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Majora's Mask Hardest Dungeon in Majora's Mask


Skyward Sword Anticipator
Apr 27, 2011
Definitely Stone Tower Temple. Many, many things make it harder than Woodfall Temple, Snowhead Temple, and Great Bay Temple.

First of all, there's the whole "the Earth becomes the heavens" principle when you flip the temple. This practically makes it two temples inside one building. In rooms that had a floor before, well they're more difficult because you fall into the sky. Plus, all of the armos turned into Armos Knights, which are hard to defeat if you don't have the Stone Mask (or whatever that one's called).

A second reason it's the hardest is that the Mini-Bosses and Twinmold were brutal. Garo Master alone took me a few faeries to beat. Not to mention I still had the Kokiri Sword at the time :embarrassed: I forget the other mini-bosses name, I think it was Gomess. He was also rather formidable.

The third, final, and most simple reason is that it was the 4th and final dungeon, it was meant to be hard.

Even though Stone Tower Temple was a hard dungeon, it still remains as my favorite Zelda dungeon in the entire series. Not to mention it has awesome music ;)


Link's Hawk/Celtic Form
Jul 4, 2011
nobody knows
Stone tower for its length and the fact you have to use all of your items and forms and so many mini bosses and tough enemies not the temple boss though he was easy


Hero of Something...
May 21, 2010
Most people say Stone Tower but I think the Great Bay Temple is very annoying so I would have to go with that one.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
With one being the hardest
1. Stone Tower Temple
2-3. tie between Snowhead Temple and Great Bay Temple
4. Woodfall Temple

Woodfall is very straightfoward and there isn't really anything tricky to it so it's a distant fourth. The other three are pretty difficult to navigate I think. You may disagree with me throwing Snowhead in there, but I think it's just as confusing as Great Bay and Stone Tower to get around in. I'd say have to use my map the most in Great Bay though, followed closely by Snowhead. What separates Stone Tower in my mind is the numerous minibosses, difficult to obtain stray fairies, and the puzzles. I'd like to elaborate about the puzzles. Stone Tower sets itself apart from the other dungeon in the game by requiring you to use virtually every item and transformation mask in solving them. This forces you to think much more to solve puzzles as well as to just move from room to room. I can think of two instances at least in which you navigate a room as a zora first and then go back through the same room once the temple is flipped as a deku. It just forces you to think differently than the other temples do.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I always have a hard time answering this one because MM was my first Zelda game, I saw most of the first temple played before attempting it myself, and I've played the game so many times, the temples are all easy.

Figuring out the temple would probably be snowhead since its very easy to go to the wrong room and forget what you were trying to accomplish.

Fairy collecting is definitely the Great Bay Temple. I've had more trouble collecting fairies from their due to location than any other temple.

And actually doing, the events is probably the stone tower temple. (I'm always eager to say this temple cause getting there seemed like a temple itself). Inside even if you know what to do and who to defeat, it can be a hassle getting it done.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
Stone Tower wasn't all that hard for me . . . but I didn't enjoy Great Bay at all. Changing the water flow direction was a pain in the neck, and I often accidently went through the wrong doorway in the main room pool because the current was always pulling me around.

Also, you should probably make this into a poll, but that's just me.

the walrus cat

the walrus who was a cat
May 12, 2009
Easily the great bay temple. The varying water currents are confusing, each time you change the flow, its a shot in the dark trying to figure out if the correct path through the dungeon is open.

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