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Skyward Sword Hero Mode - How Many Times Has It Claimed You?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Or just sucking at it, like me. I have this horrible habit of mindlessly slashing in every direction like I'm playing TP, and for some reason I'm bad at stabbing in hero mode. I swear stabbing was easier in normal mode...

I also noticed stabbing is easier...NOT! Through several playthroughs I realized that I was subconsciously being more cautious with my movements in HM because no heart respawns and rupees are hard as hell to acquire. So maybe you're just being subconsciously cautious with HM as well? ;)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Rupees arent hard to get in HM...just hearts.
Potions ;)
Well, this is my first HM playthrough, so idk. Funny, for hating SS so much, you sure play it a lot more than someone who fangirls over it like me.
Yeah you might just be subconsiously taking the wrong moves on purpose, have you read something about HM that made it sound especially daunting? :O

And even if I hate the game doesn't mean I won't play it ;)

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
0, I don't have SS to have played it.

Question though, do you have to beat the game first play Hero mode?


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
Jade Fist: Yes, you have to beat it on normal mode first.

Ven: There are no shops on the surface to buy potions. I carry them, but when I really need them...there's no shops. Pain in the butt going back and forth constantly. And I guess I might be, after talking to my friend and telling her Demise was making me want to pull my hair out, and she said he's a lot worse on HM. Or I'm just not being patient enough to check the direction the bokoblin/lizalfos is guarding in before I attack. Probably a combination of both. And that's good that you can still play something you hate to death. That's what makes a true fan, you have your nostalgia and you don't always like everything about the newer installments, but you appreciate it for what it is: a part of the series you fell in love with as a kid. I'm that way with Spyro.


May 22, 2013
I have a tendency to either die by running into obstacles, falling down pits, or running into some non-enemy disaster after being damaged by enemies. That's usual how I die in Hero's Mode. Yes, I'm just clumsy. xD


Flamey-o, Hotman!
Aug 29, 2011
Halfway There
I don't know a count or anything, but I know it was definitely less than regular mode. See, I really sucked at the controls when I first played the game, especially the shield bashing thing (though I really liked them once I got the hang of it), so I died upwards of 15 times from Ghirahim's charges the first time you fight him, the first time I was playing the game. The second time, though, I was use to the controls and so the early death count was nowhere near the ridiculously high numbers of my first playthrough.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
SS thus far as eaten me ten times...
The rest of the deaths came from LMF; damn Beamos...

I also switched controllers (from PS2 to PS3) midway so that also makes sense. ;)

Eleventh death by a Moblin <3
Last edited:


birb overlord
Sep 16, 2011
Not even once.

Now, the first time I played Skyward Sword, I died at least 10 times; however, Hero Mode just... wasn't much of a challenge for me. I like the idea of it and all, but I think the only way it'd really give me a hard time was if I didn't pick up any heart containers. It didn't even feel like the enemies were any harder. Once I had learned the controls and how to defeat certain foes, I didn't have anymore trouble. I got into a couple of tight spots, (down to 3 hearts or less) but I never died on Hero Mode. :/


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Not even once.

Now, the first time I played Skyward Sword, I died at least 10 times; however, Hero Mode just... wasn't much of a challenge for me. I like the idea of it and all, but I think the only way it'd really give me a hard time was if I didn't pick up any heart containers. It didn't even feel like the enemies were any harder. Once I had learned the controls and how to defeat certain foes, I didn't have anymore trouble. I got into a couple of tight spots, (down to 3 hearts or less) but I never died on Hero Mode. :/

That's just it though...the real challenge is learning the controls the first time. Damage has nothing to do with it.

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