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Hardest Zelda Game?


Your Link to the Past
Jun 15, 2010
Hyrule in the winter, Canada in the summer
What do you think is the most difficult game in the entire Zelda series and why do you think so? Which had the hardest gameplay, most difficult bosses or was just a hard game to beat/play?

Remeber, any Zelda game can be mentioned here.
Last edited:
Jan 1, 2011
Legend of Zelda on hard mode. I can't even get pass level one. The enemies are a lot harder, the level's are more complicated and the bosses just are a pain in my ***. But I love playing hard mode soo much.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I would have to vote Adventure of Link as well. Terrible controls, extremely hard to kill enemies, poorly designed method of attack with a ridiculously short blade, and total lack of any direction given making it so much easier to get lost. While starting all over again at the very first palace after you die. Even among NES games this one was annoyingly hard. And the NES was well known for it's impossibly hard games (Karnov?)


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I would have to say Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. This is not only the hardest Zelda game in my opinion, but one of the hardest games every made. Unlike is most other Zelda games, this game did not progressively increase in difficulty, but rather just shot up in difficulty level around the Death Mountain area, then because easier because the difficulty did not increase much but your own statistics and power did. To go with the difficulty, this game was annoying as well, which gave it the sense of being even more difficult.
Jul 3, 2010
Definitely Adventure of Link if you are playing the game normally but if you are doing 3 heart challenge or something then probably the original LoZ.


Stardust Crusaders
Feb 15, 2010
Seasons in the Abyss [Minnesota]
I would also say The Adventure Of Link because you have no clue of where to go, once you get further in the game it takes too much time to level up, and to top it off you only have 3 lives and once you lose all those lives you start back at the north palace. This game is not painfull hard, more of annoying hard because of Link's short sword and difficult enemies, although the enemies have patterns, some are just too unpredictible like the Daria's and the Moa's. This game is by far not a bad game just a very difficult one, I would also like to mention the Cd-I games. I know they are not cannonical or Nintendo games but they are still Zelda games, these games are insanlly hard and just plain confusing. Confusing as in stuff just happens, and random characters are just thrown in. The difficulty isn't any better things respawn every where, rooms and areas just go black, the jumping is terrible, platforms are mixed with the backround so you jump on what you think is a platform but really its the backround and you fall into a pit.
-Tony Fischer :deku:


Zelda's Kid
Nov 15, 2010
AoL for sure, not in terms of puzzles, but in terms of how hard the enemies are. And they are really hard.


Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
Almost definetly Adventures of Link. I own 5 Zelda games and that's the only one I haven't beaten yet. Cheats or no cheats, that game should've never been released. It reflects badly on the Whole series.
Feb 19, 2011
At Home.
The legend of zelda ocarina of time, Because i get stuck all the time on the game and im not even close to done with it yet.

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