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Breath of the Wild How long will this game be?

Feb 23, 2014
When I was watching the gameplay footage of one of the shrines, the people playing the game said there would be over 100 of them.That's not even counting the regular dungeons which will be in the game too. I am thinking this could easily be a 150 hour game considering the number of shrines and dungeons and the sheer size of the world that we will have to explore. How long do you think this game will be?


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
When I was watching the gameplay footage of one of the shrines, the people playing the game said there would be over 100 of them.That's not even counting the regular dungeons which will be in the game too. I am thinking this could easily be a 150 hour game considering the number of shrines and dungeons and the sheer size of the world that we will have to explore. How long do you think this game will be?
The E3 coverage took 5 hours to cover..... And that is 2% of the game...
So yeah... Do the math.
Only 4 dungeons. Very short.
what? The game has over hundreds of shrines that are of story importance.


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
Well, thinking back to when I first played Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword - I easily spent over 70 hours in each game just exploring, finishing side quests, and of course completing the main story line. The overworld in BotW is obviously much larger, with a lot more to do in it, so I bet your estimate isn't too far off. I could see myself putting over 100 hours into this game based on what I've seen thus far.
Jun 14, 2011
Well according to Aonuma, the length of the game is dependent on the player. Apparently once you've past the awakening part at the beginning, you can head straight to the final boss just like that. Aonuma said it's not the ideal way to play the game, but the option is there and it's not impossible to defeat the final boss at such an early stage of the game.

So basically you could complete the game in under an hour or so, or you could play the game properly and spend probably 100+ hours. obviously for 1st time playthroughs, you'll have to find the place where the final boss is first which would add more hours, but basically this game is pretty much do whatever the **** you like, when you like.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Only 4 dungeons. Very short.
When did they ever say this?

I imagine from start to finish with little sidequests going at a normal pace will be about 50 hours.

100% completion probably well into the 100s.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Well according to Aonuma, the length of the game is dependent on the player. Apparently once you've past the awakening part at the beginning, you can head straight to the final boss just like that. Aonuma said it's not the ideal way to play the game, but the option is there and it's not impossible to defeat the final boss at such an early stage of the game.

So basically you could complete the game in under an hour or so, or you could play the game properly and spend probably 100+ hours. obviously for 1st time playthroughs, you'll have to find the place where the final boss is first which would add more hours, but basically this game is pretty much do whatever the **** you like, when you like.
I did not interpret his comment to mean that at all and I HIGHLY doubt it.

Given that Ganon doesn't even start in his physical form, I'm fairly certain he meant you can do all of the objectives without going to a single plot point (those yellow dots), and do the entire game without learning anything or doing any side missions that teach you more about the plot. I do not think he meant you can walk for a bit and oh ho ho there's the final boss.

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