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Ocarina of Time How long did it take for you to beat Ocarina Of Time. How hard was it?

Nov 28, 2011
The first time I played Ocarina it took about a week and a half. I just replayed it on Master Quest and it took about three days (meaning I turned it on three times over the course of three different days). I only died three times in Master Quest. The embarrassing part is that all of those occurred inside the Great Deku Tree.

I think that the game is hard as well, A lot harder than TP

Napping is a lot harder than TP. But no, yeah, Ocarina is pretty hard.
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Zelda Theories
Jan 28, 2012
It took me about 1 month with a walk through on the heart pieces. It was the first Zelda game That I beat with 100% score... Man, Good Times :)!
Dec 18, 2011
Kokiri Forest
well, i played it for 2 years, had a 4 year rage quit on the forest temple, then beat it in another year... so about 7 years it toke me...
May 11, 2011
Took me 2 days. Easiest zelda game ever IMO.

Master quest (3DS) was harder though, that took me just under a week.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I think it took me a month, but I could easily be wrong- it's at least a month though. I was 8, and I thought it was moderately difficult. I hadn't played a lot of video games by that time, but for instance I thought it was harder than Super Mario Bros. 3 but a ton easier than Link's Awakening. My second playthrough took a week, and nowadays I can beat it in under six hours. It's easier than brushing my teeth now.


Dawn of the Final Day
Sep 16, 2011
Gerudo Valley
this game took me 5 or 6 years to complete(my 1st zelda game), with a few months gaps where i was either: not playing because I just didn't feel like it. That really didn't happen many times. Or: I was stuck on a puzzle for months at a time. I started the game when i was 4 or 5 ish, and finished when I was 10. So it took me a long time. But I loved every moment of it.
Jul 6, 2011
A place
It took me about a year, but if I actually owned it, that might have helped. I had to arrange a visit(usually once a month) in order to play it. When I DID play it, I played it for at least 3 hours at a time.

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