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Hardest to complete 100%


...I come back someday.
Nov 25, 2008
What zelda game was hardest to complete 100%
And what was the easiest.
I think hardest was Mm.
easiest: Nes Taol.
Oct 18, 2008
In my coffin
I think that Majore's Mask is the hardest Zelda game to beat 100%.
You have thee dungeons,and the sidequest(like helping people and getting all the masks).


The Geekette
Nov 25, 2007
The easiest for me would have been Phantom Hourglass, because the only real challenge would have been collecting ship parts - but because of Wi-Fi, there was no difficulty whatsoever with gathering all the parts.

The hardest for me would have been Majora's Mask. Not only did it somewhat boggle my mind at first with the time, in general there just were somethings that were actually rather complicating for me for a bit. For instance, the Gyorg was one boss that I felt was rather confusing at first, but once I understood what to do - it was much easier (isn't it always easier once you know anyhow?). But because of a lack of Wi-Fi (which I enjoy) Majora's Mask takes much more time collecting.
Oct 26, 2008
I would have to say the Hardest for me was MM because it was just plain confusing at first and it is not an easy game
May 25, 2008
In my house
I'd think a few people would actually say that WW is the hardest. I'm not one of them, but it's a very tedious game and some don't have the mind span to sail across an ocean for an hour.

I think easiest would be Phantom Hourglass, if I actually tried I could probably beat it in about 2-3 hours.

Hardest is still Adventure of Link. I'm not the best with the battle system on there, and just not good with how the game is set up.
Jan 3, 2009
AOL. I'm still trying to get past the death mountain maze.
Easiest would have to be...Twilight Princess. Everything was obvious.


The Real Master of Epona
Jul 10, 2008
The Name is E-Scope
Easiest has to be PH. The dungeons were so small and you could see the next room on your screen. After you found an island the name sort of gives away the secret to something. Although I did find some things to be somewhat confusing. Not much though.

Hardest has to be MM. Only 3 days is like what? And if you go back in time you lose all rupees you didn't deposit and all items for your items. The masks were fun to get but some were just hard. The temples were so big I got lost in them about 10 times!

Hylian Hobbit

Delightfully Delicious ;P
Aug 20, 2008
I guess maybe Phantom Hourglass because I don't have Wi-fi. I'm having trouble finding everything. But to be honest, I haven't completed any of the Zelda games 100% yet. But I've come really close on: OoT, MM, OoA, WW, and TP.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
I say Majora's Mask. I haven't really bothered to complete most Zelda games 100% besides OoT, PH, MM, and TWW.
Jun 16, 2008
New York, US
Majora's Mask, definitely. It had a ton of side quests and just the main quest was pretty hard.

As for the easiest, I think MC. Yeah, it had a lot of Kinstone Fusions, but it was never too difficult to track them all down. And most of the heart pieces were pretty easy to find.


Easiest for me: LoZ

Hardest: AoL

Personally, I don't care about completing games 100%. Collecting items gets really boring after a while. I don't know how many times I've started OoT with the intention of collecting all of the Golden Skulltulas, only to get caught up in the adventure and suddenly realise I've beaten a dungeon without getting them all. And then I can't be bothered going back. Maybe if I'm ever sick of playing the main adventure I'll aim to complete a game 100% and collect everything, but the awesome thing about Zelda games is their replayability. And when I'm not playing the main adventure, I like exploring on my own and stumbling upon things, and learning more about the land and the characters and things like that (i.e. Gossip Stones in OoT).

With that all said though, the main adventure of AoL is freaking hard. I am pretty sure I'd find it easier to complete another game, like TP or MM, 100% and collect everything in a shorter time than it would take me to beat AoL (and I'm saying that as someone who did beat AoL once!).


My mom says im cool...
Aug 29, 2008
The hardest to beat 100% would be MM, but the easiest to beat 100% would be AoL, think about it, the only hard part is actually beating it, and before you go to the great palace your gonna need 100% of the upgrades and items to even get thru there


The Dutch Kusagari
Oct 17, 2007
The Netherlands
I never completed a zelda game 100%. as long as i finish a game it's good enough for me.

Easiest: PH, I never had problems with the dungeons or bosses.
Hardest: Alttp. I'm playing alttp for the first time and I haven't been so frustrated about a game in years. I died at least 40 times in the three days i'm playing it. And those bosses make me go furious, especially that yellow worm thing. I'm constantly swearing, throwing the controller and being agressive. But i still want to finish it ^^

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