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Breath of the Wild How long will this game be?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Well looks like dungeons don't make a difference since you can kill the final boss right away so....technically it'll be the shortest game in the series.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Well looks like dungeons don't make a difference since you can kill the final boss right away so....technically it'll be the shortest game in the series.
Good luck with that.
Why don't you call me when you face Ganondorf in a pair of Boxer Shorts, a bow with 10 arrows, some sticks, and some Bokoblin clubs.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Well looks like dungeons don't make a difference since you can kill the final boss right away so....technically it'll be the shortest game in the series.
Please read my thread to see why myself and others don't think this is the case.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I really think you're overestimating Nintendo here. I remember when a lot of you guys were getting hyped on Skyward Sword's difficulty going on how we were finally going to have a hard game because "Omg enemies taking a heart damage!" I was skeptical then (and rightfully so) and I'm skeptical now. Aonuma's definition of challenging is different from mine, and I think he's underestimating our abilities again.


...Sorry, I couldn't resist. Anyway, as far as speedruns go, I admit I judge length by my own biased definition of "How long it takes to beat the main quest without using glitches or hacking". This is seperate from content, which I consider "100%ing the game". This is mainly because most players likely won't regularly 100% games if ever, so I judge the "length" based off the main quest.

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