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How to Destroy the 30 Charecter Rule.

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Firice da Vinci

Distinct lack of Leonardo
Jun 15, 2010
Renaissance Italy
Destroys 30 character rule to make a 100 character rule. In fact, I think I should post 100 characters in order to prove that it can be done with little to no hassle. Wait a second! I think I achieved my goal too early. I will make a new promise to break the 100 character rule by extending it to a whole 300 characters...oh wait. Well, like, whatever! :rolleyes:


The Seal has been Broken
May 18, 2011
The Temple of Time
This game is easy I don't even have to right a way to defeat the 30 character rule if I can type it in a minute but I am going to do it anyways I stab the 30 character rule which makes it double making it a 60 character rule so I stab that which makes it a 120 character rule wait a second I am making it worst crap I guess the only other way to get rid of it right now is to use EXPLOSIONS to blow it up. I win hahahahahahahaha
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