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Hyrule Warriors Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Azure Sage

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This is so funny but it's not worth 15.6 GBs of space on my switch. I was always going to get it physically anyway, but I'm probably not gonna miss this too much. Anyway, this implies the mixing and matching of weapons as well as upgrading them. Interesting.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Yes! I loved HW and thought it was one of the best Zelda games. It just had a great feel to it and they got the characters and nostalgia factors spot on. They should have included the story in the main series canon in my opinion, there's definitely ways to make it work.

I am glad to see they are taking the story of BoTW seriously now by developing a game to expand upon it even though they should have done so in the actual game.

This is gonna be one to buy for me and I am very much looking forward to the BoTW lore being expanded in this game and of course the crazy combat!


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
This is exciting stuff, I've got to say! I did not expect this in the slightest, but I think the Musou formula can fit the time of discussion when connected to BOTW. Large-scale battles and calamity all around can certainly be captured well. Overall, it sounds like Nintendo has a good fit on their hands! Ultimately, however, I don't know if I want to go after it at launch since I never quite finished BOTW proper (even if this is a prequel).


The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
This is definitely a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting anything like this, and I enjoyed Hyrule Warriors, so, yeah, I'm fairly excited for this. It'll definitely be interesting to see how things go story-wise.
Sep 5, 2020
I knew there was a strong chance Nintendo would make a 2nd Hyrule Warriors with the Champions (they're MADE for that game) but I didn't expect it to come out NOW, or that it would tie in so closely with canon. This is so EPIC, better than I ever hoped.
I can't wait to learn more about them and what happened 100 years ago!!!


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
I'm psyched. I spent over 500 hours with Hyrule Warriors on the Wii U, and although I didn't particularly feel like starting over from scratch with the Definitive Edition on Switch, I'm dying to play Age of Calamity.

One of the gripes I had with Breath of the Wild was the lack context behind ruined areas. For example, I would have loved to see Castle Town in its prime akin to Ocarina of Time & Twilight Princess. I have good reason to believe that this game will satisfy me in that regard.


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
As a HW lover it's great to see other characters included. Personally I think they should've made HW canon. It's a great story. I wonder what characters are going to be included in the DLC because I'm 100% sure there's going to be DLC content. Yeah Nov is very close :P
Feb 7, 2014
I don't have a Switch so I can't get it anyway, but if its going to be canon I'll certainly be watching for the story and lore.

Azure Sage

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Was looking through the trailer some more and I noticed the backgrounds in these parts.





You can see the interiors of the Divine Beasts behind them. These are absolutely their death scenes. I'm not prepared I'm not-

Also I noticed feathers popping off of Revali. He's wounded. He's-

help me im not ready for any of this

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012

This is so funny but it's not worth 15.6 GBs of space on my switch. I was always going to get it physically anyway, but I'm probably not gonna miss this too much. Anyway, this implies the mixing and matching of weapons as well as upgrading them. Interesting.
I hate this kind of stuff. Locking content behind digital downloads when the console isn't big enough for practically any if their games is a big "f you" to consumers. Here's hoping it's eventually made available later, or that it's just aesthetic and doesn't present any gameplay differences to other weapons in a similar vein as the 8-bit weapons from the original game.

Anyway, this announcement may have made my entire gaming year. I have spent countless hours playing HW:DE and still have yet to finish it, and I like many others have felt a bit like BotW left out a lot of story, so I'm really looking forward to this. It looks amazing and I really wanted a BotW DLC pack for HW:DE, I guess this is kind of it! Anyway I've been waiting for a HW sequel forever so thank you so much Nintendo for this announcement.

I'm excited, but also scared. We know the fate of these characters. We know what happens to the world. I don't know if any of us are ready for the amount of sad we're going to experience.

Azure Sage

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I hate this kind of stuff. Locking content behind digital downloads when the console isn't big enough for practically any if their games is a big "f you" to consumers. Here's hoping it's eventually made available later, or that it's just aesthetic and doesn't present any gameplay differences to other weapons in a similar vein as the 8-bit weapons from the original game.
The website does say there's a chance it will be available on physical carts as paid content later. I can't imagine wanting to pay for a soup ladle weapon tho....
Sep 5, 2020
Was looking through the trailer some more and I noticed the backgrounds in these parts.


Even though she's dying, she looks so beautiful.
Hope that didn't sound morbid. XD




Mipha looks strangely ethereal, like she's already becoming a ghost.


NOO, Revali's beautiful feathers are falling off!!!
It looks like night time in the background. As I suspected, this might happen shortly after the Blood Moon... Not sure...


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Akkala Citadel is a location, apparently it’s in the background of the shot where Darunia attacks a guardian. There’s also screenshots of an intact town.
Last edited:
Sep 5, 2020
Akkala Citadel is a location, apparently it’s in the background of the shot where Daryl attacks a guardian. There’s also screenshots of an intact town.
Who's Daryl? XD

The towns in BOTW look very European medieval village-like. Glad they're going for that more classic fairytale look.

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