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Link's Awakening Switch Have You Played Link's Awakening?


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
Played it ages back, and started replaying it when the trailer came out. Definitely one of my favorites, loved the story and the world/dungeons. I remember getting stuck in one dungeon where I had to defeat the enemies in a room in a specific order, and an owl statue told you the order. The problem was that I didn't know the names of the enemies he mentioned, and it took me like twenty minutes trying different combinations because I was determined to not look up any hints outside of the game :sweat:

Only major gripe I had was the item swap system. I suppose that's one thing to look forward to with the chibi remake, there's no way they won't remedy that.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Yes, I certainly have, and I love it! It's so unique, full of really fun and interesting characters and locations. The level design is top-notch, the bosses actually have personality, and it's loaded with Mario cameos. The music is good too, especially the obviously Mother inspired Ballad of the Wind Fish. It's just an all around great game, so I am definitely pleased to see it getting some love in the form of a remake.
Sep 21, 2014
Actually, something I'm genuinely curious about, is how many people have not only never played it, but don't know the main crux of the plot. I'm pretty sure that number is 0... which is very sad.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I've never played the original version honestly, only the DX version. I love Link's Awakening DX, it's high on my list of games, but I'm not sure if it makes my top 5.

Actually, something I'm genuinely curious about, is how many people have not only never played it, but don't know the main crux of the plot. I'm pretty sure that number is 0... which is very sad.
If 0 people don't know the crux how do you know the crux? If you know it that's 1 person.
Sep 21, 2014
I've never played the original version honestly, only the DX version. I love Link's Awakening DX, it's high on my list of games, but I'm not sure if it makes my top 5.

If 0 people don't know the crux how do you know the crux? If you know it that's 1 person.
Pretty sure you didn't understand what I said. But to rephrase, I'm sad that there basically won't be any people who will be able to play it "spoiler free" on the nature of the island.
Sep 21, 2014
yes b/c if I gave the remake to my young niece, she'd totally be like 'oh I already know the plot to this decades old game on systems I never owned'
I mean, she still might. Not sure how old she is, so other people might tell her about it. Or the advertisements that come out and say it. Or she might start playing it and look up every spoiler online because that's apparently fun to do nowadays.

But also, since my original comment and this are weeks apart, you can plainly see it was a question, a curiosity. Not an empirical statement of fact. So don't be such an ass about it.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I mean, she still might. Not sure how old she is, so other people might tell her about it. Or the advertisements that come out and say it. Or she might start playing it and look up every spoiler online because that's apparently fun to do nowadays.

But also, since my original comment and this are weeks apart, you can plainly see it was a question, a curiosity. Not an empirical statement of fact. So don't be such an ass about it.
my niece is about 8 who very much just plays games casually, I don't feel she's the kind to look up story synopsis on games online, even so, beyond kids, there's bound to be numerous switch owners who may have come into zelda through breath of the wild that probably don't know much about the older titles that would be interested in getting this game, so no, not every single person who's gonna play the remake is already familiar w/ links awakening

I'm only being this sarcastic about it b/c your statement just reminds me of the people who say "am I the only one who...", which obviously you're not making any factual claims, but your statement itself is still a hyperbole
Sep 11, 2019
Koholint Island
I played on the original GameBoy along with the original LA. Good thing I had rechargeable batteries back then and not having backlight was a pain at times.

I had played ALTTP and knowing the original GameBoy wasn't as powerful as the NES and that remains one of Nintendo's most impressive game performance feats on any hardware they had in my opinion. BOTW on the Switch was impressive but not as impressive as LA on the original GameBoy.

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