HylianEVAN [replacement]:
Not much yet, but it seems like he's giving an effort. Gotta give some slack to a replacement.

Bok Chan Sama:
Mostly gives game strategy opinions. I'd like to see some reads from Bok before the day ends.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018

Ayano and Storma desperately need to post. I wouldn't oppose lynching either of them.

YIG is probably the most scummy feeling person with a halfway decent post count.

Vote: YIGAhim

I'd like to see Bok and Funnier give some in depth opinions about people's alignments rather than just the game design on d1.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Could you elaborate on that reason? Genuinely curious and would be willing to join the wagon if I understood why the wagon is forming.
I don’t really like to answer thattt I’ve done it so many times I figured everyone was familiar. It’s my typical day one serious vote for purposes of having a wagon in order to gain reactions and pressure target..
Rag dying d1 is good)
Could you elaborate on Rag and give me all the meta?
I don't like the suicide offer
Why not?
I don't like that he wasn't able to come up with many reasons for no lynching, but I've got a mostly town vibe from Minish. I get the sense that he's trying to be proactive and also doesn't have the sort of stronger grasp of the gamestate scum might have.

I don’t really have any alignment reads atm, I’ll reread in a bit and get back to you.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Also for those who have seen the movie, don't believe everything at a first glance, it's entirely possible that we're already in a dream (though I'm pretty confident that we're not) so when interacting with the games mechanics, think before you act.

Thanks, that's actually helpful to know. Any other things from the movie that might be relevant to the game?

Rubik is probably the safest lynch

Why would Rubik be the safest lynch? He's literally just someone funnier picked at random and you seem to be following that quite easily, without any question.

I hate these votes. Don't announce they are pressure votes like you basically did, just vote and wait for a response. Totally an easy way for scum to "contribute" without doing anything. However, it is also just a sign of being newer, so I will let it slide.

I don't think he was stating it was a pressure vote. He seemed to think it was odd that funnier was trying to get him to vote someone for no reason. Not necessarily a bad reason to find someone scummy, even though it's just funnier's usual behavior. Plus, there's no reason not to ask questions when you vote. Otherwise people can just ignore you altogether. Asking specific questions can get info out of someone that can be used after their flip.

Anyways, it seems like no one else is on board with the no lynch option now. I don't really agree with a Rubik lynch, since I feel like he's been contributing well and I haven't felt any scummy vibes from him. If we're going to lynch someone my top two choices at the moment would be Ryu and Yiga.

Ryu seemed to switch from his claimed d1 no lynch policy rather easily when funnier suggested the Rubik lynch. Within just a few posts he went from voting no lynch, to voting for Rubik and that was after just one of funnier's posts suggesting why a lynch was good and a call for others to vote with him.

Yiga also weirdly claimed that Rubik would be the safest lynch for some reason, and yet didn't even vote for him. That seems fairly scummy to me, trying to convince others that Rubik would be a safe lynch, while staying off of it yourself. That way, if he flips town you can wash your hands of it and say it wasn't your doing.

Vote: Yiga



No lynch on day 1 seemed like a good option, but now knowing that the role isn't really revealed it's not such a great opinion

Rubik is actually leaning town for me, so I don't agree that he's the 'safest' lynch option. We should maybe go for the inactive people that haven't posted anything yet?


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Unvote, Vote: Stormageddon

i like lynching inactive players


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
P1: RVS votes for Funnier citing the fact that they're the only one scummier than him.
P2: Says we should lynch someone and promises to say who he thinks should be lynched after school (academics are a slippery slope towards a better future!)
P3: Says Rubik is the safest lynch and offers to commit suicide. I don't like the suicide offer.
P4: Calls EVAN for making a pressure vote, which I don't think is necessarily all that bad of a thing. Chalks it up to him being newer. Something about this reads a little off to me. Tries to use the mechanics as an excuse for not providing his promised reads.
I said I'd tell who would be the best bet, which is Rubik, which I will explain soon

Actually I was asking why you said Rubik was the safest wagon.
Well, Rubik has been using a classic strategy of contributing almost literally zero, and the whole time has been talking about how the 48 hours will annoy him, which caught me as scummy. From everyone else, I don't feel as strong if any, or a scum pull

Thanks, that's actually helpful to know. Any other things from the movie that might be relevant to the game?

Why would Rubik be the safest lynch? He's literally just someone funnier picked at random and you seem to be following that quite easily, without any question.

I don't think he was stating it was a pressure vote. He seemed to think it was odd that funnier was trying to get him to vote someone for no reason. Not necessarily a bad reason to find someone scummy, even though it's just funnier's usual behavior. Plus, there's no reason not to ask questions when you vote. Otherwise people can just ignore you altogether. Asking specific questions can get info out of someone that can be used after their flip.

Anyways, it seems like no one else is on board with the no lynch option now. I don't really agree with a Rubik lynch, since I feel like he's been contributing well and I haven't felt any scummy vibes from him. If we're going to lynch someone my top two choices at the moment would be Ryu and Yiga.

Ryu seemed to switch from his claimed d1 no lynch policy rather easily when funnier suggested the Rubik lynch. Within just a few posts he went from voting no lynch, to voting for Rubik and that was after just one of funnier's posts suggesting why a lynch was good and a call for others to vote with him.

Yiga also weirdly claimed that Rubik would be the safest lynch for some reason, and yet didn't even vote for him. That seems fairly scummy to me, trying to convince others that Rubik would be a safe lynch, while staying off of it yourself. That way, if he flips town you can wash your hands of it and say it wasn't your doing.

Vote: Yiga
As explained above, he used some pretty classic scum tactics and that's about the most to go off of today. I apologize for not explaining myself better.

