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Ocarina of Time If You Could Live in One Temple for the Rest of Your Life Which Would It Be and Why?



thats a stupid question
or is it...

probably the deku tree unless u smoke or start fires or smoke thus starting fires you'll be fine:)


Home Grown Hero!
Jul 8, 2010
Yeah but every time you come home after a long day at work you have to dodge two pots flying at you ;)
I wouldn't live in any of those temples, even if they weren't monster filled. No bathrooms, kitchens or anything!
The Forest Temple at least looks like that at one time it was a mansion but it is a creepy place I doubt I could sleep at night. Maybe if it was all fixed and renovated?

Well I would choose to live in the Spirit temple. As for bathrooms...we always have those dark gaps in that room with the Anubises XD. I choose it just simply because of it's ominous nature. It feels so big and looks like a calm place.
Feb 23, 2011
Forest Temple would be my abode; after an EXTREME MAKEOVER, of course. It's just my kind of place. ...and did you know its construction is that of a large dome shape?! How cool is that! I'll be alone there and stuff, too, which is cool.

What? I like my solitude.


Tough choice, they are all so interesting. If I had to choose I would say the Spirit Temple. Just because it's atmosphere is so interesting and some of the creatures are cool. The Fire Temple would also be an interesting place to live. I just can't decide.


Melody Malone
Feb 14, 2011
Forest temple, I like the forest and the song you use to teleport there, I memorized it and I can play it on the ocarina in any Zelda game (With the ocarina), and I don't mind not killing all the monsters there because I'm to lazy and who doesn't want company at your house?

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