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How Does Hyrule Celebrate Halloween?


The Oncoming Storm
Aug 22, 2012
Sacred Realm
How does Hyrule celebrate Hallween? Or, more importantly, how does Link celebrate Halloween? Here is what I would do if I was a hylian. Instead of a candle in my jack-o-lantern, I would put a certain fairy in a bottle and stick it in there. Not that I`m naming any really annoying fairies that interrupts you just to tell you how to open doors. No, I am not giving out names.(thefairiesnameisnavi.) Also, watching Link fight a vampire Ganondorf would be mildly entertaining.
(A Gampire!). And lastly hang bottled poe souls on my house. How would anyone else celebrate a Hyrulean Halloween?


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Halloween is spent at the shadow temple, chilling out with bongo-bongo. He's got some nice beats yo.
P.S this cannon information.
P.PS HH stated so.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Interesting thread.

Those rascal baddies always manage to cause havoc in Hyrule in Halloween. Antagonists from parallel dimensions even make an appearance. Majora, Vaati, Onox, Veran. You name it. They're all present. Of course the event wouldn't be complete with a Redead apocalypse. Toss in a shotgun and chainsaw for Link and one of the more interesting brawls the hero in green has ever overcome is produced.

When all is said and done Link and those grateful for his services descend to a dark cave and entertain each other through ghost stories. Link also boasts his wolf look to the ladies. Naturally, the naive folk are unaware of the presence of Poes in the vicinity. Faintly audible hovering sounds sporadically pierce the conversation.

I should write a fan fiction...


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
Hmm, good question. The people of Hyrule might gather in Hyrule Castle for an annual party. The corridors would be fully decorated, and perhaps there would be different booths and activites to enjoy, similar to a carnival. All would be dressed as their favorite enemy or hero. I don't know about you guys, but I think Link would make an excellent mime. :D
Oct 26, 2012
Party at The Lumpy Pumpkin! It'd be the perfect place. I can imagine singing Journey with Batreaux and Midna courtesy of Kina's karaoke, consuming copious Pumpkin Soup and Pie, exchanging war stories with that eccentric old guy who's always chillin' there, then watching a fireworks display from Fun Fun Island from in the pumpkin patch, in the midst of Starry Fireflies aplenty. And the best part is that if anyone has a little too much cider, a Loftwing will just swoop in and bring them back to steady ground. :)


Sage of Tales
... The chime on the door to the Happy Mask Shoppe jangled as a small customer entered the shady interior. The Happy Mask Salesman recognized the young boy in his distinctive forest-green garb. This was the little local "hero." Lyn...Linneas...Lincoln... Link! It was Link. The shop owner greeted him warmly. This child had been a frequent customer of his and was no doubt here to return one of the premium masks in exchange for borrowing another. Ah, he had the Gerudo Mask checked out. He probably wanted the Mask of Truth again. That piece was a creepy one...

The Happy Mask Salesman wrung his hands together and leaned over the counter. He could see that Link was as serious-faced as ever and just a little creeped out by his own perpetual smile. Such a serious child!

"Here is your Mask of Truth," the salesman said cheerfully. As Link turned to leave, he called out to the boy. "Say, child, are you prepared for the Shadow Night Festival? You may have forgotten, but it is mid-week next week, if weather permits."

"The Shadow Night Festival?" Link asked innocently. "I've never heard of it."

The Happy Mask Salesman gasped. "Oh, my, you must be a feral child of the forest! Here, in Castle Town, it is celebrated every year. It is most fun, young sir."

"What's it about?"

"Well," the mask-keeper replied, "It is a festival in honor of the Shadow element and in honor of those that have departed this world. The children of the town dress up in costumes and masks and follow the adults around begging for candies and treats." The man chuckled, "I'm afraid most of the adults do not like the holiday, since it gives the young people license to be obnoxious, but I do believe it is something everyone should experience."

"That sounds fun! Do the people from the farms come, too? I've got to tell Malon about this!"

"Might I interest you in a mask for the festival, young sir? The creepier the better!"

Link gave the Happy Mask Salesman a long look. "You must celebrate the Shadow Night Festival all year long!"

The Happy Mask Salesman's smile fell.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
By donning green tunics in honor of the legendary hero and wearing masks depicting redeads, keatons (named michael :bleh:), skulls, and rabbits. Then making for Kakariko Graveyard. The kids capture fairies and put them in carved pumpkins and everyone traipses all over the graves until the Poes come out and dance.

Playing the Suns Song is strictly forbidden since it ends the festivities early. :xd:

Dampe's ghosts pops out and yells at everyone to get off his lawn.
Aug 8, 2012
Seeing as hyrule is haunted everyday Link finally gets everyone together and they deal with the Stalchild apocalypse in hyrule field and then burn the bones in lon lon ranch. lol Free Milk for all who attend!


The Oncoming Storm
Aug 22, 2012
Sacred Realm
Instead of Majoras Mask, Skull kid wears a hockey mask. Of course, he also has a chainsaw. Stallord also joins in the fun. Do not forget the people of Ikana.
Jun 3, 2011
They don't, as Halloween is derived from a pagan holiday completely alien to their world and culture. :3

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