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How Often Do You Name Your Pokemon


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I VERY rarely ever name my Pokemon,and I'm curious if I'm the only who does so b/c plenty of people I know practically name every single thing they catch.Are you also like this?Or do you only name ones you'll have on your party,or whatever clever name you come up w/ on the spot or something?


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
You're not the only, I only name my pokemon if I think of a name that second i get it that I just have to use.

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
I name... about half of my Pokemon. If I have a specific purpose for the 'mon, I premeditate on the name. Otherwise it's a matter of if I can come up with something on the spot; sometimes I do a quick Google search for any mythological creatures that would fit (like Shamash for Volcarona or Golem of Prague for Golurk), sometimes i just come up with a random human name (like Paul for my Sandshrew).

If I can't come up with something, or if I really don't care about them, I leave them blank.
Nov 21, 2013
I use to do it all the time and thought it was brilliant but after diamond and pearl i got bored of it and now i refuse and hate it if any of them are named other wise, like i had a traded pokemon that i refused to use even though i wanted it just because it was named.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I go in spurts of naming them. One playthrough of yellow I think I named at least half of all pokemon caught. Then I named all my starters the same name which clearly worked out terrifically :S. Now I avoid naming them unless I have a name I really like. For instance I have an Alakazam named Ganondorf which is pretty easy to remember.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Don't know if anyone else here is a American football fan, but you've all heard of Peyton Manning, correct? He's making history as one of the best quarterbacks in history right now, and it's truly awesome to see him play.

I was so down in the dumps after the Broncos (Peyton's new team) lost to the Colts (Peyton's old team, it was super emotional and upsetting when he came back to play against them), athat I decided to name a Pokemon after him, haha. I NEVER nickname Pokemon, so it was a first. In fact, it was the first Pokemon that I ever IV bred to perfection, so I was very pleased to name it after one of my sports heroes. I also EV trained it to be a sweeper, with max attack and speed. In short, it's the best it could possibly be, just like Manning, haha.

By the way, it was a Garchomp, named "PeytnManning" because of the character restriction. Garchomp crushes souls, especially when it's bred perfectly. Be very afraid.


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
I use to give mine nicknames all the time when I was younger, though now, I rarely ever nickname any of my Pokemon.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
On a casual playthrough, I don't typically nickname them. However, if playing competitively, I like to show off my pathetic nicknames that I give to Pokemon.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I never name my Pokémon, and I don't think I have ever named any.
I caught an Oddish once and I named it Mr. Loler. :rolleyes:

I name my Pokémon sometimes, but not all the time. The entire first box of Pokémon I'd caught in X I named, but everything else after that I didn't really bother with. It's fun to name them, though, there's no doubt about it!

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
I've begun to name my Pokémon more often, usually having a theme. Last time it was video game companies, the time before was Final Fantasy spells, and now I think it's just gonna be a name swap. Lucario will be named "Blaziken" and Scizor will be named "Heracross" and such.


Is FINALLY out of school!
Mar 16, 2012
Foeba, my town in Animal Crossing
I name any of my pokemon that I use or plan to trade. I put alot of thought in to ones I'm using, but the ones I trade all have human names, like Alice or Brandon. I feel like if I dont nickname them, they'll just be another pokemon and not mine. Besides, IMO, its a lot easier to care about your pokemon when they have names.

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