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Have you played through every mainline Zelda game yet?


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
All except for Adventure of Link, The Oracle Games, Majora's Mask, and Spirit Tracks.

Never played the original Link's Awakening and honestly won't ever be bothered to after the remake.

Adventure of Link I just have absolutely no interest in touching.

I would definitely like to play through the Oracle games someday, but they're not really a priority for me.

Never completed Majora's Mask. Started it in 2007 after playing through Ocarina of Time for the first time on Gamecube and got quite far into the game until I decided to complete the Kafei side quest which just got so tedious that I never got back to it. Definitely a game I'd like to restart sometime.

And Spirit Tracks just never clicked with me. I tried to start it up twice and put it down both times. I don't know if the timing was awful with me having just gotten a 360 I was more interested in, but I definitely didn't like the train mechanic which is unfortunately a huge part of the game. I would like to see it through one day as well because I do have very fond memories of Phantom Hourglass, so it's something that I've definitely been thinking about.

As for the multiplayer games, I only ever played through Four Swords Adventures. The other two were just much harder to get people together for, so I may never actually get to play them.
Sep 21, 2014
Out of curiosity, what made Ages too boring to finish, but Seasons not? I mean I don’t blame you either way but it seems weird to find one of them boring but not the other when they’re so similar.
Things just kept stacking up for me. I hated all the minigames, not one was fun to play. I love solving puzzles, but every task between each dungeon just felt so torturously directionless, and needlessly long. The end for me came somewhere in the process of getting into Jabu Jabu, and I just remember staring at the screen going "this is boring. I'm not having fun. I hate this." And I don't want to waste my time doing something I'm not enjoying, I have other stuff to do. The dungeons themselves were enjoyable, but they just weren't worth the slog that the rest of the game felt like.

Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
"Mainline Zelda Games". Sounds like a thinly veiled way for lazy elitists to ignore Four Swords Adventures. FSA is a great Zelda game. It's not OoT level but it's a Zelda game and, if played properly (four players), it's a very fun game, even more fun than any other Zelda game (in that emotions run higher than any other Zelda game). Seriously, I know I've said this many times but I've got the full setup to play on OG hardware with four players on five Sony Trinitrons. Anybody with the itch to experience the game the way it was meant to be experienced can get their butts to SoDak and I'll facilitate a game session or three. I demand you give the game a chance and eschew your narcissistic elitism! I guarantee not a SINGLE Zelda fan has ever had access to the full FSA setup with three friends begging to play and said, "Nah, it's dumb.". Be honest with yourself and other Zelda game: you've never had the opportunity to play FSA properly and that's what gives you say that FSA isn't a "mainline Zelda game"...

I know that text doesn't convey intent properly, I know this ruins it but just aware that I'm not seriously attacking anyone for leaving FSA out of their "mainline games" list even though I'm serious about how great the game is.

Also, I'm not a real Zelda fan because I haven't finished LoZ, AoL, or...*breath hold* ALttP. Or TFH or the OG FS for that matter. Or the Game and Watch or Game Watch games or the CD-i trilogy because I'm also a lazy elitist who gets to choose what a mainline games is. Like FSA and TFH, developed by Nintendo! Who gets to decide that they're not mainline games but also says that games developed by Capcom ARE mainline games? Proffer an answer or I will be forced to assume that you are simply the Casanova of the modern age. I'm the dude who was a real Star Wars fan back when Star Wars was still going, before 2012. Back before Disney started making fan fiction of the series. I hate that maclunkey is part of the series but the creator stick it in there so it's canon. Just the way FSA is canon. Lucas created Star Wars and his word is law in Star Wars, the way Nintendo's word is law in Zelda. I hate that Greedo shot first, I hate that I'm going to have to pay through TFH at some point, but them's the brakes. You don't have to like the game but I offer you an FSA experience the way it was meant to be.
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Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
just like to state for the record that I had a better time w/ Four Swords w/ my friend on the gba than I did w/ FSA w/ 2 of my other friends, link cables and all of course
it could've been the environment though, FSA was fun but those FS sessions just hit different

Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
just like to state for the record that I had a better time w/ Four Swords w/ my friend on the gba than I did w/ FSA w/ 2 of my other friends, link cables and all of course
it could've been the environment though, FSA was fun but those FS sessions just hit different
Really? I was a 3DS embassador so I got a hold of the Anniversary Edition but I've never gotten everybody together to play it. I honestly figured the randomly generated dungeons would take away from the "Zeldaness" of the game. I like the esthetic though, I really should get on playing it.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Things just kept stacking up for me. I hated all the minigames, not one was fun to play. I love solving puzzles, but every task between each dungeon just felt so torturously directionless, and needlessly long. The end for me came somewhere in the process of getting into Jabu Jabu, and I just remember staring at the screen going "this is boring. I'm not having fun. I hate this." And I don't want to waste my time doing something I'm not enjoying, I have other stuff to do. The dungeons themselves were enjoyable, but they just weren't worth the slog that the rest of the game felt like.
I had a super similar experience on my first attempt at playing through the game except I gave up before the Mermaid's Cave (one dungeon earlier). That's the point where there's a trading quest followed by the Goron dance minigame, and I just gave up. I started over and finished the game about 7 years later. The dungeons were excellent. This is one game where it would literally be improved by just cutting content out or making things optional sidequests.

