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I Just Got a Mace 0_0... What Should I Do with It?

Ruby Link

He who started the fire
Jun 28, 2011
I have no idea...
I've been begging my parents for some sort of weapon for self-defense reasons like a sword or some knifes, but they kept saying no... I literaly just got a wooden mace from them today and it looks pretty deadly. Its light, hand-crafted, and it looks like it could pwn some unexpecting robber. Probably kill them... Anyway, I think that this thing is just too awesome to let dust cover it while I wait for some guy to rob us so I can smack him on the head... What are your thoughts?

Here's a picture:
Wooden Mace 004.jpg


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
oh Lord dude... that's awesome...

and you should set up targets outside and practice throwing the mace it them. like target practice, but you know, cooler. ^^


Sep 20, 2008
Target practice seems like a good idea, but don't damage the mace! And I would advise not practising on humans. :P

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
I have many wooden weapons for the same reason as you If your curious I can give links to each product I got all the weapons off the same site.

I keep this under my bed: http://www.swordsknivesanddaggers.com/product/1607/Two_Handed_Wood_Training_Sword.aspx

THis is under my pillow: http://www.swordsknivesanddaggers.com/product/1609/Wooden_Training_Dagger.aspx

THis I just have because I'm a big LoZ Fan: http://www.swordsknivesanddaggers.com/product/EW-1176s/Links_Master_Sword_Video_Game_Replica.aspx


Collecting Dust
Sep 27, 2010
You could look up on the internet and practice a martial art, but whilst holding the mace! I have practiced tae kwon do whilst holding a stick before and you just need to get the angles on it right and it could be devistating! Or, you could buy a mannequin and dress it up like a robber for you to practice hitting, until you get the right technique. (Woah, Deja Vu)

Chainmail Tunic

You could've just made a flail by buying items from your local hardware store.
Buy the following - For just the material will run you about 30$
One inch dowel about foot and half long
One foot of thick chain
Eye hook
Biggest lock you can find
Friction Material

As for your mace I wouldn't use it because it's made of wood. If someone is trying to hurt you then go ahead but even to play with I wouldn't use it.


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
I want one. The wooden training swords and knives look cool. I want one. And a real bow. Get ballistic gel dummies and beat the ****** out of them! Or get Polystirene human shaped targets and have targer practice


Weapon of a Lifetime
Nov 2, 2011
I would advise setting up a situation and practicing. Say maybe your home. the phones are dead. A robber breaks in. Make sure to take cover and see if he has any sort of weapon. With enough training you should be able to disarm a club or a blunt object. A gun on the other hand is much different. I would suggest escaping the house or giving him what he wants, I think if he had a knife or a sharp object it's your decision between the two. Just my two cents.


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Dude, I say, do some role-playing with it. :yes: Go outside, ride around on your four-wheeler, and just hit stuff, pretending to be Link using his sword on Epona in Twilight Princess. :yes:


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
This is funny! :lol: I got a sword not too long ago (which I'll make a thread about), but I honestly don't know what to do with it yet. I'd say hang it on your wall for now and when you feel it's gathering too much dust wipe it off. Always keep it there in case that robber does show up and you need to protect yourself. Aim to make him bolt, though; don't kill. ;)

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