Also I was using my phone to reply, and it was super laggy and annoying so I figured I would wait, but then I had homework, but then I had to watch the next episode of Survivor, long story short I forgot. Seriously.

Alright Rubik.

Vote Rubikkkkkk


Conquer yourself
Jan 14, 2018
Ordon village.
Sorry about not being on a lot.

I’m leaning more towards YIGAhim, funnier6 and Rubix but I don’t have enough stuff to say why so ima wait for a bit then I’ll say


Jun 7, 2017
the present

Ayano and Storma desperately need to post. I wouldn't oppose lynching either of them.

YIG is probably the most scummy feeling person with a halfway decent post count.

Vote: YIGAhim

I'd like to see Bok and Funnier give some in depth opinions about people's alignments rather than just the game design on d1.
Here’s what I got so far.

I feel that compared to last game there a lot of differences that point to Minish being town and I’m willing to bet on them.

Also compared to last game I see a lot of things pointing toward Yiga being town and I’m reasonably sure about them. He may have been able to turn it around like that but I find the odds to be low.

As for you yourself I just don’t know since all I’ve got to go by is your scum game. (Would you mind linking a town game you’ve played?) and honestly since I don’t trust my ability to read you lynching you should be a safe option but you do seem to be at least a pretty good player and I don’t want to kill you if you’re town. So I’m in a bit of a dilemma. You wouldn’t happen to have a swell role claim that would convince me you’re town so I don’t have to lynch you? Still I would appreciate if you would find somebody you feel good lynching besides Yiga since I’d rather lynch someone besides him if I’m it’s not going to be you.
Thanks, that's actually helpful to know. Any other things from the movie that might be relevant to the game?

Why would Rubik be the safest lynch? He's literally just someone funnier picked at random and you seem to be following that quite easily, without any question.

I don't think he was stating it was a pressure vote. He seemed to think it was odd that funnier was trying to get him to vote someone for no reason. Not necessarily a bad reason to find someone scummy, even though it's just funnier's usual behavior. Plus, there's no reason not to ask questions when you vote. Otherwise people can just ignore you altogether. Asking specific questions can get info out of someone that can be used after their flip.

Anyways, it seems like no one else is on board with the no lynch option now. I don't really agree with a Rubik lynch, since I feel like he's been contributing well and I haven't felt any scummy vibes from him. If we're going to lynch someone my top two choices at the moment would be Ryu and Yiga.

Ryu seemed to switch from his claimed d1 no lynch policy rather easily when funnier suggested the Rubik lynch. Within just a few posts he went from voting no lynch, to voting for Rubik and that was after just one of funnier's posts suggesting why a lynch was good and a call for others to vote with him.

Yiga also weirdly claimed that Rubik would be the safest lynch for some reason, and yet didn't even vote for him. That seems fairly scummy to me, trying to convince others that Rubik would be a safe lynch, while staying off of it yourself. That way, if he flips town you can wash your hands of it and say it wasn't your doing.

Vote: Yiga
How do you really feel about Yiga Ryu and Rubik? I mean, you found Yiga scummy last game but kinda tried to hide it but do you really see the same kind of scumminess here? Ryu purposely tried to be scummy last game but can you really explain in depth what’s different from his normal play style? I’m not sure, but I think you found Rubik town last game, are you seeing that same kind of towniness or are you seeing a different kind of towniness? Need the deep thoughts to help out my deep thoughts.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Well, Rubik has been using a classic strategy of contributing almost literally zero, and the whole time has been talking about how the 48 hours will annoy him, which caught me as scummy. From everyone else, I don't feel as strong if any, or a scum pull

I disagree with that. I feel like Rubik has been contributing more than a lot of people here. Especially seeing as it's day 1 and he's a newer player.

How do you really feel about Yiga Ryu and Rubik? I mean, you found Yiga scummy last game but kinda tried to hide it but do you really see the same kind of scumminess here? Ryu purposely tried to be scummy last game but can you really explain in depth what’s different from his normal play style? I’m not sure, but I think you found Rubik town last game, are you seeing that same kind of towniness or are you seeing a different kind of towniness? Need the deep thoughts to help out my deep thoughts.

Well last game I was scum and was using a bit of strategy for not voting Yiga day 1. I do see the same sort of scumminess here, but I always see Yiga as scummy so I guess that's not say a whole lot. He does seem to try to switch up his playstyles when he loses as scum, so I could see him trying to look like he's contributing more this time, without actually doing his own work. Like following you on voting for Rubik, and when he was asked why he felt he was the safe lynch, providing a reason that I don't think holds much water.

Ryu's suspicious mostly for his complete turn around on his opinion. I know that I was originally advocating for a no-lynch and am now trying to lynch people. However, that only happened after I tried my hardest to get people on board for a no-lynch. When I saw that wasn't possible, I figured it'd be better to vote and give info than not vote at all. Whereas Ryu advocated for a no-lynch one second, and then the next somehow had his opinion completely changed by you. Makes it seem like he may have been trying to hide under the guise of always wanting a no-lynch d1 since that was a kinda big topic last game, but also wanting to actually lynch someone so he waited until he had an 'out' (your post explaining why a lynch is better and pushing for others to vote Rubik with you). I'm always a bit weary of people who will jump on a wagon so easily without any reason. Especially when moments earlier they didn't want to lynch anyone.

As for Rubik, I guess I didn't super read him town last game. I was only in it one day, and that was his first game here. Plus, like I said with Yiga, I was scum so my reads weren't completely revealing. I wouldn't say I have a town read on him yet either this game, but I'm not necessarily getting scummy vibes from him either. It's hard to say for sure since he's new here, so I don't know his playstyle well yet, but I'd rather not lynch someone day 1 who has been contributing a lot if they don't seem scummy.
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