My enjoyment of a Zelda game tends to depend on how much mandatory stuff there is between dungeons because in most cases this content is worse than the dungeons. Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Breath of the Wild have the best non-dungeon content of the series, and most of this content is optional in these games (the biggest exception is the Triforce quest, but I actually like it).
Sep 21, 2014
I had a super similar experience on my first attempt at playing through the game except I gave up before the Mermaid's Cave (one dungeon earlier). That's the point where there's a trading quest followed by the Goron dance minigame, and I just gave up. I started over and finished the game about 7 years later. The dungeons were excellent. This is one game where it would literally be improved by just cutting content out or making things optional sidequests.

My enjoyment of a Zelda game tends to depend on how much mandatory stuff there is between dungeons because in most cases this content is worse than the dungeons. Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Breath of the Wild have the best non-dungeon content of the series, and most of this content is optional in these games (the biggest exception is the Triforce quest, but I actually like it).
Yeah that stupid dance minigame, and the baseball one, were responsible for a lot of my "lost hit points" of patience before I dropped the game for good. They may not have been the straw that broke Link's back, but they could be called the ones that put me into the beepies zone.
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Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
Yeah that stupid dance minigame, and the baseball one, were responsible for a lot of my "lost hit points" of patience before I dropped the game for good. They may not have been the straw that broke Link's back, but they could be called the ones that put me into the beepies zone.
Really liked the baseball one but the subrosian and Gordon dances were annoying as crap.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Never played LoZ, AoL, the Oracle games and HH. I was close to finish one of the Oracle games but lost the progress by presding the wrong button in the save state. Didn't want to do all again so never touched it
Dec 6, 2016
Have finished all from the list. Outside of list is only the Triforce heroes, that i haven't.
And i think i never would. Played through couple of levels and realised, that this game is not for me. Same happened with these spinnoffs, Warriors and Cadence games.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I'm not really sure what it means to be a "main line" Zelda game, but there are a couple I've either never finished or never played.

1) Zelda 2. Honestly, it just comes down to how unfun I find this game. Only save states make the experience tolerable, and even then it never comes anywhere close to being fun for me.

2) Spirit Tracks. I kind of fell out with the control scheme from Phantom Hourglass, so Spirit Tracks just never appealed to me.

3) I've never finished Link's Awakening. I've played some of the DX version and later bought the the Switch remake, but something about the game just gradually pushed me away. I think with the Switch port it was just hard for me to go back to a "traditional" Zelda after spending so much time with Breath of the Wild.

4) The Oracle games. These I just missed. I never owned an original Game Boy or a Game Boy Color, so these games were kind of inaccessible to me. While I did later own a GBA, I never thought of picking up any OG Game Boy games outside of Pokemon Crystal (which I received as a gift). At this point, they're just a little too primitive for me to jump into.

5) Four Swords Anniversary. This one I did actually own on my original 3DS. Made an effort to play it, but it just didn't feel enjoyable without another person to play with. Unfortunately, I later loaned my 3DS to a military friend who dropped and broke it during a late night work shift. Since Nintendo is stupid and tied accounts to systems for years, I no longer owned the game. Couldn't play it legally even if I wanted to.
Aug 1, 2022
I haven't played (or at least not very much):
  • Wind Waker
  • Skyward Sword
  • Oracle of Seasons
  • Phantom Hourglass
  • Spirit Tracks
  • Breath of the Wild
The reason for pretty much all of these is that I'd more or less moved on from videogames as an active, regular hobby in the early 2000s. I got Twilight Princess along with the Wii in 2006 with the intention of it being my "last hurrah/ once more for old times' sake" for Zelda and long-ass-epic-fantasy-journey videogames in general. Ended up breaking that with A Link Between Worlds in 2013, and just recently played through the classic Zeldas once again on Switch, which got me busting out my 3DS from a drawer giving Oracle of Ages a spin.

Still, I have a hard time seeing myself ever running through a full-on 3D console Zelda again. I know I'm missing out on some fantastic experiences (and I'm not even sure if they're really any longer time-wise than the 2D games), but I feel like they demand a level of involvement that I can't bring myself to commit to anymore. You Zelda fans will have to keep carrying the torch for me!

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